
Logical Solution to spy money/Federal Reserve Jew Inflation conspiracy. Revolution correctness here end sleeping with enemy Heil Heritage! Program AI I take out the Left, flooded with enemy





Honor the Grateful Dead

"Bill Graham Presents" http://wolfgangsvault.com

The Third Party

The Preface Page


Bob Weir of The Grateful Dead, 1995,
singing Samson and Delilah

My final solution to global warming is Ascend Climate Change. Bunker in, or Moon ship escape Wormwood 2029 red dwarf star coming straight up hit Sun cause polar reversal, if not before then Savior saves you.


  Dear God
The Logical Solution
Dictatorship Now!
From the Start it's been a tax conspiracy
I Am Your Only Way Out of Political Rule
The Masters of Deception
The Government Fix
  El Nino: The Last 1!
Ascend! If You Dare.
Cut and Paste disease from your body secret substance. Let me kill for secret knowledge installed into power represent racist majority of Americans who don't vote. The Third Party Default elected or citizens Write me In The Confederate Party counted a National Militia of Patriots, only accomplished by Military disposition. Where the corporate restricts my parameters I will have to read up on the greatest man of justice for leadership. Western government modeled after Italian government: Senators and Represenative's private interests I replace with direct citizen's rule by Tribunal, sort out views with artificial intellegence so citizens direct my leadership replacing the U.S. political system. IN support of our Patriots and Homeland I clear out foreign occupation. Tribunal here takes over Supreme Court system in my public checks and balances, on my radicalism and leadership, considering woman's views seperatly. America began White man running the family and State has worked throughout history will work now, back to White and right.

Hope the weather cool-down allows me to go vanish to my guide before WW3, or elected in November to Debt Defult end of the U.S. political system, to avoid the social and economic breakdown to four years of Tribulation to Portugal burn-up on the Sun, bounce on! Where if in 2024 put into power I hang all the lawyers and secrect society plus Mormons then break through current to mass side of gravity, many years flight to be programmed how to spell among other things on my list land rebuilt young on day in the past.

Every government profiting behind citizens backs supporting big Business are their citizen's enemy Left, gave equal opportunity indiscriminately to anti-Americans, anyone subversive to our way of life that can get in legally or illegally. Women colored and gangsters allowed in white man's secret societies allowed vote makes me the final solution justifies Third Reich U.S. government racist American ethnic-cleansing.

Never been in Military service, only made a Marine concede at chess could storm the past to take out British! But now U.S. Militia I assemble take care of Homeland. Military our Armed Forces take care of foreign threats. World made for War and threats of War to End of Time want to kill all the others until their race rules. If the Guardian knows the way I change everything in 1309, 1760, or 1952 Superman flight throw flexing. 2024 Premier suddenly US Force's racist War room I direct wave of mass murder refugees!

Planet X turned out only in a elliptic orbit up to Sun as its planet, means every planet is in a eliptic orbit as far as they got out to a sun out of Solar Jet. Where Earth's elliptic orbit intersected Planet X return run into a planet between Jupiter and Mars, and Mercury where Planet X blue planet shipped its superior race up to Sun now hides out around Sun spying on Earth the races and cultures hating each other I remove most of from American society and America for White American freedoms. All of the world states going to be run into by a death star in 2029. I build the Moon our escape. Military assemble Militias of every racist American, assult rifle ready us verses our enemies, laser secure our borders. Humanity destroyed, could live to 2029 Super Bowl. Planet X flipped other direction than shown. Government and Business I replace with Tribunal. Militia in 6 and 7 groups sweep USA take all Establishment turf and accounts. Majority, Pentagon back up my Military Solution, radical Right citizen's Forces racism destroy un-Constitutional un-American vote. Nationalizing profits of Wall Street I save us as a Nation win WW3 for our race restore our 17th century rights ethics of our Founding Fathers. Leftist transgressions Tribunal might burn at the stake.

My Dictatorship Now! Racist Majority a Militia Rule, to get things right verses the legal system only working for themselves and their pet enemies of patriotic citizenship. I am The Third Party, Power by the Default votes, The Confederate Party representing Racist America verses Business in control hiring all the illegals and colored since Clinton. Military power in the hands of politicians only serves corporate donation Business interest's for subversive integration and inflation, America's downfall. Large number of soldiers became homeless driven to desperation. Spy money made for Casino Chip business. My dictatorship solve that on labor skill level's Third U.S. Government, in silver and gold we eliminate White America's race threats. Racist America elected Donald Trump to serve Majority interests lawyer's blocked for Business. White Military forces throw out Business interest's Left failed Impeach Trump serving corporate Mob Rule Interest. I eliminate aliens in Police and Militia and Military sweeps the establishment. Duty, I overthrow our enemies National Debt system. In Power by Default I put power in White America's hands in Tribunal Democracy. Outside the West in Russia and China me in power verses the American Communist Party took over the Democratic Party for illegal alien women and colored voting rights, un-American votes verses racist Majority. While majority in the East resents their rulers dropping Marxism to get rich, might as well if they are all going to hell anyway rise up like Bolsheviks and Maoists in a flood of blood taking-out government, to run Marxism their way! While I establish U.S. Armed Forces fashioned to what is fair and profitable to us White's back to cocaine Cokes 5¢ and 1/10th ounce gold in a 1 to 10 skill scale payday. Free health care Third U.S. Government. Departments of Business publically-owned. Hang the rich and their legislator's control. Reclaiming the profits and taxation I cash in Stock Market BANK and Business, ending alien take over of America. Instead we earn dividends from profits of our industries my system of social-order. Tribunal install each State's choices through bloody Revolution. Military Coup hang Debt Default establishment inflation: Big Crime. Vaccines defend ourself against every deadly virus China can spread. Taking out secret society torture out secrets I inform us public a racist Force's bloodbath for Peace.

In the end another president was elected on November 8, 2016. Where polls netted only 55% of the vote for candidates. I represented the 45% as The Third Party I keep winning by Default verses candidates for President since 1996. I still won by Default vote majority in 2020, for Military Coup in racist majority Vote Default. Here racist Militia as part of Military Solution verses corrupt sociopolitical system we cannot reason with, has to die. Not even a billionare President had enough money to make a difference. I draw from a long history of ruthless role models against my own nature, for leadership. Peace and love not working in crime infested world wherever racial and ethnic differances vote against each other. Descriminate! Scrap racial equality and woman's vote, I accomplish the ends of racist USA. Trump's hands tied-up with lawyers. Military Coup I mobilize the Right, lynch all the lawyers. Build a wall? My Military Coup solution for national security we eliminate politician's lawyers the Left and all their illegal's and legal aliens vote women's rights Leftists in positions of authority and Media all across the country. Shoot to kill the opposition blocking everything racist Trump was elected for, to deliver us from. Where either Italians become criminals or they become cops, I only side with Italian Nazi Right Mussolini, Italian Police in our American Majority. Default vote verses candidate votes. Donald Trump, or woman candidate? Only my Tribunal Law will do. Gas out gun down institutional government in every State to Capitol Hill. Exterminate economic evils of greedy commercialism I take out all of it. Exterminate the system, dump to eaters establish U.S. National Company economy. Racist Cabinet useful for centralizing economy. Confiscate riches, train the job positions. Third U.S. government eliminates National Debt. Pay on 10 levels, with money metals confiscated. Print gold and silver cirtificates I purge out the racial division in America back to 1776 racism. Destroy or deport or run out our enemies and their women and children and security guards, private armies of crime scamming our citizens. Dump the resistance to eaters by my Tribunal Law. Increase farm machinery production to supply farmland with means to do without alien labor. I prosper all industry with nationalized Business resources. Train White America to benifit us Americans. U.S. Military provide Militia support establish my Third U.S. Government. I will manage Public Lands as of old. Cleansing America of our enemies I restrict woman's rights, except for the diamonds in the rough to treat as a lady. While the lot of spiteful feminist bitches we could go back to burning witches at the stake. Electing Trump President was putting new wine in a old bottle going to break, 2018 anytime soon, that will cause worldwide financial collapse, suspending Constitution in chaos. U.S. Armed Forces and citizens purge America. Revolution save us from illegal-legal aliens we racists eliminate for American values back in charge of Police and Military, historians and KU KLUX KLAN get us Right!

This is all about racist Majority Rule, public opinions to go by, dictatorship for the majority in Default VOTE Majority. Blocking Asian pandemics anyone in our way serve racism. Military rule like Napoleon to a King in power kill trillionairs. I am the law. U.S. borders laser guard us from pandemics. Militia take out politicians, chain of command responsible for National Debt. Third U.S. Government me imagine anyone with Pandemic in North Korea taken out to shoot just take vaccine Iran don't want. Nazi might as well fire-up Auschwitz kill virus aliens spread. World! National purge we restore ethnic purity of our people's USA.

No politician could be my running mate for President. Tear gas out Congress, gun down run out of town, none of them my friends. While state of America is controlled by organized crime media and lawyers like elect women and a Islamic black President invites in every kind of foreign enemy. Killer's crime let out of prisons stalking communities under political rule, against us citizens. My racist leadership the only solution, all our armed forces insurrection, patriotism revolt for White America. Fifty State's a Militia, I get democracy All American again! But for religion only need a key to reflect-on what you seek, I found. Or you seek to find your dead love by a Sermon on the Mount, in Area 3 of Eternity a Identity, where only the ascended save the living out Truth. I eliminate National Debt get everything back to White. Destroy or exile political and business interests, banking the National Debt Conspiracy. Global warming spinning within, and Planet X found only in ellipse up to Sun before red dwarf star, cause of red full Moons, until the last longest one before impact with the Sun. My leadership here. Elections are too late, a spy chip put in you if institutional politics Left is left in power. Racist Rule here is my leadership. Donald Trump was only patch on the system not solution! My radical Leadership the only solution for the martyr's against The System: Tribunal Democracy charts our rule as Rudder of State.

American citizens cannot solve our immigration problems peacfully. Only Military forces to the rescue. That could but does not need me to collect signatures to be The Third Party by legal means or a billion dollars to win in politics. Where evil has always controlled governments in perpetual corruption, taking bribes. France and Mexico did revolution justice, where Communist revolution failed to free the people with the means they had no control over. Yet with U.S. Armed Forces I take out corporate interest, enemies of White Americans, that devalue our money into their accounts and restrict us with their elected officials. That gave freedom to blacks and woman vote enemies, to make D.C. and other cities made slums to have to destroy them, fumigate or bulldoze to restore nature! Volunteers from France can chop the authorities heads off for hog feasts. Radiation from Japan killing off sea life in oceans, with still sharks to clean up on corruption in Revolution. Better than Europe use to do with aristocracies, took everything from them. Can the legal system at law in with other wealthy classes establish my Tribunal Third U.S. Government. Eradicating threats of Islam and Mormonism and other evil religions from United States. But Gogonzon enshrined privately to help reflect on answers to personal research, Buddhist Dharma being what you seek to know by vision. Plunder church and state for National Debt values and metal hoards I get war done right in Middle East. U.S. Government cannot get it right without me in power. Count all the red Moons since Moses a red dwarf star coming up to bounce the Sun away. Good reasons to break on through to the sea side of through gravity currents to friends there 90° away in the matter of reality to the past anywhere, to be safe from end of the world. Physics from micro to macro reaches all ages in Eternity focus by Guardian to lead the way, I wind up running racism in Early America overthrow aristocracy like in France and Russia dissatisfied with the system. May I channel forces form world Confederation seperate but equal with better strategy than Russia Molotov Cocktails blacks in 1970's Georgia. In power I take back The Debt to the people from the establishment in a shoot-out gas out and bombing authorities. Armed Forces Change of Command. Bulldoze alien D.C. and fumigate the Hill. Peaceful solutions are found out to be impossible against the rich and powerful controlling everything. Kill them all. Even in suicide if only way U.S. Armed Forces can take out powers that be. My mission in life is for citizenship principles agreed upon at Tribunal, we save First 2 Amendments. Restoring rights and freedoms of citizenship I eliminate blacks and leftist others take out lawyers politicians church and state shredding truth I trust values of our founding fathers. Rights compromised for profit, the authorities gains at the people's expense. Opinion might say kill them all back to our good old fashioned racist reasoning for a bloody Revolution do or die.

Enemies of White America I massacre by violent revolution in military takeover with racist solutions for White America. Just push lawyers politicians stock holders foreign interests off their "Fiscal Cliff" for all their wealth and property. Establishing my Tribunal Third Government. Sort out college scholar Leftists to slave kill or replace with upper classmen's Right. Police! Military! Militia! Revolution our nation's only way out of Debt Default a Citizen's Militia police and military back-up we take out crooked political and economic system business to business, position to position. Taking alien races and tribes for everything they have I void national debt rub out business legislation reduce U.S. population to only White Americans. Democracy by Tribunal! Can public enemy criminals gangs inmates for all their accounts and properties. I eliminate U.S. Debt over body of investment chains of command. My leadership of Police and Military arm and trian White citizens a nationwide Militia, offering us defenders enemy booty we eliminate a 100+ million subversive immigrations and Natives cleanse our homeland for peace! Canning enemies for pet food or export to grill elsewhere rather than bury. Arm White Hate crime out of prisons into Militia I cleanse us of Leftists. Treating our kinds brotherly in democracy teams against the deadly future White America eliminates bad from good for full Social Security benifits. Defend and secure our States for prosperity verses our national enemies. Weather getting off center every year from 9 billion more humans than 1950 1.5 billion. I will not wait around for 2025 phoney money anarchy and chaos to ascend. Only this page of paragraphs to edit. Whole souls, lucky no child was mine I get back to crossroads ascend again, spark industrial revolution socioeconomic corporation dividends for labor skills. We turn against color and gangster people in Coup d' issue weapons go racist berserk on legal illegal minorities known subversive Latin Hispanic Indian Native verses citizen White American community. Stores hired social threats.

Everything on Earth consumed by fire, after red dwarf star runs into the Sun sunlight knocked out. Since Moses a Red dwarf star light bending over sunlight around it, from behind it. College class confront me in a park, knowing star going to run into Sun thought only be a big nuclear explosion, bounces away. While Earth's core big as the Moon, movement under Scandinavia spinning west churning global warming tornatoes hurricans and Pineapple Express blasted 1990's U.S. west coast to 2002 going up like a bubble in water up to Arctic top thrusted molten lava pressure south melted a peninsula bay of Antarctica by under sea volcano eruption. Core reached Earth's top March 11, 2011, towards solar jet beginning of Sun 1 year ellipse December, 24, 2011. Japan Haiti Chile and New Zealand 6 months early for Short Count Mayan calendar near end of Sun ellipse to ellipse far end of 1 year ellipse Long Count December 21, 2012. Earth go through asteroids later on to gas if not bounced away by Sun. Maybe Jesus right about end of the world season it happened to Noah. End of the world earthquakes beginning in Alaska in 1964 prior to Earth's core broken off last 2 fountains of the deep in 1975. March 11, 2011, core of the Earth ran into top of the world bounced 4 more times after 9.2, 8.8 earthquakes and 8.0 followed by tsunami each. Earth fell over 1.5 or more degrees in each one until falling over in the Big One earthquake on the Sun to new fig leafs in Israel. Armageddon before red dwarf star hit Sun. Even if nuclear war Earth blows its top on the Sun. Russia's rich Putin dictatorship can't afford bomb capitalist pigs and Wall Street. Ukrainians run out Russians to Russia! End of the world coming up! Japan 50 thousand years of radiation melt-down killing seafood starving death toll. I solve U.S. race problem gangland corporate greed and Federal Reserve inflation rates, apprehend and destroy it I take back America. U.S. Military and Militia hunt down crooked political system and secret societies, can their secrecy. FDR politics and Business created fiscal cliff inflation, National Debt Default. Scheming government gasping for tax, kill it in it's tracks America! Bomb Rothschilds, digital money. Revolution! Mutiny or Coup for my Power by Default. Suicide missions avenge military loss in wounded soldier vengance missions take out Islam! Try convert me only made me reflect on outer 3 areas of 7 part Eternity, already seen inner 4 Area's of 2-stroke perpetual piston engine void for Universe to pop up expanding in Area 1.

Mostly only the rich survive polar reversal in sinister secrecies. Last 4 red Moons in a row warning a red dwarf star bigger than Sun hits the Sun. Earth's magnetic core revolving to where it ran into Earth when Moon ran into Pacific Ocean 2.5 billion years ago by star Sirius coming by destroying planets. Earth's core punched into Arctic Circle. Trump could not have engineered revolution like I have here. Election 2024 plan, anarchy and chaos if digital $ 2018 ends in 2025 World War. Citizen's rule otherwise in my Power by Default, phone at Tribunal. Public Service Fire Department and Police White American Armed Forces better off with me in Power to save our skins. Bomb and shoot powers that be, illegal alien's and all their cousins. Militia, Armed Forces take back old White American ways, U.S. government represent White America take out public enemies and aristocrats for citizen's share of wealth to work for, according to ability. White American industry built in bunkers for worst. Arctic ice melting faster and faster from bottom up, end of last Ice Age. In starvation weather American citizens profile enemies of our people to eliminate. Liberate White America. To 2016 95 countries visited here, China 100 spies in all. One of their military leaders attempted military overthrow of Communist Party corruption. Here my overthrow of U.S. political system, Chinese Communist Party got rich from U.S. industry. National Debt already over Cliff since 2018, feel inflation bite? Let me wring Debt Default out of political and economic system Estates & religion to lose all profit and property, as Parks. I ration citizens 2 houses and vehicles fill our needs fulfill co-op skills I chart my Majority. Command good-reason's for public choices, leadership.

The old history of wealthy classes ruling the people ends in my Tribunal democracy public enemy death toll. My Armed Forces action for good government, on automatic, elected since 1996, Military Coup for Debt Default profits to coin. Militia and police support our overthrow of U.S. government, take prisoners Search and destroy color gang land aliens I rid American turf of. Subversive immigration spoils of victory I ration out, in program American citizens live longer than 2029. Tribunal directives take all bunkers to recondition and expand and connect. Paying in gold and silver confiscated Americans together, in control of America's resources and future. My leadership Constitution here a National Community economy. Soldiers and civilians pick their summer and winter home from confiscated property. Gold and silver confiscated back paper with coin. Paying workers on 10 Levels of wages to school for. Use gold and silver in our devices for ship out of Moon to Neptune. As available homeland travel, living life plush for workers and homeland security. U.S. economy to far as trappers and redneck back woods swamp citizen goods to end in 2029. Temporary dictatorship. Tribunal public opinion charts align workers available to redistribute each to job community to work their talents. This has a better chance of selling to 1760, through JesusChrist, if I land there. Research and testing gun types with proceeds from movies and music I put together hardware and chemistry cures. Whole society to prosper fit into compatable departments of worker weekdays, weekends off or doubletime. The groups according to talent in industrial communities, cities deep underground pray Sun misses Earth, to Ice Age Forever. Raising radiation eating virus making protein raise beef chicken lobster goat turtle live cells growing meat and valued vegetables. Escape to Neptune with Moon underneath platform. God Motors on pivot center propel Moon! Gravity mass falling to gravity current image maintains bone strength, needs to be on a world expanding.

For the survival of our American Armed Forces of White America, if it wants to survive the biggest disaster to history needs put me in Power by Force, to void Debt Default digital trick money. I am the Default Vote Majority in presidential elections, since 1996 excuse for Coup d' for me to issue weapons to American patriots on the street, loud speaker. Kill, load out authority's crime and corruption system establishments for everything they have our forces can pick from, under cover of Pentagon Armed Force's Red White and Blue. Racist revolutionaries capture or destroy our enemy legal and illegal in with their "bro's", taking back good old fashioned Pioneer protocol in a no holds bared purge of society, for spoils of house and all! Bomb shoot and can the gangsters and aliens in a house to house cleansing, for shark feed. Usher out the present system of government in America for real democracy. White Male American national socialism, in a us against them concentration camp round up for public tribunals. Mint all their money metals. Soldiers train on the job all professional talents and labor skills. Student abilities to develop. Lawyers and politicians can for pets, ration their Debt Default booty. Limit wealth $1 million to $10 million lifetime savings. Free health care, with all the means nationalized. Labor wage potentials in gold silver on paper, backed in metals on deposit. Public enemy big game hunt! Ethnic cleansing, shoot on sight. American citizen's Militia, U.S. Armed Forces supported. Volunteer each a chosen industrial field for employment Tours paid in gold and silver to our Tribunal limits. Coup d' issue weapons. Police and military show us public enemies, where to bomb and shoot. Capture deport or to Farm, slaves. Our ecological body, everyone shares leadership influence. Here the majority might say feed our enemies to preditors, at farm swamp or salt water, the gangs of legal and illegal enemy Left. In population control reduce pollution. Recycle jail bar's steel for future deep in high mountains to life after Sun bounce away: City platform America on Moon, for cables up to shuttles.

Patriotic American extremists under U.S. Armed Forces direction purge America of our illegal and legal public enemies deport bomb and load-up political left bodies to predators. Americans train to make everything ourselves in America. Tribunal democracy instead of unions, labor lead industry and public services. Facing 2025 WW3 Debt Default anarchy and chaos, unless Military Coup back us White America in a racist call-up we secure all of our lands to ourself. At bloody Coup d' 'et at establishment dies. Gold silver economics we take gangster estates, Business. My Power by Default transitional dictatorship to Tribunal we chart our public opinion majority directives. White American opportunity pardoning White Hate crimes we put into Militia duty to kill more enemy. I have a tunnel entrance in the South where food cannot run out. Sun will destroy it if it lands on Portugal, Gardian drop me into 1897.

For years American citizens keep saying they do not like the way things are going in this country, where the quality of life for us is constantly getting worse and worse. When White American Armed Forces and militia must take over, even if only in suicide mission mass murders, for me to deploy to unknown county to apprehend authority and aliens cleansing America of our enemies. My Tribunal leadership arms every able bodied White American Citizen ready to take Liberty for America's profit and good. Taking everything from America's enemies in a us against them rockets and then road block's purge USA of leftist black and Latins, taking out non-Americans, their cousins Church and wealth. Treasury in underground fortified cities I conduct public Tribunals decide fate of traitor subversive and illegal. My Rebel Yell rid us American Citizens of all our enemies, confiscate stock market shares for business sent out of USA. Hang politic's and its women in charge issuing U.S. tax dollar housing to care for ethnic illegal aliens in America. Kill leftist media, anyone pass on wrong side. Serving White American needs I restore order in America to rebuild all industries to provide American citizens with all means and ways to save ourselves from disasters. Inner Earth people protected from gamma ray burst since 1975. Here I restore out of oblivion America ration enemy account break into mass antibiotic wonders chemistry course vaccine part origin, for a Guardian flight course!

No concerted national disaster effort before everything Earth is swept away in 2029, with secret scientist knowledge of where Earth's magnetic core is in Earth's top kept secret. Racist old-time American discrimination I save the day, deleting all the laws unfair to White Americans, I take every freedom and opportunity back. Throwing out some court martial verdicts in opinion majorities of soldiers. Hiring qualified U.S. citizens to 2 year tours of duty, to America's Company payday. The crime type fates decided at Tribunal, as directed. Citizens opinion decided locally influences nationally, all futures. Majority cancel political treaties politicians made American citizens do not want. Inflation, Debt Default. Gas out political system authorities church bank lawyers take all. I vanish not on martyr's suicide mission chemistry, high explosives!

Debt Default inflation, even if North Korea could bomb Washington D.C., lesser and lesser popular with us citizens. President Biden corporate agendas. Soldiers best storm the Hill to take out for White American Self Rule! U.S. Armed Forces with me in power all able bodied Americans against political and corporate crimes put racism back in control and hard money in our pockets and accounts. College best used to run the means nationalized, build cities into mountains fortified in case Sun misses Earth bouncing away. Kill the powers that fight back capture deport or kill leftists. World bad as overall Negative Gravity Charge current Allah repeating Universe sat down in Russia killed powers that be for strict control on the greedy evil human nature like Tsars and Putin Russia. Usually more police than ethics helps, or call 911.

FEAR THIS, Earth's core blown out Earth's top, Wormwood hit Australia, violent wobble Earth flip over on Sun fall apart destroys everyone on land and sea steam blow-out land collapses! Damned, not whole soul, to learn Ascend?

The safest place to be if "Planet X" orbited the Sun it did-not was in flight! Fooled:

The Sun parent asteroid. Earth's core spinning counter-clockwise began in 1975 northwest up to Earth's top in opposite direction from Earth spin, that hit End of the World in 2011 Japan tsunami, followed by 3 other hits in 2011 tsunami's, when Earth's core bounced west in vectors slipping fault lines hit Haiti Chile and New Zealand and Chili 2012 again, Earth's core bounced on 85° latitude hit end of the world bounced west under Siberia coast caused 2 big typhoons with 2 to 3 feet of rains and 10,000 earthquakes at sea amid 3 nuclear meltdowns. Easy for authorities to forget about after Earth's core missed sideswiping Earth at Yellowstone National Park during rising pressures up along an adjacent fault line. Core expanded rising up from lava pressure in Earth's lithosphere churning lava went northwest still going. Earth's bubble apparently took abrupt left turn to Arctic Siberia makes Earth dangerously top heavy spinning like a barrel on its side to Arctic Fault, spinning faster than Earth the Sun shoves out. Steam inside North Magnetic Pole over ocean inside the Earth turning faster. The bubble could get shoved out of the Earth west of Norway throwing Earth upside down like by a wrestler on the Sun, from sphere the size of the Moon turning in opposite direction to Earth spin since 1975 when the last 2 "fountains of the deep" were broken off, spun-off up to Arctic Circle flat top of the world. Earth's water-cooled solid magnetic core churning molten iron-nickel up against 85° latitude "global warming", melting Arctic Ice Cap, slipping spinning westward under Arctic Ocean. Five core sample's math forecasted 2020 for "The BIG ONE" earthquake, volcanoes blowing-up. 2029 run into by Sun warning 4 red moons, with shadow over Sun a red dwarf star the Sun bounced! Its brown dwarf star rises up, falls apart on Moon and Earth "Wormwood"! Ancient Egyptians believed only "the pure in heart" ascend to other side of gravity, did't know you don't need to die to get there. I still have tunnel entrance to the east where nourishment will not run out, maybe deep bunkered cities safe, expect Earth collapse if sun land on Portugal destroy Australia Wormwood fall apart on so Earth's core blow out of Arctic trap door.

Maybe I could take Federal Reserve Banking System and financial institutions with Military troops for all resources, to fund Military needs and government program needs of our citizens, secure our savings while setting up a National Tribunal System to replace the political system with our public organism, AI sort I present us with facts, ruling on all things considered. Give me support, because this is end of time for the Ages white America better make us all American if we want to live. WW2 not right in Italy to defeat. But Benito Mussolini fight against organized crime made him my hero. Don't forget metals dealers hoards and reserves to back notes supporting our forces and programs.

The Earth going to blow it's top below

85° latitude east of Greenland, west of Norway.

Download this polar map PDF

Long Count 21 December 2012, Short Count 24 December 2011. Sun ellipse out, back to solar jet

in 2011. All around Pacific Ocean Earth ellipse back to solar jet end earthquakes caused anarchy and chaos 5 times, a tsunami each. Global warming increasing faster than expected Earth's iron core size of the Moon filled with ocean under steam streatched Earth's crust 5 times its continental drift expanded has to blow its top in 2029 hit by Sun by red dwarf star. Long Count Mayan calendar from beginning of 2011 Sun ellipse end planets following the Sun stress vector tweeked Japan tsunami in four 2011 Earth catastrophies to 5th one in 2012, changed Daylight Saving time from October 15 to November 2. October my break on through Gravity current focusing Universe image, mass in a gravity current focus on gold in the ground in one of its bubbles to get this published in 1897 explain Polar reversals NORTH MAGNETIC POLE MOVEMENT to SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE MOVEMENT astrology to August 10, 3113 BCE, Mayan calendar calculation to far end of solar ellipse calendar end, destroyed the world in 4 countries in 2011 again Chili in 2012, Planet X going away from Sun, alignments. To radiation pouring into Pacific Ocean poisoning fishing for 50,000 years. Sun ellipse beginning end from solar jet December 24, 2011. To December 21, 2012 furthest from solar jet end. Earth swinging through edge of Milky Way Galaxy 2 asteroids blow-up over Russia and beside Florida crisscrossed in February 2013. North Magnetic Pole of Earth crashing into terra firma going to pop a methane gas fire burn up the world until Earth's oxygen for human survival is burned up in 2029. Red dwarf star swelled up bigger than Sun. Earth collapses if it's bubble blows out its top on the Sun bounced on Earth. My Third U.S. Government allot every American a share of the system's profits. Red dwarf beams all around Sun on full moons, no escape without security clearance? A earthly salvation verses mass expanding, Guardian at our Command.

Check the reasoning and facts, to see what is causing global warming spinning. 1975 Rome crusade released "MOVEMENT" Earth's core under 700° ocean cooled inside magnet, to be magnetic core of the Earth, growing bigger every time it hits terra firma. Planet X stopped Earth wobble polar alignment, burnt out dark star "Sirius" fathered by. "Red Dwarf Star" with brown dwarf star 3 times Jupiter mass collapsed star will do much worse in 2029 Wormwood. "Sirius B" the brightest star in the sky blue until 01/23/2006 by its tiny star I could see with my little binoculars white points off the white dwarf star reflecting white dwarf star white beamed this way & blue upon Sirius. But Red dwarf from 10 light years to only 6.5 light years by 2005! Sun with a red dwarf star catching up through Oort cloud aimed at the Earth and Sun. Asteroids in front and beside aimed at Sun and Earth. Methane ice melted off Sirius I saw an asteroid in front of, while reaching sunlight. A asteroid blew up over Russia and another over Florida Nostradamus said would hit Europe on 12/21/2012 was 2 months late. Comets melt and break-up in pieces if they get too close to the Sun, Wormwood passes! A red dwarf star red Moons 6 months apart Wormwood raises up breaks apart falls on the Moon and Earth, "Revelation", Kolbrin. The incoming New Star out of here. Planet X thus red dwarf star introduced. Planet size ship of refuge, our white dwarf doomed Planet 5 falls on Wooden.

Half-moon a tiny moon was eclipsing the 10th Planet all of 2006 to October that made it look like a bite out of the upper right side of the 10th Planet, June until the brightest star Sirius sat on Hogback September 23 but October 23. Sirius' blue to its lower left on May 1, 2003, the Sun's missing planet 5 "star". Planet X close as 21 million miles here from its Son, at its ellipse near end. But red dwarf star out of Oort cloud rises up to hit Sun bigger than Sun ellipse swells up 5 times it's size, pray misses us!

Above parent of the Sun kept secret denied exists covered up Planet X swing by line up opposite poles with Earth poles held Earth steady from wobbling nearly a month what authority secret society keeps a secret any connection to pit of parent star. That 02/19/2007 turned Sun poles around from its same pole going away still our closest star alligned poles to Earth, wavering cause Japan Haiti Chile New Zealand Chile again 5 tsunami's 2011-2012. Authorities with all their lieing legal system and educational system profiting from their scholarly secrets, plotting great riches for themselves, they can all swing from trees.

" Earth Systems Polar Motion Monitor

Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006

last discovery February 8, 2006

The Earth's Wobble Has Paused

What this portends, no one knows.


(ECB - February 8, 2006, MWM) For at least three and a half weeks there

has been almost no movement of the spin axis in the normal spiral track

of Chandler's Wobble. See an extensive analysis of the pause in the wobble

as of February 8, 2006 at the web site. It is also being sent to subscribers

via email directly after this Bulletin."




This has to do with the axis Earth's core spins on, the solid iron nickel bubble 27% diameter of the Earth's diameter entirely up inside its northern hemisphere rubbing on 85° latitude like a barrel spinning west off of Earth axis west to east end, that bounced off of Earth's top 4 times in 2011 once in 2012. Each quake tilting axis of magnetic core more and more to the west thrusting its momentum west bounced to under Actic Siberia, its axis' north pole west to blow steam out of its inner ocean through it's Fault flap in the Arctic spun up against Russia an Arctic Vortex streatching over Canada to New Jersey that Hurricane Sandy went-up through Chicago, spinning its equator on Earth's 85° latitude flat top end of it's solar jet end. Magnetic core continues boring west past Finland by 2024. Planet X coming by in 2006 close enough to see naked eye 3 bright objects in a pyramid formation out in front, to behind its White dwarf star's 3 sometimes 4 moons, a bright triangle that went to the 10 moon new Saturn planet end of October 2006 after the 4 moon White star sat. It's moon triangle next appearing at new Saturn's lower left end of 10 moons, year of the Chandler wobble pause, when star Sirius began going away, back to bottom end of the Big Dipper. 2006 August 11 and 12 two moons appeared up-close over Hogback 2 little red cresented lower left ended moons 5 mornings in a row. The 2006 Planet X magnetic alignment with Earth magnetism stabilized Earth wobble for 3.5 weeks of not wobbling. Earth's core up against 85° latitude spins on west under Arctic Asia global warming you haven't seen nothing yet famine Debt Default inflation human population time bomb to longest red Moon. Earth's core spinning against 85 degrees latitude faster, west until exploding through Atlantic fault line beside Greenland. Earth wobble beginning in 1975 when its magnetic core was broken off of the last 2 fountains of the deep, counterclockwise, into Earth clockwise spin, hitting Earth's top in 2011. Earth fault lines in it's crust caused by Moon hitting Earth, pinching off eastern Mancheria became Japan, punched Earth's core off center that crashed into Arctic. Magnetic core ocean steam inside expanding faster than Earth going to pop out Earth's top destroy civilization in 2029. Sirius A south pole to Sun south pole February 19, 2007, Sun poles switch places over night. Earth top heavy, core up in its top going for its Fault to blow its top! Blow-out collapses Earth to Flood on fire on the Sun, for all those that have to wait.

Earth fell over 1.5° east in every 8.8 earthquake or bigger to the Big One. Earth's magnetic core up to its top like a wrecking ball to it's flat top it hit 4 times in 2011. Planet X ellipse up to behind Sun South poles align on February 19, 2007, Sun poles flip. Earth's core certain to blow out of Earth big as Texas below 85° anytime to April 2029, Sun bounce on Earth. Military had it right in 1997 "2020" TV Special. Is certain in 2029 a polar catastrophe. Hang the authorities for profits of their National Debt, Default, for my Third U.S. Government. Or I have nothing else to do but break through to other side of gravity, take out politics lawyers and profit organizations in the past for all their assets with U.S. armed forces. The rich always think they can put off forever their corrupt political system, until hanged to leave all their profits to citizen majority. Politics and Wall Street, kill it all! The people militia fight back. Mass murder swat teams show-up for us all to take out all the leftists we can get to, or we all go down, RAGE! The end of days not at the public's expense forces military revolution against the system for my leadership, I restore racist patriotic American values, serving racist Majority with money metals confiscated. Troops back us with all Pentagon forces!

Iron core of the Earth size of the Moon spun away further and further off Earth's axis, so Earth is like an off-center load in a washing machine, to be wobbling since 1975 it began to spin, first off of Vatican City fountain of the deep twisted off Tripoli fountain of the deep thus counterclockwise on such an angle into Earth's molten lithosphere going east. That lined up in 2006 with Sirius poles coming in up to the Sun Sirius magnetism stopped Earth wobbling for 3.5 weeks in 2006. Earth's core spinning faster than Earth produces global warming, will throw Earth upside down when it sticks in its Fault dent to blow steam out its Arctic trap-door. Earth heating-up from its core spinning faster and faster than the Earth blows-out of Arctic in April, same as to Noah's Ark facing the red dwarf star that returns since Moses to knock the Sun on Earth. Whole souls a chance, unforgivable sin only a lottery chance saved from Sun blowing Earth's top if Sun land on Portugal. Pressure build-up in Earth's core spinning in Earth's lithosphere, in waves each-slip closer & closer until it runs into its Fault blows its top. Planet X in last reversal did what Scandinavians call Thor with sparks flying, running into planet between Jupiter and Mars and Mercury, after Moon ran into Pacific Ocean raised mountains all along America's west coasts. Earth's core punched out of its center. Guardian drop me in 1897 D.C. young 5'-6" built, to save the Maine, programmed by Guardian need be I unite the West.

Tenth Planet did not orbit the Sun like believed showed up in a elliptic orbit proves scholars all wrong, except for Mercury you can see here was smacked on its top into orbit around the Sun from 21 million miles away from Sun. Planets except Mercury with a "X" on its top knocked into orbit around the Sun, other planets only ellipse up to sun far as they got out of solar jet as points pop up planets squirt moons.

LEE RONALD HARRISON, [email protected], 2350 Ave. B, Apt. 612, Yuma, AZ 85364

Before You Die

A Superior Race

Temples of the Sun

"Bill Graham Presents" http://wolfgangsvault.com



STAR WARS George Lucus at work stole my Earth collapse escape round city a Death Star in 1977, Jew quit Pyrimid Derrick & Equipment Company in 1975: Yukatan scene.


There is nothing in the credits of George Lucus's 1977 Star Wars I told him in 1975 at work in Houston, my design of a round titanium city mine the Moon, need it a ship 2029, 1975 detailed his off shore derricks. Didn't know we have a double in prime shape to pack out thru mass break law to show in the past the evils of capital religion and politics, wealth for advertising, for me to turn away voters from voting since 1996. My Power by Default a military coup partnership against the system phoney money robots in charge. Time for Pentagon takeover, open season on immigration. Racist right patriots gas out the rich take business, all its connections, destroy resistance, I replace National Debt with Third U.S. Government, escape date to 13th century objectives transform the system even if Pentagon had me do it now. Sword of the lord pack out connect others have one kept secret. U.S. Military not waiting around for chip put in you to live, Congress paid say. Right go berserk follow My constitution, through these 53 pages majority rule charts, pick from. Act.

From time to time Earth falls over to the east a degree and a half or more since 1964 9.2 Alaska earthquake. Then Indonesia 8.8 Japan 9.2 Haiti 8.8 Chili 8.8 New Zealand 8.8 Chili 2012 8.2 earthquake that put off the annual October 15 time-change to 2 November. While media for business and politics keeps blasting advertising a circus of entertainment under their control constantly distracting the public with business for profit. U.S. dollar inflation run away July 1st 2018 code money in Debt Default. Gas it out. Congress Bill H.R. 2847 "FATCA" Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act, a back door tax on U.S. dollars to the British monarchy, conspiracy with banking since JP Morgan and Goldman Sacks #1 and #2 in world revenues primarily owned by Rothschild Jews own the Federal Reserve Bank system, astronomical inflation digital. Off cash, hang it. Coup d' 'et at I nationalize business trade end tax, ration white America a land rush for homes militia, economic contribution system America's only recourse is take over The System, "We" the people majority can't get Representation, minding their business.

Born in the minds of paid political legislation secracy, ulterior purpose leading to a Congressional conspiracies of subversion. So since U.S. Citizen's are going to die anyway and cannot get good White American government in America better let "God" sort us out die or survive, shut up the media and advertising, rich for their whole damn system divide-up. Pick summer and winter house equip us an economy!

I found and deleted Apple code I should not had on this page! Later someone smashed big window at night, at the computer room, college IP address leftist sabatage I picked up on UCSB Apple computer to this page. So when I edited down to here widdened the margin of this page put there by Jap watching working against my interests leftist Apple alien Japanese, against my racist views bad for Business. I took the code out correcting this page the Japanese advertizing down to "I saw a Russian girl in Russia got caught", now forces me to correct this in code page only. I would like had a treaty, work out with North Korea it would love, for deport criminal and alien peoples, my D-Day clear out most Japan to recycle camps.


Congress put off Default dollars secret code money replace dollar British Jew conspiracy.

Debt 35 trillion dollars a political scam. Military fight, join us majority think 2025 Debt Default Nuke London creditors and all, after a cool Fall day to escape and condensate!

Military U.S. citizen Tribunal the dictatorship. Mythological meaning of Temples of the Sun Quetzalcoatl me return the truth publish future of U.S. Declaration of Independence

and Constitution, here this book transport off our blood thursty planet an economy

Guardian on gold dust mountain if still preserved in 21st Century a day hike

list, last drop in 1309 church leaving U.S. Armed Force's need to do

my dirty work plans for vigilante White American right, wherever our soil fly.


White Americans cannot get freedom without my dictatorship bitter population explosion and hostility pill cure to have to have racist Hate running everything Right.

Can the illegal's. Bad blood kinds in with all their cousins

under my genocide right, offering nuclear war weapons

to wounded soldier's payback, suicide mission war.


Another Age of Life could squirt out of

Earth's core, without a Red dwarf star help,

like Noah's Ark Siberia flipping Earth up north

Reversal new life mature once out of the egg

up to overpopulation war and extinction.

Amazon.com Shopping Mall


There is no time left for economic recovery another way than I suggest Armed Forces file against rank other colors General mutiny Patriots Coup stop everything sort authorities classes college's Whites fill positions in Third U.S.A. publically owned, economics interchangable production and management. Regular maintanence for upgrading avoiding waste God Motors I move the Moon. Creating any element in a void.

"Expansion Theory", here mass inflating image. Mark McCutcheon:

"THE FINAL THEORY" posits gravity mass is a falling substance,

inflating everything equally across Universe every image Flooding!

World exploding out of all curled up massless a point, until Flood of

matter falling down current focus nuclei Universe pops up expanding

Infinite from point without mass pops up told nothing made the world

better we just splatter them in colliders scholars for upper classmates.

Taught backwards about Universe expanding, gravity pulling not there.


School will have a new crop of scientists. Blowing-up the world. Can't stop

the Frankenstein educational system and business tampering with genetics I

harness the 2 poles of gravity or back to caves 7 million years bright people.


I could wear out tires to vanish, science can blow-up the world escape

the Frankenstein educational system tampering with genetics, robotics.

Where we have to harness 2 poles of gravity or back to caves, 7 million years of human

experience and planning somewhere else, a plot about for the wayward world to

be destroyed, left for dead after 4.5 billion years, to pick up the pieces?

Sun 7 points of star light a clue nuclei power, turning slowly

pinwheel counter clockwise, matter smoke devils to nucleus

down 7 ends of swerling cones to every nuclei. Black sky all

currents, focus to visible Universe to all of its World images.


Mass suddenly floods every atomic center the Universe

circuit pops up Infinite over a million coils thick inflate,

mass re-contacts image, suddenly pops-up the Universe!

Fountains of water springs out of every thus round world

water pressure steam inside Earth's iron core, still keeping

it cool enough to be magnetic. Expanding faster than Earth

making earthquakes, spins off on Arctic Circle 85° latitude,

going under Arctic Europe west blow-out below 85° latitude

here out flap core stuck in Earth spin blows-out Arctic Circle

2029 top-heavy on the Sun suddenly flips Earth over in a day!

Sun reversal to star aligning South poles 2/19/2007 sun parent

pass Earth internal steam pressure starsun bounce on Earth hell

fills up with lava. Flood up-to mountain shelters to JesusChrist.


My "Theory of Everything" might help a world better

off with only approximations. Gravity x Light = Mass

the matter charge, splattered out of atoms in colliders

flowing down on black currents so much white tensile.

Gravity beams convert current Black Box 8 corner focus

a good reason to splatter scholars with Power by Default,

harness gravity current condensing nuclei, gravity elements

in the past maybe now Commander in Chief by majority rule.


Luckily I was told where to find the "truth" a scriptural

God wounded in its left side of Matter my friends there.

Gravity Currents reign side by side. Separated by Mass.

Religion World physical dimension obsession and phone

authorities on wide path. DISBELIEVERS GO TO HELL.



E = m times current input charge flow rate = volume increase, expanding mass.

E = ml squared + area in Earth's core x steam expanding squared.

Another equivalent: Ek = 1/2mv squared x Area x Steam squared,

Universe expanding increasingly runs out of SPACE. Black space

not expanding Universe expanding out of center of Void filling in.


While the "c" in Einstein equation is positive gravity charge.

The gravity ground charge pressure ascend from one of them

my "insanity" rather than die. Gravity x Light = Mass like as

Input x Output = Energy expands length, breadth of Universe

proportionate at every point in time. Mass of Image flooding circuit expanding up to me expected. Other's poles of power streatch a forcefield in front of a planet sized barge flight deck solar powered. They Are Back! Certainly going to Easter Island ruins.

College says religion was invented by the left half of the human brain. Historically demonstrated since Adam religion they are all in malicious schemes to control populaces for harums streets of gold that matter beyond us cares. In fact religions and their care is only for all of the wealth and power they can get out of it in a politically motivated world obligating its followers to pay dues. While the laws of science and truth remain consistant the empires come and go, seeking wealth and power over the people with corrupted truth, to no limit. But the people want to worship their origin will pick from the property hoards houses, equipped for a contribution, business publically owned take all the profits and destroy the resistance. Militia hunting down illegal, aliens and their cousins. If with faith are proven methods you find by accident or on purpose where suddenly you break on through to the other Gravity scriptures say happen, to unwind time where vanish on a mission. Mabe camera will see what I don't surface tension cross shallows of mass contact the missing element 0 mass a bubble of nuculei for the charts. Forget the good times and the bad times and break on through to the other hike. Eternal life if you stay pills? June return 1897 if I don't die getting there. Religion best left toumbstone monuments, all around. In stone all the moral commandments to be reminded of. Me in power, everyone has plenty of paydays to work for escape economy. Wealth and position confiscated from powers that be a public reserve. Likely having to destroy other people's countries if they are a threat to Americans, instinct doing right for us. Morals acting like physical law elements that normally flow through restricted areas under their conditions, right or wrong actions resulting in events always rewarding or disastrous accordingly. Lucky no one has a clue fighting through this code in the way correcting insanity while listening and watching. World arsenals want blow up, in the media subversive leftist politics, enemies of White Americans. My self continuously on narrow path to salvation flight 7th birthday new again. Pentagon ethnic purge non-American black and Latin crime room for them in prisons House cleaned. Police, Military lead Militia gas out and gun down the system Capitol Hill. American Armed Forces White America my leadership revenge for National Debt owed to the people. White citizen students school qualifications and government services learn. Industry workers run AI get things done. Labor choice's, 2 years of running AI's, in labor classes each worker type in labor pools colleges format industry to engineer everyone's economic security. OR road rage, Biden Bucks "T-bone" the elite vehicles coming down road frustration. Not's can't take out the have's, their suicide currency system oppression.


P.O. Box 1743

Sumas, WA 98295

client [email protected] a fraud

"Work-At-Home Companies" turns out are

"Advance Fee Loan Scams". And they are

"Proliferating". "Work-At-Home Schemes"

like [email protected] call up

1-866-302-6475. Instead of a "Cash Grant"

you got fake Grant "of no cash value" sheet.

In debt default feed locked-up/at large aliens

criminals shoot for sharks save $3 trillion on

politic's Evil Empire, support of The System.

Tribunals. Corrupt to gallows Globalwarming

great for Russian beach life. Where Socialism

is not working, after they shot down a Shuttle,

satellite beam Chernobyl cooling room on fire.

I saw a Russian girl in Russia got caught with a bomb of "mass destruction", who did not look like she was a bad person, the plot had to be against political and social changes in disregard of Socialism funding. Likewise American citizens these days might as well blow-up with their bombs killing authorities and the rich, for freedoms their legislators take away. Russians in D.C. on target change of heart back Socialism and White Power might as well call in bombed for our skins in a cesspool of wrong. Pentagon gas out shoot ration property to white man our parcels! Animal control take alien to feeding ground or ticket out, calcium recycle them illegal's blacks in with their bro's apocalypse!

Things are not perfect in Russia either, when some Russian was going home from a bar was accosted by one of his countryman. That in the heat of the fight he killed his countryman, where he dragged him home with him to chop up and boil to eat. He said it was bad! So he grilled him and told his family it was "kangaroo". Well he is in a high security prison in Russia I guess for life. I'll poll to can the bad in salsa. Illegal's and political economic system feed let the man eaters in. Export public enemies to grill them as "Kangaroo Brand," or pack out as pet food. Grind bones to dust in concrete, the "bad".

An asteroid exploded over a city east of Moscow, Russia, blowing out windows like a neutron bomb, sending over 1000 people to the hospital and damaging over 3000 buildings. People there joked about it, probably saying at least it was not the one that blew-up over Siberia a hundred years ago! Maybe I am the only one who knows the Earth began going through edge of Milky Way Galaxy in 2012 to run into a red dwarf star long before another 52 year century. Skimming over Galaxy ring of asteroids went through two of them soon after December 21, 2012. Expected disaster but in February asteroids blew-up out left, in right, few days later Sun South pole reverse alignment with Planet X South pole. Coincidence 4 red Moons to a hours long last red moon warning in 2018 sunlight knocked out coming up, build deep underground communities! Powers all steak meat export and pet food. Whatever majority say get done, repeat vanish in desert.

December 21 "end of the world" 2012 last 52 year calendar, 2029 17 years, fatal star!

Hubble Space Telescope consecution. Visible universe down tube spectrum expanding slower out to sides of Universe 87% of mass filling up faster and faster accumulating volume and energy. Galaxies expanding slower out to extent of map here of visible universe 87% center popping up uncoiling out to NGC2300 burning up 2 galaxies in hydrogen gas maybe gamma ray burst hit Earth faster than light, or vanish to edit all this.

Humanity will not be ready for Absolute Zero unless they are in deep heated cities. Galaxies in the Universe clustered all along coil out from it's center, most galaxies to least galaxies out all around the infinite length of Universe 87% expanding, faster than visible Universe 13%. Infinite a mass river down center of universal black hole, currents conceiling infinite 87% of the World pops out points that pop up galaxies suddenly Universe coming at me in 1973 Nishren Buddhist initiation, close enough to see static electrical discharges off the circuit coils rubbing, in the Universe expanding all along its infinite length, rock drop fast, galaxies out to red shifts. White line down each tube center galaxies in a plumbed serpant Universe pile of Infinite 87% consuming galaxies, until circuit of gravity expands to mass source spinning. But fiscal cliff for U.S. Armed Forces I say Mutiny to Biden Bucks! Take Bank underground shelters Reserves eliminate public enemies in search and destroy, I finance racist White America a Third U.S. Government.


Red Moons after Planet X until coincidently a star sneeking up Easter 2029 rises up and falls apart on Australia, Sun bounces on Portugal. Progress U.S. Military dugs up samples of 5 different magnetic polar reversals approximated 2020 would be another polar reversal did not figure in a red dwarf star Sun bounce on Earth. Escape portals all privately owned you might have to shoot security guards on somebody's property to ascend. Unless property rights are nationalized, or steal charge to take to other hills to break through to the other side of gravity current focus. A secret seam to other side if I start American Revolution first! No spectators see to perform miracles my 21st century stuff survive transit through JesusChrist Ort this in code to end, venture my ritual vanish!

Going northeast a Hawaii "Pineapple Express" wind and rain storms all the way up the coast since 1991, 15 day downpours 80+ mph winds over and over until May, 2011 the biggest earthquake followed by 8.8 earthquakes beginning with the 2011 end of the world, slow like a snake bite geological end of the world. Death Star behind force field at Mercury elsewhere now hunters behind camouflage, the meek planning inherit the Earth.

Nowhere going to vanish in a crowd scene so someone sees it, performs miracles. Maybe cats will clean up what's left in my alternate hills convienient in power with military force racist soldiers command directed Militia take independance, destroy the enemy take property ship out illegal's all the criminals bad and blacks. Destroy public enemy. Wealthy die for the national debt. Recycle jail bars Third Government industry can use. Something Marx would like, Confederation of States building cities into mountains, plan Moon build into a starship. No need send a camera up around Mercury behind the "UFO@Mercury" to see what they are up to, if any reason for alarm to bomb that UFO. It's cover blown shipped out impossible to locate to bomb sun themselves on moon, built.

Legislated equal niggers and women running U.S. government that pass Bills with loopholes in Congress for business private interests starting July 1, 2014 continuous business inflation since then. As Dictator I get on the News come get your guns racist White America. Fall in line folow a police Pentagon Coup sweep ethnic cleansing take a house and cars etcetra rewards. U.S. House of Representatives Bill "H. R. 2847" in effect Rothschilds plotting true collapse of U.S. dollar cash Obama and likes of his Italian Mafia Business associates scheme, fakes. Advertizing eMail offers loan gouging making millions of Americans poorer overnight. Mussolini lost following Hitler, lynched, failed hang them all on a meat hook took back their art gallery confiscated from museums. Napalm D.C., Obama on a meat hook with the Clintons. Here political Vote Verses Default Vote Majority. White America. Police and Military capture National Debt, banks and reserves, in a genocide/deportation. Tribunal Default vote, chart not only racism discriminate on all subjects society Military White American citizen's purge of U.S. turf.

While over in Russia I would have evacuated the surrounding areas around Chechnya, that Russia should have done in their war with them, to Bomb the place! When reason cannot go far enough to change the world conventionally to benifit world nation citizens.

Christianity for profit is a cult of the Devil God the Father Image in words of poison damned to die children, they make as if they want to take us all down with them. "Religion" damnation to their children let die. Do as I say, Nationalize religion's wealth. Preserve house of worship as musiums taking all of its properties. This Revolution establish independent faith like mine. Through seam in the secret key the "Way" out of expanding older. Inversions enough charge stuck to break to matter condensing, verses Father false God only currents to image, formulas and forces of death. True God blank, the element expanding Universe. Mankind's duty is end Father God worship religion to rally around themselves ascend end of the world, or down certain tunnel, binding Planet.

The best thing for Ukraine is free weapons verses Russia. Proving grounds Ukraine broke from USSR earned it, over Putin's body Russia. Relocate Russian separatists elsewhere in Russia to have a job. Russia and Ukraine could work together like old times Marx if they don't blow-up each other. Military in all countries along with USA take out Business interests for public interests. Cleanse world of corruption re-engineer industry repair and restore products, run economics cooperatively trade resources. Military Coups in my overpopulation purge authority for its wealth and infrastructure, swept of aliens leftists, can the resistance fertilizer or ticket out. By public opinion polls get everything right according to Tribunal majorities, public reasoning. Promised Land, certain to be blown away, reshaping Ukraine to Russia and China. Political and Business threats Default. Hiding behind a force field spread out pole to pole shows up beside Mercury plot biological weapon simular to Jewish Passover black growth on ground smoke spreading to upstairs, to everyone's death? World war 2025 or sooner. North Korea throw in its 2 cents worth on Japs. Everyone else at War reflex, with their itchy trigger fingers.


  1. Congressional Record, Volume 159 Issue 111 (Tuesday, July 30, 2013) CongressGanglandcoverUp


Thanks to the greedyness of the investors investing in alien manufacturing. China given our technology dial in to destroy the West. Clinton gave China for donations elected to send all our indutry to cheap labor, to profit Wall Street investors for greator profits politic's moved out U.S. industry, profiting China trillions of dollars. Leftist East, developing military for right moment to destroy us all. I will wind up in 1309 back in time last, break through gravity current focus, mass inflating image. Packing data to show, for vengeance against the system commercialism private use digital pay like slaves got excepting dangerous people in business. Found safe way out crease to get to my Guardian of the past, on a bald. USA over fiscal cliff invaded by all kinds of colored aliens and gangsters. 2018 inflation ever since! The authorities with plenty of time to stack away gold etcetra embezzeled from taxation, leaving the people to Debt Default broke, citizens the illegals to push out on the street. Guardian program make assult rifles in the past for a living for a gorilla war against corporate government, 1766 and now. Red full moon's omens in a Bible conspiracy idolize the rich get richer, real estate. If not Coup Suicide, mass murder do or die against security killing the powers that be, take their keys property. U.S. Military in a few days ready 50 U.S. State's a Militia, take stores wearhouses and suppiers production take out the system on prime time captured, U.S. communities purged, establishing democracy a Public Tribunal say so, to the end incoming red dwarf star bounce Sun in Kolbrin Bible ancient Egyptian scholar write a moon rises up and falls apart. Bible Wormwood misses Sun. Red star. Be in bunkers deep if Sun bounce on Portugal Moon platform of God Motors in 4 years, nuclear thrust rings.

        Worrisome mountains all around Klamath Falls smoking their tops like volcanoes, blowing smoke up in the sky all around town. Mt. Shasta smoke blowing over town. I don't expect any mountain to blow a top until 2029 when all the other volcanoes blow up blowing their top. Military figured from 5 polar reversals dug up that happens anytime after 2020. I have several places to take all this through Ort condensing to nuclei, twenty first century far back as 1309. Lost left to die since they want it that way. The damned no see break-into gravity other side, to perform miracles. My camera will see all to play back. Solar power and batteries come along. Maybe this inspire White American Forces take out leftists, investors whole damn political system. Mustard gas it out guards and all for Italian business, their woman blacks and prostitutes running everything. Can them for over-seas cannibals, take their estates. National Debt mostly because of crime. Get them out in the yard aliens and criminals, White America no mercy, enemy should be meaty can to grill in Polynesia and Africa, killed in another bloody American war. Now radiation from Japan spreading a 50,000 year sea food die-off. Forcing likes of genocide to eliminate 150+ million aliens out of land of the free. Back to "Land of Plenty". Farm lands.

        I will just arm the bigot's and barbeque Obama, feed to the dogs with first lady. Feeding the rest of them to zoos and wild critters according to Third Party of Armed Force's choices. Or we are only suicide mission taking out government lawyers media and business, booty to kill for capture the authorities estate, cash system resources. Treasury take all investments and reserves, profits that got the dollar this way. Round up for public Tribunal powers that be. Payback the rich with their Default gallows, the National Debt, got rid of industry for a killing on Wall Street. Religion, Sword wound in the distance on "the light" of Apollo must mean Jesus/God has mass ( 4 letter word to ascend with image) to Jews' false God of war "Father", "Allah" of their enemies. Religion a threat to the people must be destroyed, worshiping the devil with the crown on. Holy war against deception of religions, serving themselves. American riot supported I take out everything of our enemies, finance Third USA. End times Tribunal U.S. Foreign Trade in natural gas!
        Only my physics described here was really worth my time. While crime conditions MUCH worse in government today than when Lucky Luciano Mafia could sell U.S. diesel fuel at sea in his tanked up fishing boats to fill up German U-Boats in World War II. Today crime diversified get rich leftist scheme tricks to steal your money. Italian Union corruption spread to their dues elect Obama, leftist anti-White Presidents. Advertizing media for the government controlled by Italian black and prostitutes running everything, alienated. Thus my U.S. Revolution now! I begin 1897 America medical cures to our selves, so the world population never get over a Billion people again. Before The End I make us God Motors.

        I could get right to gravity charge conversion if I win prize money break on through to other gravity restore health and youth to early America. No 2025 peace and harmony, without police state under racial integration left. Public only thrill at seeing and reading violence and disaster under wrath of God. Alien left, ulterior motives, criminal in crimes against Americans my remedy with Military support I purge out in dictatorship thin out population radical right way. Blacks and Latin's good at sports useful entertainment hire as non citizens. Enemies of White America in my homeland security policy round up for Tribunals or shoot on sight. Just like Vikings marauding a rich monastery in Scandinavia for everything. U.S. Government 3 eliminate politics kill Debt responsible take America. God only matter of physics no care about right or wrong only people care right from wrong, our American Way. Morals appreciated more in 1760 drop in show movies, this The Logical Solution. When there was enough time for cable up assemble space shuttle station cable down to Moon. God Motors creator platform, thrust out mass drop elements.

        By chance I get in power first thing I will do is let every man who was not incarcerated for wrongs against the people take back what wife divorce got. Parting a area I looked down to see if mass has a bottom, on a bald mountain open. Only a tough little hog hided animal covered with black curly hairs looking up at me with big gooseberry eyes. I pulled myself out of there, let go the seam, watched as its two reddish lines slowly fell back together. That was my third time in the light of the other side. On lunch break at work thinking about all the books I read on scriptures and at a loss on where to find the "truth" a man's voice spoke: "If there is any Truth in the Bible you will find it in the Sermon on the Mount". No one else ever attested to happened. At end of work it all came back what happened at lunch break, hurried down to my car after work, in a adrenalin rush that kept increasing all the way home, grabbed a Bible went right to Sermon on the Mount read a few words to "the pure in heart" a piercing pain in my heart, gradually went away, my eyes came upon egg shaped strata's like a school of fishes all in front of me. I looked to the right end of them to where one of them leaped forward, came right up to me in a movement like my girlfriend in 1967 coming up to me when I got in her house, bringing her new high school ring to give to me that way. The fourth time in the light of the other side came while hiking three hills for substance collecting the other side an invisibly bubble to last one, I missed one I returned to stand on, while collecting "power". Started to walk away but could not move! Had no recourse but jump off, smart idea, but could not stop gliding up in bright nothing. I remembered a Carlos Castaneda book say jump down to get out of IT. The other side light went out when my heels touched down on ground back on the hill. Years to figure out plan to go back do it all over, could save a lot of lives going to die otherwise if not ascend whole to where in time in the past request the Guardian, at first step! The likes of Spinoza and others with masters degrees only have their head up ass explanations full of college words and no experience die to gravity current charge leaving them fall to Hell image in a sack drained black a glossy tear. Sun shine on them caught in circuit of Earth to dream forever until red dwarf star run into Sun.

        There are set models of history repeating itself. Mayan end of calendar to solar jet origin one year each way on 2 calendars from binary star. Sun in a "Big Bang" ellipse back and forth to solar jet end. While a red dwarf star catching up to the Sun presently on a collision course with the Sun. Certain 6th polar reversal in 2029, long before another Mayan century, red dwarf star hits Sun cause of red full Moon star bigger than Sun. Light straight line, Moon Sun red dwarf, Moon aligned with Sun sky and the swollen red dwarf.

        Easter full Moon Noah's season for 2029 star going to hit Sun when sunlight goes out. All day red full Moon warning July 2018 leading up to terrible finacial crash times. Default might as well gamma ray burst from NGC2300 running into "87% of Universe" getting hotter and hotter until hydrogen gas explode, on a discharge flash! Rays reach Earth kills everyone. Only pure in heart escape everyone else water in well if any more are chosen.

        No surprise to have Revolution in America. Pentagon, White America with Military and Police take out illegal alien threats out of school and community to send home roundup or shoot down. For export or ticket out. I am The Third Party since 1996, Default Vote Majority of votes. Racist Majority in power I mobilize homefront America nationwide. Gas out authorities suspend relations with world. Trade natural gas. Ukraine testing weapons, win WW3! Peaceful solution impossible. Here Military Coup patriotic racist death march!

        Probably have to wear out tires, to reach my goal this year. Without education to pass grammer and punctuation but good enough to dive in the time machine, 1897 publisher fine tune what I don't delete this Thursday if I don't have time to edit it, for a book. Hate will take out the likes of Obama Nobel Prize, I just patent Dynamite chemistry before Nobel, right day. Capitol Hill 2024 kill them all, Caesar. AI sort out will of the people. Supreme Court my Tribunal! Arms go bersurk like French Revolution, take the whole system profits for Majority Rule. Gold and silver economy, Moon to Neptune. Not nuked out Mars, survivors. Moon the right ship for Majority in charge of all sciences and resources. Thankfully I have core of 21st century college education to drop into 13th century with cotton gin design through JesusChrist, college formula's for manufacturing and design engineering, to make a king the only Super Power for colonizing America. Cures and technology innovations keep to ourselves. Today, population under White racist control, science and medicine the secrets to make us a Superior Race begin 2025.

          On only a pension I re-write history possible built, youth. This planet at end of being a planet in a solar system disheaval. Coup I make Americana out of a bloody Revolution history repeat, win the West. World war going on ends war, religion ruins, after its Twin. My last whole season on Earth in 21st century since 4 red Moons, force my next miracle. If you see "God" you are at once saved, reconized, a ticket to Ort condensing nuclei, dead or alive been there you know IT when you see IT again, to ask Guardian take me where I say advantagious in the past. Grow up. Ascend again.

          Maybe lucky to take a spy money with cash and coins, pack all this to my guide. World blow-up in nuclear war and dirty bombs ignoring star endsit all on the Sun coming up, Earth in its way if it hit Sun square, after Sun parent star Sirius swing by upset Earth 4 more tsunami concluded by 4 red Full Moons in a row 6 months apart warning, better get out. Everyone wants me to be wrong die in 2029 on the Sun. Swollen red dwarf runs into Sun it bounces, what could bounce in any other direction.

          For religion I must be Confucian I-Ching right on or Marxist from his book On Religion. God only program that repeats Universe. Edenite's are back from 2.5 billion years ago hidden. They don't want any trouble from ulterior motive overbearing idiots in secret sodomy societies with college degrees the meek don't need, hid from Earth, let UFO's spy Earth to its end sold Mars, for its world war. Stranded people here, stuck in elevators. Mars this and Moon between 2.5 billion years ago, back to 34 years 1994 to 2029 frozen star falling apart hits Australia thawing apart Wormwood prehistoric religion history secrecies allude to scriptures Thor, 2.5 billion years ago Planet X run into Ceres and Mercury to core to core. Fear browndwarf star fall apart missing Sun Wormwood. Star runs into Sun falls apart on Australia show in 1897 Washington, D.C., while Ort condense to nuclei, programmed languages physics chemistry to make a impact in the past this "The Logical Solution" Guardian tell me to.

          Putin in Russia sometimes appeared personally friendly shipped out old nukes. What use for invading Ukraine? They made USSR lots of weapons to destroy enemy forces, now dependent to fight to win war for USA in the 21st century, no longer Marxist for the public good. Business and politic's all same with greed struggle for economic control of the markets at public expense. Jew's Federal Reserve Inflation interest rate profits drain cash into their accounts, for gold and silver to hoard. Proceeding to put the people under government control with inaginary money, working for points hacked on phones. Crime Business profit, us slaves to end of rent!

          No time for peace in Ukraine fighting to end of the world. Jobs for social good in Asia courtesy of the Democrat's Stock Market profits made China rich and powerful, unemployed America for investment gains! But Freedom to show this on Internet my logical solution, to a small box of 4,232 maybe Masonic or Peace Prize traffic only. Animal nature says eat others, Market the rest. Latin's blacks, bro corruption, hand in hand in crime rule gift card code scams stealing the code so can't buy anything from them. International fraud, nations cannot pay interest on their Debts. Millions run out of Ukraine out of Cold War jobs resent border war, displaced from homes bunker in manufacturing weapons as U.S. arms their country. Jews printing flood of cash, getting Armed Forces ready for Debt Default Button! Congress Default spending to 0¢ dollar Military and public rage no buying or selling. Commercialism enemy of the people. Kill it, booty everything it has, nationalize! Out of anarchy and chaos instead Majority Rule. Military call up Militia take out politic's and lawyer's estates, religion estates. Take out enemy here in my Power by Default search and destroy, to White American borders. Tribunal chart patriotic racist discrimination, and Militia forces say!

          That Trump person once president I could have him move into the White House for life racism like his early news reports I enforce what public majority at Tribunal wants. World Bank October 2017 pops up a woman say October begins alternative to the dollar Jew's Federal Reserve Biden Bucks. Military can gas it all out, Militia kill it. Business like a bear greed where is a barrel for trash to put in 3 open cans of tuna attract it to stick in .45 shotgun revolver blow-out it's brains 21st century politics! On my way to time machine, leave problems with tattoo for robots put spy chip in in 21st century? I have a shurer way to win a Revolution for Independence in Early America.

          Global Warming and ozone layer hole expanding over Earth over Antarctica, fifty% of all life in oceans died-off since 1970, die-off of species on land to the end in garbage, pollution, 9.5 billion human population increase since 1950. Greenhouse gasses destroying more and more habitats golobally. Gods of Greece a sign a few become gods dead, yet alive. Jerry Garcia white round cloud when rainbow through it around for years, to his towns. Sun Moon and red dwarf aligned 4 red full moons in a row 6 months apart. Moon Sun and Red dwarf1st 2nd 3rd and 4th red moon to longest red moon of all July 2018 Moon head-on. Establishment Debt Default to digital economic collapse slave money national debt profit. No recorse but have to buy gold and silver. No buying or selling Jewish scriptural conspiracy, no wonder why Nazi killed Jews. North Korea ICBM's better off treaty spilt Japan with U.S. Armed Forces. To Coup, white American Armed Forces overthrow the system, for my Third U.S. Government!

          Life on Earth by instinct sense end of the world is coming, right down to coral reefs died-off with 1/2 the sea food. The red dwarf star going to run into Sun instinct sense. Sun bounces away with a black eye swells up becomes a red giant, taking out inner 3 solar system planets. Springs-up life out to Neptune around it. No one else but me isolated could come-up with a social and economic system to save White America. Strip Constitution Amendments to first 2. Leaving Public Tribunal haggle out the rest.

          The Element I call Zero matter is skin of a bubble, stiky transparent positive gravity charge, mass squeezed out of gravity current focus, speed of light backed up incoming mass spreads out a inversion. AllahGlue converging upon gravity ground spreads off gravity current squeezed to cone top together, all around focus convergence soaking mass to ground image deposit pooling the stuff scientists splatter out of atoms they call matter, that expands mass running into ground faster than light a hollow chocolate drop shaped inversion. Empirical mind programmed in school leads everyone else to Hell. I get out through Sword of the Lord the trick. A secret everyone is suppose to find when they are children, that usually never find it, die for original sin, or on-fire with original sin consumed part open aperature overhead reborn next Universe, hero martyr get above Biden Business machine pray until dead.

          No one else knows what Universe looks like other than me. "God" with 70+/- memory identities compressed into DNA layers. Only thing matters is Area 7 focus, 4.5 billion years of life on Earth at war. No way nations of the world with USA a worldwide effort can stop global warming. Burned up, or frozen. Alien enemies all around pushing strollers, a baby in one arm and little children running all around them poisons to eliminate, billions of people burning fuels to sustain life in a all out of control population explosion hot bodies feeding generating pollution that cannot be disposed of to any advantage fast enough to get ahead of avalanche of human growth. Trump did right thing by getting out of treaty on global warming. Earth's internal global warming to 2029. Solar power alternative and clean energy programs destined to fail.


          No one ever sent me Cash Money Order or Bank Draft thinking I change anything, when so few can even find this on the Internet. Lee Harrison, 2350 Avenue B, Apt. #612, Yuma, AZ 85364. With my Military Coup d' 'et at Militia solution Revolution, Racist Majority rampage fireworks. Sort out immagration, alien races and cultures, purge them out of here. Integration always divides citizens, to have to purge all our states! Alien's steal your stuff resent us hate our race. So racist homeland tactics rid us of enemy with Nazi drive purpose, for us citizens. Revolution Tribunal, run them out. Military Power by Default shoot to kill the boss, colored enemy. U.S. Military White America no choice but racism, relocate the leftists integrated, end busing "equal rights". Donald Trump racism still right. Phoenix praise in August 2017 for pardoning a Italian policeman doing his duty profiling aliens to deport them. Can SEO leftist chain of command eliminate as enemies of us citizens, hiring. Take all illegal vote's accounts! Proven enemies always blocking us. Hating alien pricing conspiracies, take their everything ration out in my military transition to Tribunal democracy. Jobs sent to China for Bill Clinton donation treason got him elected President. I will be ruthless dictator for White America, nationalizing Business! Donald Trump not so right sought strip mine National Parks and Monuments for shale to profit his Business concerns. His billions of dollars in debt might wind up him canned to grill for my pets, or I leave him be my successor to find his creditor's all cannibal grill Exports. Replace woman media take over communications political and legal system, arming Right against Left in White social Revolution. Police, Militia and Military Coup!

          Russia took Crimea for a naval port at Sevastopol, Ukraine, in a world takeover plan with China a world power now thanks to all of the U.S. technological ability computers that made U.S. Military capability the greatest world power Bill Clinton gave to China for donations to get elected. But I am the cure all of all that Leftist Democratic Party, with their stock market liberalism conspiracies has a unpleasant end in good old racist Nazi back woods nationalism far as fertilizer recycle immigration bomb and shoot out.


          Pentagon, I get into Power by the Default vote, patriotic America replace political corruption with Tribunal. My worldwide genocide statement rid us of all threats in White America! Jobs all become White American again, or Earth become a star in nuclear war. Industry rebuild underground, safer we go on advancing. Earth cannot restore itself from human progress, 4 years left to star bounce Sun on Portugal. Chumash self deposited positive gravity mass they took back. A I.V. protected hidden spot secret stairway to heaven. But here I do all day ritual hike ascend, to repeat soon land for a 1897 D.C. publisher and save USS Maine from blowing up, to unite Europe.

          This is all about Majority Rule charts of public opinion to go by, I represent White man civilization Copyright © 1996, 1997, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2024 Lee Ronald Harrison The Third Party the don't Vote elect me to Power by Default might Write Me IN The Confederate Party. US Military Coup might be able to find me if they need someone sort Tribunal laser sweep skies!

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