King David meditating in a cave Universe approach came to me holding a description of it, up to us. Intelligent Sun warn Earth, one end to the other Universe temple's worship Sun
At a free food a roaming preacher trying to get a answer out of somebody where do we come from, heard a piece of scripture support the world came from nothing. Is projected, matter begin filling Image out of coiled up in a ball. Bang! Catholic preacher coming by survey, on what Catholics say about how the world was made. I interrupt had the answer said "I have Proof"! Scoffing at me in his highness I said "Look at Pluto! With womb on it where its moon Chiron popped out leaving a big white heart scar on Pluto spilled lithosphere. With clumps of earth little moons all around, splatters with a circle on them from squirts concluding Pluto popping up Chiron, while popping up from a point thrown out the Universe expanding to Heaven. Where it shorts out on gravity mass back to zero, focus. Circuit of gravity in galaxies down all along center about havens all fall back to point centre. Sown all the points to where they belong, when mass starts to fill them again, stars all pop up out to sun and points between pops-up Universe Image. Bang! Game ball on Mayan ball court everything back to their places of origin again. Suns pop up out of stars to Mercury a Sun. Planets from star's solar-jet out points to where it pops-up a sun: Universe over and over again, where people like to put a face on Universe physics and chemistry image to call it "God" savior worship for donations get rich in political power. Revolution take out authority. Racist Majority of legal citizen military unite States a Militia, bloody revolution takeover, I field trip to 17th century U.S. Constitution and future. American purpose in a minute now, all our Armed Forces back up 2024 pass out guns to us right and white!
There is nothing to worship that gives a damn, program repeating Universe over and over again.
Universe several inch ball of twine deflated centred in a void from mass spinning faster than light. Moment of gravity circuit, pops up Universe expanding with matter, condensing to nuclei. No wonder why Sun worship sacrificed living things and faithful's in power give Sun a bad name die political swear by 'ers. Praise Sun since you can see it, with all its benefits is God in the world. Mass expanding world spinning at fringe of Space, pouring images focused. Current, projection crammed into a 6 sided Black Box center of Area 7, Area 6 of solid Negative Charge of Gravity design of Universe crystals focus images packed in gasses. Mass spinning in box Void Hollow. Religion politics lodge Temple's of the sun across visible Universe fitting call it Quetzalcoatl, God.
While I was walking somewhere in Isla Vista, California, a crowd of angry UCSB scholars caught me all of a sudden demanding what I knew about the Universe. I said the Greek symbol for Infinite, drew with my finger the Greek symbol for Infinite, and said: If it were long enough that you could fold it over more than a million times, drew a gasp from one of them. So I walked away wherever I was going, length of Infinite increasing at a rate of Universe expanding to end of void, to collapse to begin again suddenly! Some days later at UCSB in the park scholars confronted me, knowing a red dwarf star will hit the Sun, said is that going to cause a big nuclear explosion? I said no. It is going to bounce away! Later one came back about Sun. I said it takes out the inner 3 solar system planets, don't even want to know how to ascend. Military solution get Oath Keepers out of prison, whatever it takes kill off blacks Mexicans Latin Indian our enemy bloody purge, back to back armed force sweep out enemies. Roadblocks, take out ethnic alien ship out refugees.
Here History of the Repeat of the Universe, in A to Z
proof of where formulas equated to describe how they all work in reality consistently
Hubble Space Telescope view of total expanse of Visible Universe, from 1 side of to other,
along black hole end of tentacles to galaxies out on a serpent Circuit!
To say the World came from nothing scholars mean was projected, outer Area 7 Image, Universe.
Originally there was Infinite in void point centre, all the current project Negative Image to Charge converge through Positive Gravity spinning. Sphere spinning faster than light all the beams of Eternity Gravity current on Image waves expand Infinite in Hollow void inside spinning Positive Gravity Matter. Circuit of Infinite uncoiled in "The Big Bang" expanding pressure restrained in fist grip, that flares out at both ends of the coil of Infinite pops up Universe centred in void of Hollow in the centre of Eternity. Outer Darkness Negative gravity charge in a Box layers of images the focus of black negative gravity charge currents concealing positive gravity charge project gravity currents to each their own creation overlapping, image placements. Spreading out with more creations mass fills every creation with Positive gravity charge, that converged being suddenly in a day offspring species and elements all layers of negative gravity current intelligence converge through Positive Gravity Charge. Negative gravity images materialize on their gravity grounds, all together made Universe out of Circuit erupted Black Hole 13% the Positive Gravity Charge inflating everything. The particles of identity focus together into specific manifestations of negative gravity charge layers like a onion intelligence's to project in the Black Box, what was created in 6 days over and over again Universe. Earth's 5 sudden destruction expansion evidence of 5 polar reversal ends of the world. Where Positive to Negative Image Gravity Charge Hierarchy focuses Positive Gravity Charge on current to everything in their orders and days. Circuit of Gravity expand in Eternity after each previous Universe Infinite expanding to Positive Gravity Charge falls to point centre a ball point. Universe on Gravity Current expands to Eternity's Positive Gravity Charge overloads Circuit of Eternity, refocuses everything back to point centre of Eternity to expand again to end of Hollow Positive Gravity Charge, spinning faster than light. Weight of mass of matter spins Void of Space within it, that pops up Universe from its centre reaches mass source shuts off Universe focus to centre of Eternity, collapses Infinite length of Gravity mass to round point deflated Infinite to void centre Universe to another 6 days pops up! Moses' pharaoh taught in Egypt birth image distributes back to regular places. Moses' false religion worship of a God interpretation of the Egyptian scriptures.
Everything under a was never disputed.
Positive Gravity Charge a fluid that keeps pouring down faster and faster as it accumulates in a Circuit on currents to the bottom of Eternity, pops up ball of continuous coil the Infinite, restrained in a fist grip, looping out at both ends the continuous coil of Quetzalcoatl the plumed serpent, out to all of galaxies all around the coil along about entire length of Infinite Universe Circuit of Gravity Image with all inhabiting images and particles of matter flooding with AllahGlue expanding everything held together. Circuit blowing up faster and faster undetected except in the math world AllahGlue flowing down on currents all of the matter expanding Images.
Moses said "Let Us make mankind in Our image", Genesis 1:26, Universe. "And the Lord God said behold, the man has become like one of Us(the Sun's), to know good and evil". Genesis 3:22, and "Come, let Us go down and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech", Genesis 11:7. Where Universe is least to most galaxies, to its core, out all along its length out to "red shifts". Astronomers, one God has opposite God charge Companion! Mass to Image. Where currents speak heavy God to light God, connected! Black Hole 87% of Universe bust out of point curled up, Bang unfolded expanding! Parallel Universe pops-up in Hollow center of Eternity circuit closed, expanding. Current layers of Negative Gravity Charges point through Positive Gravity Charge to their places along coil of Negative to Positive Gravity Charge, 87%. Circuit length of Eternity the Universe galaxy 13% pops up like fireworks all along Universe circuit, 87%. Positive Gravity Charge flowing down black currents of Negative Gravity Charge each heartbeat of time discharge reconnect Universe falls to point centre. Universe out of Outer Darkness of Eternity project Negative Gravity Charge Image flooding Universe a Positive Gravity Charge piston, the pressure of Allah Glue spinning mass expanding Universe, faster and faster condensing matter to nuclei, converging through God(+) to Universe Image. Circuit reciprocal AC to DC to ground. All the images to core converge, black wide currents flowing matter projected into them accumulating mass. Universe Circuit closed under weight of God (+) mass pouring down 90° expanding images at drop a rock speed, suddenly Circuit closed abruptly pops up electrical Field Image Infinite Circuit Universe. Twined originally deflated centre of Eternity the Infinite coil of Universe suddenly unfurls, drop it fast. Universe 87% plumbs out galaxies Sun and the other night lights all out of binary star our Big Dipper out to Sun, collapse a white dwarf star to nuclei fell apart a solar system Oort cloud, blue reflection on binary dark star.
Allah current crystals flow Positive Gravity Charge down Negative Gravity Image projection manifests layers of Inner Darkness in Box currents converge on gravity grounds life suddenly pops up mass connected with image to matter sphere spinning. Earth's galaxy out of black hole the Infinite suddenly spouted Universe 87% mass adhering to currents, separate wide black gravity currents project Eternity images. Point of manifestation floods all the images with positive gravity charge expanding circuit everyone to each Universe, crystal and gas Area 7 projecting world. Positive Gravity Charge expanding Universe through Positive Gravity sphere spinning faster than light outward, centrifugally maintaining a Hollow Space void in the center of Eternity. Currents flow Gravity mass into Circuit of Universe Infinite, ballooning in Hollow void of space dead center outward Eternity pop-up Bang! God Positive illuminates matter Circuit. Negative Image slams back together suddenly connect, "Original Cause" short-out every previous Gravity Circuit of Eternity Universe mass flooding center of Eternity Gravitational Field unfolded suddenly currents clench Positive Gravity Charge focal point, flooding image. Until circuit mass of Universe falls to suddenly a round deflated ball twined together that pops up like inflatable from mass rushing into Universe image's waterfalls to everything a rapidly turning matter mass sphere sea of God(+) centrifugal pressure spinning up against Negative Gravity Charge image layers in the Box to darkness hollow center of the limit, for equal but opposite forces draping down on currents to the hemispheres of Universe, that pop-up boiling like Pluto. Magnetic core burst out in layers, to completion pressure popped out of Pluto Chiron expanding. Worlds all along coiled electro-magnetic Field infinite length of Universe, Infinite over 17 billion light year's wide. Visible World out of "BIG BANG", from coil of Infinite point pops up together Circuit of the Two Gods. Image filling Substance shapes of things and space parting. God Negative's dark currents flowing dead weight of God+ mass fluid into Eternity Circuit Universe Image, life in steaming water in magnetic core of orbs. Intelligent Negative Gravity Charge layer's of identity pressed up inside 6 sided Box. Universe pops up into existence a 2 stroke piston in Eternity's Void inside Eternity physical Universe suddenly pops-up galaxies, like fireworks! Not from a monkey, humanity all mixing up lust rape and from mating other kinds of humanity to human differences.
The electrical discharge of mass on mass source repeatedly deflates and reconnects Universe image in a circuit all of its substance 13% of Universe discharged from Infinite, everything electrical field focus in the void. God Negative Area 7 manifestations all the gravity charge images pop up in place all along the continuous Coil of Universe with magnetic core seeds of life stages every identity in Universe pops-up Big Bang! Currents to gravity ground's footprint deposits of all along Gravity Circuit Coil of Universe in black outer darkness God(-) current pressure squeeze, filling the Universe with mass everywhere along the length of Universe, a 2.5 x 1.0 ratio projection proportionately expanding until Universe runs out of space to expand in. Subliminal hidden circuit light Positive Charge of Gravity to black Gravity Current image, weight centralized slams back together focused to point deflated reconnects circuit design of things in repeating Universe, flooding Hollow of Eternity. Universe collapse to point centre shorted out parallel universe images crystals and gasses water came first, everything else on it up out centre point planned order Black Hole plumbs galaxy suns repeating in mass Void God Motor for thrust.
Universe how far yet, to end of expanding to mass of gravity spinning out against negative image layers in the Box. Universe going to reach gravity charge spinning its Hollow shorts out against speed of source of mass spinning faster than light blows gravity circuit expanding Universe deflates image back to focal point. Where Universe re-centers itself back in the Hollow of Eternity's centre, to expanding outward again, suddenly mass charge reconnects to image. Negative gravity charge raining "God" Positive Charge spinning up against image layers, in the Box. Universe circuit expanding runs into galaxies until circuit breaks, Eternity dies, or only reaches God+ again shorts out. Pops-up suddenly World a 2.5 x 1.0 dimension of parallel Universe, out of Void center of Positive Gravity, Area 3 mass of Eternity spinning. Seven dimensions of Eternity to a void center illuminating electrical circuit periodically, Universe in space center of Eternity. Positive Gravity Charge spinning up against outer layers of identity in the Box of Negative Gravity Charge images. The Box Area 5, in Area 6 pressure chamber of crystals and gases stored code above in solid Area 7 over the Box in outer void under outer and inner high pressures crystallizes the 6 sided Box. Universe Image outer Area 7 backs up Area 6 to Box a crystal. Image through mass spinning faster than light project identity down wavelengths of negative gravity charge to their Universe Circuit places, expanding faster and faster, mass filling Universe Image and image's condensing Eternity mass birth of static memory stored in area 7. Currents focus Universe stored in Outer Negative Gravity design of Universe crystalline Area 7 compressing beams of current into wavelength on the Box. Gravity circuit breaks End of time "original cause" drops all the images of Universe, deflated of mass. So images fall back to line of Infinite that shrinks to a point everything on point centre of Eternity, curled up. Area 7 heart beat of 2-stroke engine, traveling Area 2 expanding all its images again in Area 1 chamber. Universe shorts-out on Area 3 again, deflated Universe draws beams of crystals and gasses in Area 7 memory code to refocus on focal point centre of Eternity draws mass projecting to refocused Universe suddenly pops up again receiving weight and mass of spinning Area 3 void of Area 1. Universe expanding in as a piston. Area 5 six sided Black Box in Area 7 inversion projects Universe to receive mass. Infinite pops up parallel Universe out of mass redirected 90° projects intelligent life image layers in Area 4 intelligent planning 7 Area programs a body, Eternity living.
Time pops out of the matrix Universe expanding, 7 Area's of focus over and over again, without a beginning or end of it. Eternal heartbeat every time another new Universe in Eternity shorts out Circuit of the Two Gods regularly, on point centre of Void, the continuous Cord of Gravity length Infinite bundle parallel in a fist grip of concentration on point centre of Eternity. Universe reaches Gravity Charge again, centered in Void Area 1 flooding with mass suddenly, Bang! Untwines coil of Infinite pops up into parallel Universe in center of a void. Accumulating Matter Positive Gravity Charge floods Universe falling fast as a rock image expanding blown apart unnoticed space relation. Mass backed up on ground at certain places around the world, transparent positive gravity charge inversions expanding on gravity current focus. Like marked in measurements up to flat opening cone top hyper space flight if you wish 7 piece engine to create and mass produce God Motor for bursts of thrust Moon up to light speed escape a red dwarf star.
Two sides of Gravity, in Circuit of Creation Universe pop up out of centre-point of Eternity Void, expanding in a burst of fireworks of galaxies immediately, day one, World pops up back together out of point centre. Everything hungry, circuit of current image to matter connects Eternity's infinite length to positive gravity charge Big Bang! Galaxies spew out spinning with seeds of life immediately, after discharge of previous Universe begins a new Universe, from point centre over and over again mass on current focus puts Universe into perspective! Here exploding hydrogen galaxy breaking Universe Circuit of Gravity if that is going to happen gamma ray burst to Earth.
Universe always returns whatever it created if they don't "translate" before 2029 or World War. Aftermath sets off return of everything to its place in a new Universe. Black Hole back together a ball of line, little hardball that pops up Universe expanding, small. Suddenly a closed circuit of gravity at bottom center of Hollow void, of mass spinning, Universe pops up with a Bang! Suddenly galaxy points pop out to their places about Black Hole 87% mass length of Infinite uncoiled in void suddenly touch mass pops up 87% sows 13% detectable Universe by black holes.
Perpetual spinning sphere matter floods mass down to World image expanding until galaxy(s) short out destroy Universe somewhere along its length of 87%. Weight of God(+) mass against God(-) image layers of identities compacted in the Box by mass spinning, current outside in beams crystallized a Black Box with 6 sides. Mass spinning faster than light Gravity Currents through it beams back up into current wave lengths flood mass into the Infinite in the Hollow Void Space expansion increasing length of Infinite so galaxies going away faster than light. Infinite coil continuously expanding right to left, Universe an electro-magnetic Field generating a electrical kinetic energy storm lightening flashing in its lower left end uncoiling while expanding!
Negative Image beams backed up into wave lengths on Black Box to its 8 corners, Negative Gravity Charge currents converge Universe on focal point void centre, everything in their time suddenly under Area 7 projection pressure. Length of Infinite proportion manifestation pops up focusing currents together expanding so fast squirt of God(+) flowing AllahGlue adhesive matter to Eternity focal point all us. God (+) mass inversion centers all around the world good for stable Universe image in time footprint save their life on mass condensing to nuclei. Each deposit large or small chocolate drop shape invisible, unless you raise up surface of it getting up from seating see transparent shape of Gravity mass deposit, as it runs into ground faster than light. Gravity x Light = Mass, initially bursts galaxies out all along Infinite length of Eternity Gravity Circuit, popping up like fireworks the length of Infinite generating a electrical storm in lower end left end of Universe expanding the Infinite. Galaxy light all along center length of of Infinite 2.5' wide by 1.0' tall tubular Universe beginning. Up to light from galaxies visible light along center of the Infinite in the background of Universe gray churning space outside hiding distant Light outside of Universe Void Gravity mass spinning. Brilliant white light matter in the Circuit of Eternity. End of the World drops to point presto Universe pops up again out of length of Infinite, on point centre of Eternity. Open circuit overload deflates Universe expanding. Projected Universe Image shrinks to nothing along Infinite curled up. Area 7 crystals separated by gasses returns a shorted out Universe Beginning. Area 7 beams crystallize Black Box to waves reconnects Universe with mass projects layers of intelligence's packed in Black Box gravity mass spinning in God Motor to burst out valves to travel faster than light, through mass expanding Universe, back through time.
Out of the World identity to DNA and back compressed a double helix. Seeds of life, water in round worlds. Life making methane gas erupt on planets stars sun and moons that pop up alive. Methane gas squirts out of living celestial bodies in expansions from life inside. Magnetic core world under steam pressure inside, under molten lava sphere Earth, magnetic core knocked off center by Moon crash into Manchuria terrestrial crust, released seeds of life onto earth flourish in air water and land out of steam pressure in hollows of solar system. God (-) Currents converge memory identity of individuals each from the Negative Gravity Charge sphere's layers of identities stored in the Black Box under high pressure. Seeds of life on earth solar system World pop out from stars. Negative Gravity Charge images of identity each in their time, in the Circuit of Infinite. Universe length expanding until galaxy about it run into Eternity's Infinite breaks Image falls to void center pops up again suddenly from Eternity Point of Origin Universe expanding. Black gravity current image complex circuit folded over and over in the cosmos. Heaven mass connection turned on, gravity images a gravity circuit hidden in all the images nuclei the AllahGlue receiving current condensing to particles all the objects incoming Image mass, at the rate of 4.9m/s push into place in Universe void. Hollow void attracting again and again Eternity's Gravity Circuit Universe to expand everything again. Circuit of Eternity in Hollow of God (+) here 17 billion light years wide coil of tubular Universe circuit. The Hubble Space Telescope only saw 1 side of and 3/4's of other side, at first sight. So astronomy knows now Universe is tubular. Science finds most galaxies are closer to 87%, out to least number of galaxies. Universe parallel a winding snake, "Quetzalcoatl"! Science dumb in a forest of knowledge can't see it, electrical-magnetic Field the way King David and later me, see it approach expanding faster and faster Infinite mass of cable pile in a fist grip Universe centered in Eternity void of 7 part mechanism in Area 3 matter. Gray particles churn far above Universe block out circuit-light of Area 3 spinning faster than light, to run into fall and pop up again from point center of its void.
When completed Universe Area 4 layer by layer returns again its images, all in proper proportions as before, receiving God (+) mass down God (-) currents everything World Eternity in a circuit to grounds, all the manifestations popped up, where water came first,"Darkness over the waters". Universe out of ball of Infinite Circuit out of point centre in a void. Black Hole cord popped-up in a Big Bang Universe expanding tiny, out Point centre. Electrical Magnetic Gravitational Field tubular Universe 2.5' x 1.0' churning its Circuit coil a Eon, until Short-Circuit overloaded falls to new earth and new heaven not going to happen on the Sun. Falls this Universe to repeat populating another Circuit of Two Gods out of Big Bang in plumbs spewing galaxies out of Dark Circuit 87% of Universe out Black Hole plumbs all along Infinite length increasing. Universe falls back points along coil every world circumstances repeat if not to other alternatives.
Each new Circuit re-illuminates God (+) spinning motor mass Area 7 projection collect. A "streets of gold" scenario between connected? But shape and form of world returns everything created on their appointed day of manifestation, given substance and awareness under God (+), molded in the mind of God Negative. All the stars and their orbs to sun core all filled with seeds of life to every new Universe. Matter of world with space viruses burst-out of water into space from destroyed terra firma. Earth each polar reversal expansion all of God- creations breath in invisible God+ mass Universe periodically destroyed, Circuit of Eternity "shorts out", falls back to original point, pops up in a "BIG BANG" again. Rain of God (+) keeps expanding Circuit of the World again in a void, until Universe Gravity Circuit shorts-out or overloaded expanding to Matter Gravity Charge. A galaxy breaking Cord of Matter at 4.9m/s God+ falling down Currents of Gravity galaxies running into breaks Eternity's Circuit? God(+) spinning centrifugally out on axis against layers of intelligent images, project another "beginning" implodes Gravity Circuit to all coiled up deflated in a ball to Big Bang, Universe! That keeps expanding at a steady rate until length of Eternity discharges back to point centre, parallel Universe mass drains out all its 100%.
The breaking of God (+) charge to God (-) Image is the Original Cause of new Universe. Below photograph shows how End of the World is shorting out its mass on likes of galaxy NGC 2300 running into Universal Circuit Two poles, 87% of Universe covered with black current on matter circuit. Gravity Currents connecting mass to Circuit image that brakes or overloads falls back to void centre. Original cause shorts-out the World. Is gamma ray burst coming this way fast as they come? Universe runs out of space discharges Gravity matter, collapses to point centre New Beginning! Negative gravity charge image to positive gravity charge mass, Universe with all Circuits the world. Mass behind current expanding Universe, raining down God Positive Gravity Charge on Negative currents expanding projections. "Cosmic Egg" turning about void in its hollow expands Universe on its mass 13% about circuit length of Infinite on plane of Eternity center gravity current filling with mass, raining upon nuclei accumulate volume to high Heaven!
Below a disintegrating galaxy smokes up space with hydrogen gas, red hot on 87% of the Universe, a galaxy running into unseen Circuit length of Eternity here, its red hot cloud bent out of round over Eternity's Gravity Circuit at NGC 2300 disintegrating in 10 million degrees of hot hydrogen gas, galaxy running into 87% of Universe mass. Circuit coil connecting Two Gods said "17 billion light years wide" Hubble Space Telescope first put into orbit found. Eternity shorting-out on galaxy running into Gravity Circuit Cord length of Infinite. Black gravity currents rush over surface of mass circuit hotter than hell hydrogen spreading over "ten million degrees "F° hot as Sun at its core galaxy spreading over round center of massive Universe Circuit cord. Here Mass at Image high voltage burning up two galaxies in the disintegrating NGC 2300 galaxy system, one galaxy burning up another galaxy in front of it in 10 million degrees of hot hydrogen gas. Fierce currents rushing over Circuit of Gravity burning up 2 galaxies on fire out to its lower left side in the star system NGC 2300. While galaxy running into red spot on Circuit of Eternity plunges into its torrents of Gravity currents over Eternity's Circuit pushes the hydrogen into a oval shape High Voltage! Looks like facing the Earth for a blast at the end of the World 2029 sudden hydrogen bomb gamma ray burst concussion from hot hydrogen gas NGC 2300 going to explode? Galaxy burning Eternity Circuit keeps running into the infinite length of the power cord of Two God's Universal Circuit, blows-out manifestation back to point centre of God+ void, faster than light, pause before World pops back up together from point centre through God+ into void of space, filling up Void faster and faster with Universe filling up space, original-cause of Universe expanding same as always, to end of the world short-out same as past present and future ages of galaxies moving about with Universe back to point every time everything on the "wheel of birth".
Is gas shown below going to explode if galaxy on red center continues down into currents of gravity running mass 87% of Universe popping the core of stars, fear Earth's core up about to Earth's door in its top. Circuit of Gravity holding World together threatened here. Core breaking out will be felt around the world, while 1995 below a galaxy running into Circuit Cord of Two God's Universe 87%. Currents going left or right over mass flowing. Hydrogen bomb here? Stars popping water filled magnetic core's in 10 million F° of hydrogen gas, bending over Universal Circuit of Gravity Hubble Telescope discovered threatening A BIG HUGE HOT HYDROGEN GAS EXPLOSION break Image of Universe in one big huge Flash, followed by a wall of gamma rays right behind it our way Circuit of Two Gods likely reaches end of Void before it breaks, Universe and everything in it falls back to point 0, for next BIG BANG Universe Image the world back where it started. Void Eternity receive gravity mass on gravity current image focus until overloaded, Gravity Image Universe quickly disappears. Area 3 matter a glow, where could be streets of gold and everyone a mansion until Universe Image reconnection illuminates mass again!
Creation in a day beginning after Infinite length of Universe circuit is broken by galaxy running into Eternity's gravity circuit, or expands to short out on mass at the end of the void. While here all the water blown out of orbs in this galaxy system NGC2300 running into hot Infinite 87% of Universe, current rushing across 87% of Universe concealing circuit NGC2300 shorting-out Universe on galaxies. My observation requiring explanation in quantum mechanics as The Third Party logic of my Power by Default Vote Majority verses voted votes. My U.S. Military change of Command nationwide Militia I save White America survive a world as we know it ending disaster. And already near close place to break through world with my bag flight back in time duplicate Universe in the Box, Motor for space travel, from a disabled generator found in a underground factory shaped like two octopuses joined together full of accelerators stacked up like donuts seen through a hole blown out through its side mounted on a fixture in a room between closed work bays on each side. Originally for reproduction in a factory left behind with hole blown out its side, harness gravity circuit mass for space travel, possibly on my way to 1309. U.S. Military found on a fixture bench it was created on reproduce. Power to get to Neptune or star suddenly before red dwarf star knocks out Sun bigger than Earth ellipse. Moon turns blood red Sun becomes red giant nuclear fission knocked out. Afterburner space travel possible, gravity mass back side of image, projection on the Moon to the stars, or another place where everything wants to eat you. Settle Neptune hospitable ground conditions. Charge of gravity incoming flooding Universe Circuit, Negative Gravity image to Positive Gravity mass pouring down everywhere on Image current, Allah focus through Area 3 mass expanding Universe, in the womb of Positive Gravity Charge Void, worlds spinning outward from center of Void to its end of Universe Image illuminating mass, electrical circuit spinning faster than light mass pouring down gravity currents at 4.9 meters per second, expanding everything in the world exploding Universe out of center of Eternity expanding on grounds deposit positive gravity matter to negative gravity image Light a wave as well as particle Image waves incoming out going matter Area 3 reciprocal.
Matter God(+) transparent element piled up chocolate drop shaped thus backed up mass, pressure bubble. The element of the bubble is what we need to blast faster than light on receiving currents, focusing on a mineral concentration. Found in various sizes of natural bald spots, on earth. Where getting up from one while raising my head lifted the surface of the bubble, clinging to me there within its perimeter submersed in shallow end, got up from setting, raised the bubble to see its cone peak my head raise up its surface. Earth covered with countless gravity grounds connected to Earth's gravity circuit. Image currents converging together upon some element concentration. Positive Gravity Charge holding Earth together from flying apart, at 900 miles per hour. Earth spinning around drenched with matter, expanding all its nuclei. Stars pop and implode Oort cloud debris. Jesus' cornerstone of creation now mass of the world only seen in science laboratories smashing atoms. Matter on current project nuclei together Universe Images. Positive gravity charge light of atoms God+ hold particles together. Going around neutrons and protons composing all mass condensing Universe images in its stretching out space with it. Gravity currents flooding all points, Universe relentlessly raining down Positive Gravity mass Matter to closed Circuits of manifestation, all the God- image's mass focus, keeping on manifesting more God (-) images under unimaginable weight of "Cosmic Egg" producing a void inside it, under gravity focus Eternity's Positive Gravity Charge spinning out from us, Earth's hollow starting small generated high humidity off its ocean inside. God(-) individual gravity current images fall back down through God+ back to focal point in Eternity center of Area 7. Universe Image and Area 4 living things images in Universe world pops up each identity to day, out open then closed circuit souls stored in Earth magnetic core Hell center lay back in their sack.
Some stars fall back into plumb in "Black Hole" Negative to Positive Gravity Charge 87% mass Black Hole currents, flowing 87% Light of Positive Gravity Charge in a Circuit, pops-up together in a "Big Bang!" Outer Darkness Universe Image limit of Void stored above, over High Heaven within. Point center of Eternity void, in cosmic egg spinning Positive Gravity Charge. Poles of circuit twined suddenly burst out all around along center line a visible universe springs up suddenly sprouting galaxies of stars to sun, swirling about each tentacle end of Black Hole floods positive gravity charge down to creation aging too bright to be seen, normally Circuit of Two Gods pops-up Universe so fast its mass sprouted black holes, galaxies out various distances all along infinite length of Circuit of Gravity in tubular Universe. The Infinite branched out in strands off the Black Hole, suddenly galaxies burst out along Circuit of the Two Gods, out centre of dark void a Bang! Universe circuit covered in black gravity currents flowing mass one direction or the other along circuit of tubular Universe 87% of its mass at center, electro-magnetic field spectrum out to red shift expands length and diameter of infinite, it reaches mass discharge!
In "the beginning" of Universe two stars of opposite systems of north and south pole are turning furiously up against each other, all along and beside each other across entire length of the 87% of Universe mass, filling Allah Image with reciprocal mass filling image out of Area 3 above, locates everything on Day One. Expansion beginning when mass charge connects with Image. Parent order Area 7 sows points that pop up stars all along and about Circuit center of tubular Universe, unwound from point centre. So each star's opposing companion sun pops out with planets and debris scattered between them, galaxies burst out of strands of the central Black Hole. All mass of matter in the world God or some laboratory name, turns faster than light in the Black Box, to organic layers put in earth. God- darkness solid Image Area 7 programs gravity current to their places all things Universe. Circuit of gravity Big Bang un-wound continuous coil Circuit of Infinite suddenly pops-up in void joined together mass and image, infinite length of Universe, Qutezalcoatl! Plumed Serpent out to galaxies all about Electro Gravitational Field 87% Universe mass 13% pops up fireworks with Earth in between only 2.5' x 1.0' beginning it coughs up Earth.
Each solar system born of a "solar jet" out of the stars all shot-out with planets and moons, points of origin first and pieces thereof. All the pairs and the clusters of stars pop up when suddenly "there was light" throughout length and breadth of Universe, filling with matter. However one or both or no clusters of some stars born into outer space stayed alive in this end of Milky Way when Universe popped up in a Gravitational Field. All the background around Universe is a smoky gray of particles of matter blocking out the distant Light of Gravity Circuit tainted the whole sky sight with all the universe leftover particles subtle light in swirling greyness.
All the systems of companion stars and remains of between stars suddenly Bang! Pops-up in the objective World Circuit of Gravity. Eternity unfurls electrical Field, connected. Creation pre-designed out of Negative Gravity Area 7, layers in Black Box against spinning sphere of mass, a gravity circuit image within Eternity's hollow void, perpetual machine action repeating itself on Eternity's equator Hollow center in Apollo. Universe spread out in both directions from right to left Infinite coil mass extending itself, until Discharge Universe vanishes. Drained of mass Infinity under focus of Area 7 beams to currents sprouts all the deflated image of everything from point centre of the Void with a heart beat. Force of Area 7 focus drops all deflated image to centre of Eternity point. Area 7 must be in other names than Allah, memory storage of Universe perpetual 2-stroke engine, expanding again. Infinite deflated falls to point centre of Area 1 to Circuit of Eternity, where Infinite pops up Area 7 Image. Galaxies burst out from twined point of Eternity length deflate until mass connect snaps back expands suddenly bursts 13% visible Universe on it.
Inside tubular Universe 87% matter core Area 3 image current covered conceals Circuit of Gravity illuminated. Most galaxies to lesser number of galaxies out to red shifts, to universe ends, about infinite length of Circuit Cord of Infinite, that can deflate to a single point. Quetzalcoatl a plumed serpent sprouted with galaxies like ancients got it. Universe Infinite length of Eternity Circuit out from greater number of galaxies to least number of galaxies world burst out of coiled up, out of a point, length to Tubular universe expanding gravity circuit, galaxies lucky to see lined length of the Infinite, say "I hold the Universe in my hands" with a Nishren Buddhist scroll" the Universe." So it came forward, to look at Universe expanding to duplicate the God Motor with science and military power to lightning storm in its lower left end discharging kinetic energy. Infinite's Gravitational Field beginning 2.5' x 1.0' an expanding Universe I might publish in 1952.
Outermost Negative Gravity Charge currents Area 7 "Father" of the Universe program. Where "Apollo" would work fine a name to give matter origin of Infinite expanding Universe moving faster than light matter Illuminated Circuit, high voltage. Healing properties Positive Charge too bright to be seen in the world in Hollow void. Womb like God+ "the other side" a chance moment. Universe Gravity Circuit accumulating Positive Gravity Charge mass grounded to earth an insulator of gravity current in Universe Circuit. Matter expanding everything under God+, "called by many names". Born to grow old die stored in Hell. Luck certain Fall day leave that behind. World heartbeat repeats over and over again, 2 charges mate then break apart at regular intervals short-circuits Universe temporarily that turns off Gravity Circuit Light of High Heaven.
Everything has an opposite sex among the animals and fishes and plants, for most things. Where the laws of physics and organic's have 2 polarities and neutrals, in the world for all the different kinds of forces in Nature. Mythologies thus all made their male and female deities from physical law realities, to stupefy a following. Have to put reality together independently what is actually holding everyone and everything together down to Earth a gravity circuit in a universal Image. Some broken Universal Gravity Circuit Weight of incoming mass on Gravity current, condensing to particle groups. Universe mass fall rate 4.9 meters per second. Looking at the blackness of space the gravity currents packed together, black curtain of the World all grounded in feldspar to central Positive Gravity Charge illuminated hidden Earth's Circuit of Gravity, where only the pure in heart ever see god figure it safe to jump in for a joy ride tell it what I want, patriotic Riot!
Meanwhile Earth is only a rich area in space where life reaches surface of the World. On other places in space where life began it did not last as long as it has on Earth, while the suns only have life in their core. Security in the USA is destined to end in 2024. If military power in America 2029 bigger star than Earth year around coming in on red moons. Desperate only my absolute power can duplicate Eternity as a power source for a space ship, to carry American people to Neptune somewhere else to live fast. Biden not safe to stay to winter. Mass evacuation from this planet publish in 1760 the future I could create God Motor to shuttle before 20th century, in Power by Default or outright. U.S. Armed Forces Coup d' militia take out the "System". We the people dictatorship feed authority to shark or ship out everything bank redistribute property house jobs.
Cruel World. Life was created a food source, for Negative Gravity Charge Area 7 outermost. While light of Positive mass gravity fills image Allah current stores dead to stay aware dreaming dream eternally in their dreaming body, verifying It's own existence, sustaining the physical World Image. Positive Gravity Charge stretched crisscrossing the world most people never find it to do anything with it, don't do that South Dallas wormhole. World distracted with Allah images and media authority faithful to the world "souls" die for it, fall straight into Earth's Gravity Field web in magnetic core. Gravitational web for humans here with no chance to think jump through, where? Sword of the Lord crease to memory identities. After 7 million years of people laying back in a dreaming body, souls sacked up drained black of memory, dream in their glossy black tear shape dreaming the world, when I peered down upon them all clustered together like rain drops. The rays of sunlight over my shoulders shined down upon them, gleamed off of their glossy black sacks. All hanging down side by side in front of me. Sun awakened them with daylight! So they all fell out, a crowd of people frantically rushed up reaching up at me in the daylight, trying to climb up over each other to reach me could not reach me, to get out of there. An enemy secret society, witchcraft was lurking in a corner. I turned myself from looking down at the lost of souls to look at him across the yard. I hope not to disturb such people again I woke up out of dreaming, stored in Earth's Universe field web, my witnesses of me must now call it "Hell".
Only a "few" living beings ever find flash of Gravity Charge. Circuit in their struggles in life or death, to jump into Positive Gravity out of Earth's Ort ever find sticky deposit condensing to nuclei gets free from man eating hungry world. Opportune gravity deposit or tube crisscrossing the earth around it. Heart beat. Return to design layer Area 4 arisen, Memory Identity for next Universe. Heaven's key all other opt to fall to "Hell". October left to ascend FedCoin, gravity deposit hyper space holding world together. Realistically just get to matter print, or die for cause.
Various shrines have been built up all around the world by various peoples on Earth that unexpectedly found gravity charge, who gave them names like "dragon" or "serpent", often used to describe the tubular-ness of Universe. Eternal life a jump away, if you stay at such "bald's" or pyramids, or other kinds of mystery locations people have built around and upon to a miracle. Some vanish into the strip of Positive Gravity Charge binding Earth together wrapped around it countless crossing points all around world. Gifted few find the way ascended Gravity Circuit Image, or die to the underworld. Matter "Origin of Life" invisible fuel illuminating circuit images with mass pouring down gravity current to gravity ground part sword of the lord, like I do again.
Miracle of faith in action questioned on star college figures hits Sun head on I opt out through Area 3. Sword of the lord on gravity anomaly. Weightless in the Apollo "God" learned, navigate ascended in the Mass Charge of Gravity, didn't have worth taking let go my hands, watched mass slowly close. I will have this, not too late to part the line! Taking my pack on again, left my double to puma that night do again. Gravity Charge to the time. Ort band holding Earth together, spinning 900 miles per hour. God+ mass spinning faster than light Area 3 deposits, where only solar plexus to get around, nothing there. Ascended will maneuver thrust in weightless Area 3, Ort Circuit Lighted Area 3 mass! Area 7 Universe crystals gases, Area 4 layers in 6 sided crystal.
The very fewest of people however arise their soul to Area 3. Almost mythical to be a whole soul. Only pack what I can to Area 3, only leaves my double. Camera on break through, good to prove in the past. In limbo, not back far as 3 Reversals after Great Flood a man ventured. Positive Gravity Charge, returned. Dreamers all sacked up in Earth's Gravitational Field have to wait to be seed in next Universe, put exit on lay away. Earth very top-heavy needs only reach steam pressure exit northwest of Norway, flap to come out of, that could go back down into Earth again, blowing out steam to a new Age for life on Earth from new super volcano in Earth's top blowing out its steam pressure in Arctic Ocean. Unless it blows out all of its internal steam pressure inside collapse Earth into smaller planet filling in Hell with molten lava lithosphere if core stay in Earth.
Earth's core back up to Arctic 2011 somewhere around Earth 85° west to blow out steam through top of the world another Super Volcano since Siberia 5th magnetic polar reversals. If 6th reversal no chance new heaven new earth, on the Sun. Earth's fastest spin August 2022, core off center to blow top slips all the fault lines anytime. Faster spin, steam over inner ocean in Earth's core expanded Earth, molten lava cover ocean floors between continents and islands to about now again. Inner ocean steam pressure in Earth's core boiling lava to gush out new fountains of the deep or last gasp up through molten lithosphere new life forms, if there are any left inside Earth's core ready to be sown or invade. The Sun's Twin came by close as 21,000,000 miles away. Planet X magnetism leaving Sun, in 2011 Japan Haiti Chile New Zealand violent jolt to the world long continuous earthquakes. Winds up Sun bounces away to Ice Age if star misses, Earth cooked. Magnetic poles on side like barrel in Earth's top, 2020 Military predicted 9 years off 2029 for a 6th polar reversal, core samples. No one knows exact day and hour world is destroyed, except by space telescope. Debt Default a chaos 2025. Aztec and Mayan calendar end of solar ellipse in solar system swings back Milky Way Galaxy center at fat red dwarf star that runs into Sun coming out. Long Count and Short Count calendar to end of Sun 52 year calendar world to worlds collide. Earth hunted down by star last red Moon in 2029 falls on Australia, looking here at Wormwood!
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above two map segmentsMeasure rate of speed and distance to top of world, Earth's magnetic core ran into top of the world March 11, 2011, increasing its rate of speed up to 85° latitude hit the world going to break out of North Sea explode, Maya 8/10/3113 BC (BCE) calculation to 2011 of Sun ellipse in the middle of Oort cloud back to its solar jet 2012, beginning. Final 52 year century before run into by a star in the season of Noah's Flood. The world destroyed in timely geological events, meets swelled up red dwarf star bounce the Sun. U.S. Military calculations, core samples, 5 polar reversals 9 years off, polar reversal, religion cleaving to Image world, gravity current stores in Hell all the secret societies only interested in their reign.
Here the world needs as soon as possible to find what ground is sacred in the lands of their Origin, wherever peace of mind ground can be found, in these days of economic oppression to Sun bounce on you. U.S. politician's trapdoor Default secret session knows I can only profit in the past. Guilty of unforgivable sin hole in soul baby, forget it! Few places I can ascend from with mementoes. Martyrs in a world methane gas fire! In build up for WWIII nothing else to do but Armageddon arms build-up repeat Mars extinction riot gun armament, a 4th of July Revolution.
Here somebody ascended in Pre-Columbian times better they put a circle around it. Mayan built a shrine atop a pyramid and a pyramid over that on it, over where the person ascended. Built outer pyramid over original pyramid resulted in building a staircase from doorway at bottom of outer pyramid up to shrine of the ascended person. Temple of Kukulkan Chichen Itza, Yucatan Mexico, bisecting a cord of matter stretched over ground intersection. Some people will be lucky to be here for 2029 Easter. Pray pray for faith enough a Rapture! Methane gas fire burns up the world until oxygen is gone. Few survive in a twinkling of an eye. Societies off on wide tangents fall to Hell. Gravity charge: If you want warp speed, to reach inside of sphere turning faster than Light ticket I trust Area 3 with my 15 year old girl friend.
Temples of the Sun to Quetzalcoatl:
Sun to nourish earth son of God objective world and planets worthy to worship the superior.
" Earth Systems Polar Motion Monitor
Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006
last revised February 8, 2006
The Earth's Wobble Has Paused
What this portends, no one knows.
(ECB - February 8, 2006, MWM) For at least three and a half weeks there
has been almost no movement of the spin axis in the normal spiral track
of Chandler's Wobble. See an extensive analysis of the pause in the wobble
as of February 8, 2006 at the web site. It is also being sent to subscribers
via email directly after this Bulletin."
This has to do with axis Earth spins on. Iron core of Earth 27% its diameter an axis entirely up inside of Earth's northern hemisphere, turned faster and faster to 2011-12, increasing Earth temperature over population took over. Two spheres turning in opposite directions since 1975, until Inner Earth erupts out of North Sea in a violent transition Earth turning over in a new direction Planet X did not orbit sun to do it. Asteroids ripping across Earth made Atlantic basins, 2 asteroids. Planet X 2006 close enough stabilized Earth revolving for 3.5 weeks of not wobbling. Turned the Sun upside down February 19, 2007. Earth's Magnetic Poles turning against 85° latitude blows it's top beat the clock, survival! Thor turned Sun magnetic poles upside down February 19, 2007, went back to Oort cloud solar jet beginning. Earth's core blows-up in Arctic fault gets there centrifugal forces slings Earth's core to end of the world Fault 1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Red Moon Red dwarf star, coming up behind the sun.
Here the iron core of the Earth size of the Moon is spinning further and further off center from Earth's axis every day acting like an off-center load in a washing machine, wobbling massive object a record slowest early August 2022. No wonder why Earth is wobbling, so off center. Suddenly a faster spin flips over poles in a new direction, if the world lasted that long. Thor pop-up shot a wicked solar jet pops up Big Dipper out to Sun, raising food and civilization. Planet X magnetism would have turned Earth upside down if planets orbit sun, sun happen to bounce on Portugal, out of North Sea, blow out pressure to Earth new direction.
I was reading "The Final Theory" by Mark McCutcheon about physics formulas, and his gravity theory, with the other gravity theories. I was surprised to find they did not disprove any of my descriptions of reality, I figured out from experience. So can safely say Gravity times Light equals Mass falling 4.9m.p.s. Positive Gravity Charge Area 3. Area 7 beaming Universe image through IT, to void center of Area 1 focus on centre point of Area 3 spinning void Area 1. Area 2 piston expanding in chamber Void.
Gravity x speed spinning mass, 90° redirected Gravity Current = Image.
Earth located in the lower left of Universe here expanding out to its left from where it was in a round ball. Infinite deflated to a point Allah Image of Universe beginning, a circuit of parallel Infinite continually expanding, turning coil lengthening proportionately out 87% of Universe mass Universe space expanding. Elohim/Allah Image converging Eternity gravity circuit. Centre point of reciprocating circuits out of layers of, all Intelligent Images project in 6 sided Black Box beams to currents penetrate through God+ mass spinning faster than light gravity current images appear at Eternity centre together, earth from all sides to their places pop up in a Bang! Currents flowing Matter down into circuit pops-up the 87° Black Hole Infinite circuit length expanding. Presto again to receiving mass, pops-up 2.5' x 1.0' this wide or less, to expanding faster and faster:
Area 7 Universe composition in a grip to centre point of Eternity void. Upon becoming electric circuit above Image pops up receiving matter the Infinite. Parallel Universe like snakes moving over each other, kinetic energy to storm head. Suddenly magnetic Field out of 87% Universe galaxies plum out all along the Infinite, in a pile flared out both ends in a fist grip. Area 7 crystals focus to centre point of Eternity Universe, lower right end view clinched like it must be two fangs.
Above sketch shows a human ability to reach above-light speed to see Universe from a separate relative point of reference, as defined in the following paragraph, "along existing beams of starlight rather than generating light or radio waves and waiting for them to physically move through space at the relatively slow speed of light to a pre-determined location. Where near-light speeds, time space and matter behave in bizarre new ways, that run counter to our everyday experience and understanding" instantaneous hyper-link experience, "Quantum Entanglement" above image of Universe expanding from my reference point outside of Universe, relative to my hands holding both ends of Universe description appeared on distant convention hall back wall expanding Circuit of Eternity a continuous infinite white line down center of tube, galaxy plumbs.
In August 1973 in Atlanta, Georgia Universe came forward above Image of Universe, from back of the stage at my Nishren Shoshu initiation. Right after receiving a scroll by its ends in my hands I returned to my seat, to meditated on it being a complete description of the Universe. So I looked up, the Universe appear in front of me about 80' away on the back wall of the convention hall. A cloudlike shape about 2.5' wide and 1.0' tall faint cloud in the distance. I strained my eyes trying to make out details of it, then noticed it was gradually coming forward! I waited to get a closer look at it. Shortly it got close enough to see the details of it. The Universe as a level bundle of over a million parallel lines cord with a luminous white line down center of all the lines. I suddenly realized Universe is tubular like the Hubble Space Telescope sees it! Universe with a white line down center of all its of lines all stars and galaxies gathered about Eternity's 87% mass down the center length of tubular Universe proved to me Universe is a Circuit of 2 poles. Originally a round point suddenly pops out fanged right end must be 2 fangs. A moment later startled to see Universe getting up close with its lower left end closing in around me! There was a lightening storm in the lower left end of Universe, a thread of Infinity stuck out alone getting closer, so I could see it had to be galaxies lighting center. Thread of Universe curled out in front of its lower left began to reach me! Line in the lower left end of Universe looping out in front of bursts of lightning flashes! I looked back down at scroll in my hands assured that every line on it about the Universe was true, in Japanese! There use to be a translation of it scroll in English. Out of print Bud-ha like fast flower after you see Universe expanding. I learned enough about it, from seeing it expanding.
Religions are manmade, mass of which God transparent coming from the right brain, that can only think images all the religions worship. Verbal hemisphere left half does all the talking, perspective said is not God outside them, what cares. Vision and matter scholarship lucky does not have time to find Ort mass and surface tension to raise up to see its top. Better back to new place to finish, to have to jump into other side of gravity, since first time always does it surprise break through image to have to throw yourself like into pool to too much of it, have to see "God".
Gateway to Apollo. Science splatter atoms, secret tool to get through the Allah to the Glue here,
chocolate drop shape deposit surface area won't need little blue ball jump over, while I part line
ascending. One of my pictures in this batch came out above with a row of six flashes, 6 ascended
Indian on other side off of biting red ants left brain vision in transparent positive gravity matter
Apollo with surface tension bubbled up on ground clear as air confirms ascended on such places,
I picture. Ascending, depression inflation in America because politicians got rich in Debt Default
a Nazi Communist solution exterminate upper class corrupt left if Fedcoin criminal vote banking
I just as well massacre suicide rifle in my Power by Default Coup purge white America of enemy.
Racist rule Coup government created made rich richer stock market alien legislation, all of them.
Soldiers off to war profit! My democracy on citizen terms freedom a bloody Revolution, restoring
population balance world population expanding faster pill die in a breakdown, red dwarf hits sun
to the End a Red Full Moon shadow of star coming in brown dwarf star closing in. New Star 2005
on my one of 2 hills where to ascend test escape from the future, tell the genii 1309 5'-6" and built.
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Radical to find access to other side of gravity to circuit, taught the flight course back in time, for a Revolution now, against the invaded gangs at large. With leadership for 2029 and the Earth bounced away, to core with Celtic civilization inside. Am able to avoid disaster, if Americans have to build a space ship to get somewhere else fast. Sun bounce out Neptune way, to happy hunting ground temperature's game, possible ship teleport instantly to our object in space God Motor, creator.
The UFO sightings Military counted 650 since 2022, on the rise drones from the "Platform" hiding, watching 8 billion more people since 1950 from 1 billion .5 out of control reproduction distinctly ahead of extinction baby boom Businesses to be King of the world. Only my leadership dictatorship logical solution in power shuttles America far as distant Neptune, red Giant to follow.
Copyright © 1973, 2006, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2016, 2022, 2023, 2024 Lee Harrison
All Rights Reserved.