ITALIANS ARABS JEWS AND INDIA HAVE RELIGION. BUT NO GOD SAVES ANYONE, ASCENDED PEOPLE SAVE SOULS, SAY IT: Save mine again, same way, take earlier century or stuck immortal image with a bag on at least my girlfriend will recognize me, to get close again. Mass touch down, to 1309 King a Parliament? Show Wikipedia his historical future and rifle. I will have a electric bike wheel on help up front to go do the ritual again dive in. Great I had a lifetime to figure out motor from experience create elements thrust burst should be a big seller in the past
Game of life on I slip away never seen again trust mass! My last ball right of left corner from bumper. I drop it my left, 8 ball rolls there. Q ball rolls back I repeat!
October payday make my break, life and element images all creation immortal respectively leave rack up again. Life with chemistry reaction all the courses, always progressing to an end, seed a new Beginning. Don't worship the Reaper. God is only predator, consuming everyone dead it can. Refute by route back to full positive charge matter of gravity do again to surprise! While magnetic core of star Sun popped out of switched Sun poles. The authorities calling it a asteroid, the magnetic iron-nickel core of binary star north and south poles align 5 times. In Earth Chart's proof of "Moon size iron core of the Earth" spinning around 85° latitude westward magnetic north pole spinning axis under ice cap by Siberia on to pop out of Arctic North Sea beside Greenland, it's magnetic poles parallel to 85° latitude. Earth to live or die repeat mistake correct in day long hike. What only matters is consequence sudden rapture! Repeat, get published in Early America or covid-19 cure formula warn 1952 vanish at end of inflation before dollar a computer code on card. FDR political corruption investors stocked up with gold and silver by the tons. Massacre, nationalize Federal Reserve. Revolution cleanse to isolation solution, verses alien immigration. Gold/silver paydays Military stockpile of weapons in hands of hate cleans America. Arms America don't follow political future to the slaughter escape what on me. The damned have no escape don't want to know. Secrecy by media against the people a corruption hiding truth about star big enough to take out everything to Earth and Sun bounced on Portugal. Torture the truth out of media, show what you never see again, shown pieces of their secrets figured. Not too late bunker cities build for hotter than hell! Molten iron-nickel outside water cooled solid magnetic iron-nickel core, inside on earth. Object hit Earth 85° March 11, 2011 and three more times in 2011 since 1964 Alaska 9.2 earthquake. Land in 1952 publish, benefits reading this. Two asteroids hit Earth atmosphere Nostradamus asteroids predicted to rake Europe ripping across Earth in February missed Europe blew-up over Russia then lit up Florida, crisscrossing in 2013, when Earth began revolve through asteroids in Milky Way Galaxy December 21, 2012. Occasional asteroids until moon rise up fall apart Wormwood on Australia, New Star. Great tribulations for every nation and authorities left out in a nuclear storm. Red dwarf star spotted hits Sun, destroys the world or frozen. Polar reversal surmised from 5 polar reversal ocean core samples predicts another outpouring of lava full of iron particles, cool and align. Drought and storms destroying farming, while Japan melt down radiation destroys sea food. Only my Power by Default leadership remedies National Debt Default. Military Coup. Militia. Police back-up. Military gas out business and government militia capture or destroy aristocracy Political parties stock holders special interest groups. Jobs sent overseas to jack up profits on Wall Street. Bomb and shoot and apprehend authority, take all the wealth to Mint. Take business, massacre college left. My soldiers economic renaissance Tribunal. Hands-on training tuition employing racist Third U.S. Government. The booty stimulate public interest. Creativity plan before Sun meets star collision red dwarf star coming in. Spring floods deep snow-packs Final Ice Age, Sun miss Earth? Payday get together ascend again FED coin digital money dollar crash 2025 Debt Default WW3, I have a violent solution for.
These stars crossed paths. Left one a lie drawn opposite in ellipse end of solar jet, kiss sun. Blind side red dwarf star approach here. Swelled up star coming up to hit the Sun, only a window of escape to 2029, star run into Sun. But since I have a habit of breaking laws of normal I just get caught in its domain. Anyone else get out alive? Earth right on time inside and outside for the end of the world. If nuclear war destroys capitalism North Korea throw in 2. Weather and nuclear meltdowns into Pacific Ocean killing off fishing higher price for less. White American Armed Forces have me the racist leadership to feed the system to man eaters. Shoot on sight. Leftists die or escape to where they came from. U.S. national debt O divide property everything from establishment, free houses to go around fix up jobs. Train Americans get work done right for 6th end of the world, red dwarf star shows up. Science has to be dumb not to be able to figure out why magnetism loss across South Atlantic Ocean spread across South Pacific Ocean floors. Because source of Earth's magnetism spun away to northern hemisphere Earth's core spins faster than Earth, left sea floor terrestrial bottom of the Earth under weight of lithosphere pressure out, cracked Chile a 8.8 earthquake after 2011 Japan quake, filling in southern hemisphere with lava a axial crack to New Zealand, split Chile and New Zealand a tsunami as core of the Earth spun west in its top to blow-up out a Fault. Magnetic core steam pressure until stuck all of a sudden a great Rapture release. Earth expansion in tribulation. A short Flood through molten Earth new fountains of the deep burst out Noah's Flood Anniversary, fig trees put forth new leaves in Israel after I ascend for my health. Lucky any see me vanish to perform miracles, assistant follow my actions on sacred ground. Finally I have everything to vanish with before "The Big One" earthquake, bags and new bike to another gravity escape. No one will see me jump over little blue glass ball disappear through flame in air into the genii. Everyone burn up try to get out through portal. No one else see ascension to perform miracles. I vanish backpack on to past century pick up big Appalachia gold nuggets! Prove it with my camera on raise surface of transparent matter film of Ort Element Mass show its shape to viscosity convergence. Pack college data to past from desert hills and dunes bag rifle through seam through weightlessness learn as I go all the courses I need reeking with questions to be answered. A data bank tutor along with chemistry formulas and course lectures in my bag. Apollo, the Allah Glue. Intone request data necessary to take back in time nuggets in quarts to Yuma, if Eternity is good. Spot in 1760. Star Lake return, course lectures. Program show classic popular movies publish these pages a book. Change the future. Revolution against aristocracy politics. Movies on working-for their own and their friends financial interests. Play American history lectures, up to 2007 in 1760's. In elaborate secrecy make assault rifles, high explosives, for Majority Rule. Boston massacre so it never happens, publish by Boston printer. I pull out copy of Declaration of Independence and pamphlet of U.S. Constitution with Amendments, show how politics ruined America, for personal gain neutralizing male dominance. "A little bit of everything" taught in schools. Manufacture weapons design swift Revolution profit the people at Tribunal. Majority rule, skilled labor choices in industries. 1760's Cotton Gin factory, vulcanize rubber tire tractors. Tesla motor automate planting and harvesting, at end of year GNP Citizen's Dividend! In power in 2024 by force here, many facetted job fronts.
All of the worlds manifested come with an iron wrecking ball, spinning lava. Filled with water to a hollow humid center for steam to build-up inside, over an ocean. Original sin expand Earth 5 times after Edenites expelled escape first reversal settled 5th planet of the Sun. What Planet X missed but its white dwarf star captured, approaching Sun ran into Mercury. Sun in 1 year ellipse Planet X swung up close as 21 million miles from Sun, 600 times bigger than Earth, stopped Earth wobble for 3.5 weeks. Left Sun Earth 9.2, 8.8, 8.8, 8.8, 8.0 tsunami going away, year. Internal steam pressure release rest of Earth ocean inside, when water came first expanded Earth's hollow core under steam pressure build up instantly Earth popped up still until ripped open with slabs of planet crust. Earth's core began rotating in 1975, since Noah. Spinning faster than Earth causes "global warming". Originally feldspar to metals furiously popped up out of water inside molten metals and molten lithosphere earth in layer strata's. Smaller Earth spinning faster one continent, so human blood vessel valves in our limbs indicate heavy 4 footed animals! No animal instinct ascend means extraordinary disciplinary closeness with matter of life, coming and going ascend leaves everyone else to original sin damned die ignorant, serving the 3 dimensional world to death. Stars and planets and Earth expand when iron ball slinging around inside them crashes opens crack breaks through earth releasing super volcano. Flood fountains to grand canyon on Mars and Earth. Steam pressure build-up inside magnetic core releases super volcano when star comes too close to planet magnetic push or pull. Thor punched Earth core out of Earth center hit by Moon, squirt of Planet 6 knocked into Pacific Ocean. Steam and water pressure in iron core cracks on impact. Seeds of life spew out in Earth's Floods each time expansion pressure inside when bubble inside crashes into terrestrial crust like Mars and Earth. Mercury remains salvaged from Planet X running into Mercury made a gigantic ship, 4 more years of life on Earth ends this last Age. Omen 2018 an all day red Full Moon, red dwarf star hits Sun on time. Browndwarf rises-up falls apart on Australia "Wormwood" as star hits Sun. Place and time facts from the future, as if through key hole into time machine. Solar flares from stars another example of escaping methane gas on water, steam pressure inside full of life in their hollows, ever since earth pops-up full of life squirted fountains. Figure Image current Negative re-connects focus at BREAK. Methane gas expelled from life inside always found. Magnetic core life inside squirts outside, hospitable or not. Sirius lit by star, evacuated now, being sucked into white dwarf star. Planet X collapsed to bits, giving birth to white dwarf star. Not possible Man in the Moon is solid. Poles change when Earth magnetic core and star too close 5 times inner outer Earth fuse together spinning causes reversals!
Sirius came and went, red dwarf star incoming hits Sun. Sirius/Earth gravity sink converge 23 October 2006. Fate demands answers must be found to questions of survival on Earth or vanish. I answer economic challenges industry advances at Tribunal, patriots rule leadership. Racist White power Militia I take back America. Donald Trump could only wish to accomplish that. Rather armed forces all our racist hate groups arm for Military Coup d'. Spill government secrets and secret society secrets take all authority worth, finance industrial boom, clean slate vanquish national debt for gold credit Third U.S. Government. Grill politics animals consume uncover secret patents useful for utopia. Confiscate all stocks and non-profit wealth establish my Third USA, bunker for reversal or live it up 4 years to die. Life begins when stars and galaxies all pop-up in Void of Positive Gravity mass. Eternity a gravity circuit center. Black Hole to no end circuit of tubular Universe expanding increasingly, incoming Positive Gravity Charge adhesive holding all nuclei together. Image projected by Area 7 Negative gravity images converge through all its layers of Area 4 beings. Area 7 dimension project crystals into Void filling with mass of Ort condensing to Universe Image. Eternity an electrical magnetic gravity circuit. World, images suddenly circuit, critical mass Big Bang! Universe pops up unfolding squirts out of its Circuit sides plumbs out, 13% galaxies off Universe 87% mass. Suddenly Universe pops up out of the Original Cause: Circuit discharge. Eternity slams back to point, a dot. Positive Charge drains Universe Image, touch collapses back to Point Centre of the Void. Where Negative Image focus drops everything back to a point Infinite, burst bangs out Universe again receiving mass. No good teaching secret key ignore it die. Positive charge of gravity deposits on Earth transparent, chocolate drop shape on ground. Soul flames overhead bright circuit hidden through all ages. Charge of Gravity Athena pour down mass expands the world on Negative Gravity current images, drapes down like fine tinsel, white coated with mass charge on black currents to nuclei, in the air full of Ort. Crystal packed Area 7 design of Universe expands everything, projected through positive gravity Matter spinning faster than Light.
Galaxies tethered to Eternity Negative Gravity Charge current covered Black Hole mass 87% gravity charge, condensing to every creation in earth circuit. Original Self Negative Gravity Charge's image in the Box onion layered, 360° about thin image in the God- Box. In Area 3 immortal is what you want, ascend! Who say you can do anything "in Jesus name", otherwise done by two prophet's secret Name "9ÆVN" pronounce, or just repeat the ritual in. Jump in glided up, fear and I jump down in 1988 go down to van. Image gravity currents flowing mass down in drapes of white wavelength. Mass charge of gravity deposits in various sizes bald hills spots in desert. Once beach 6 different flashes across picture came out developed, had to be there ascended in what wants to pull you up in gravity mass filling all images. Coincidently I find strange spots atop a California desert mountain I read about in Carlos Castaneda books, about Don Juan. Found his mystery spot I visit in Castaneda first book hills. Here back to take pictures of elsewhere spots until I find myself stuck to one. First got bright idea, just jump off it. Left my double there. Glided up weightless into light. Could not stop going up! I remembered jump down to get out of it. My heels touched ground out of it, walked down to my van 7 April 1988 from positive gravity Ort layer, matter condensing mass to nuclei. First time places certain, a 5th time. Year later I come back find my right collar bone and right shoulder bone on hill top between where I ascended. A neon phantom mountain lion objected to me picking them up. Snarling in bright neon colors. My double must be scattered all around those hills. Gold claimers might have found some of them. Left feast to starving cats. Easier to get to near gold hills collecting positive gravity charge this October, pick up 17th century nuggets in Yreka or Quartzite, gold to get over desert trails to 1760 New Orleans. Once you are in you are in "God" Positive Gravity Charge. Once saved always saved, good for a return. Can't convert to memory identity alive, otherwise the others die except leap over other side tough creature. Identity like double helix compressed into layers, the soul. I might have to find what station to get out at, from mass expanding to get something done change the world, going to Hell in a huge population explosion out of control. Built like Bruce Lee when I was 5'-6" on my list choose return change U.S. future in 1769. Technology lessons college cheat sheets chemistry courses cures since "Plague", an MkII enough to lead a war machine.
Scientists can create a star in 0.0, followed by a lot of zero's of a second to a 7, at the end of what normally happens when a star of sufficient amount of mass to become a star pops out of each black hole, all of the galaxy's stars. Where stars every one squirts out a "Plasma-Jet-Stream" out of its mass of matter the same as in a laboratory vacuum, popping up of a star. So science figured out our own solar system's extent out from the Sun's Twin Sirius, its squirt of points that popped up a string of solar orbs out from the Sun's twin to the Sun. The solar system out of a "Plasma-jet" stream when the Sun popped up out of circuit of gravity from its parent, binary star. Universal "black hole" circuit cord in the Big Bang plumes out of Eternity's circuit of gravity the Milky Way Galaxy etcetera, in an electrical magnetic Field 2.5' x 1.0' fist grip. Center of Black Box to galaxies all along infinite length of the Infinite sprouted, popped up. Infinite deflated to point pops up methane gas out of the heavenly bodies steam pressure, mass to sun, in a trail of planets up to it in elliptic orbits around it. Ever since sun squirted out of star pops up. Sun with Twin in void a closed Circuit of Gravity full of life, Universe suddenly pops up untwined coughed up the Earth in a planetary Grand Alignment. "Gamma-Ray-Burst" proceeded creation far and wide all the galaxies along dark current 87% concealed matter center line, Universal Circuit of Gravity Coil mass 87% of Universe, faster than light down center of. Science silent about red dwarf star heading straight at us. Hopeless, can't figure a way out. Media sticks to reporting social and economic news disaster political smut misleading the people, with nothing more important than conflict advertise entertain, keeps the people in the dark.
The logical solution a Coup d' 'et at, for my leadership, to figure out tanks on Mars. News showed one barrel up-close sticking out of sand, news with satellite passing over it, down range stone casket columned building blown up. Worse disaster for authorities in bunkers in 2029, Sun run into by red dwarf star bounces Earth a asteroid away. Having seen Universe Grand Design expanding, I can figure out a lot, light down center of tubular Universe bundle of magnetic Field approaching me I found in quantum entanglement experience remote viewing drew "Buddha" a electro-magnetic circuit! I unraveled secret for only 2% of Internet, since holding Nishren Shosu scroll 1972 by ends in Atlanta ceremony. Universe came forward to me expanding, lightening storm. I looked away. Thread of Universe stuck out in front of lightning storm lower left of it see light down center of it, galaxies! While science making temporary stars with "Omega" and "Z-pinch" kinds of machines, making stars for "nanoseconds" of existence, caving in atoms to pinhead size supernova, trying to figure out how the world was made cannot do it with instruments described in tests in a June 2001 issue of Discover magazine. Scientists seemingly cannot find what matter really is, splatter atoms, that would pack it in some container for evil intent. Earth expand 5 times. Get me in power Tribunal might have me TNT splatter some scientists take data information to save U.S. all.
U.S. Armed Forces I am White America's Third Party by Default vote Majority, my revolutionary leadership Vote unsupported since 1996. U.S. Military visitors everyone found none of this readable until now. Am I too late to represent racist Majority of American citizen majority views? THE PEOPLE DO NOT THINK THEIR VOTE WILL DO THEM ANY GOOD DON'T VOTE, default their vote. Debt and vote Default my excuse for Military takeover, for Default Voters. Americans to live longer than only to polar reversal. Militia rule the streets! Racist riot! Run aliens out shoot to kill or they escape. Destroy prisoners gunned down political and economic establishment. I am "Commander in Chief", exile rob hang the rich. My Third government divide all the spoils of victory, save White America expenses. Out of bunkers USA start all over again to "a new heaven and a new earth" from glaciers! My main concern as leader is re-establish White America, win the West all the way out to Ukraine, so all of our citizens can live in peace. Majorities choose what kind of laws and work conditions we want in America, build Moon a space ship in 4 years, paying workers wages skills, each on their own level of salary metals confiscated. Schooled fit into all the industries and services making a life together. Militia over bodies of the rich and bad, take Business, hang sinister security guards and gangster family voting. Confiscate alien profit greed that hates us. Militia and Military murder the gangs take alien ethnic worth, before and me the mass. America could make use of military style compound on back side of Moon to occupy, examine glass cities. I build us underground if anything is left to save of nationalism before end of the world, "destroyed by fire" Flood flaming. Earth's magnetic core certain to blow out steam pressure built-up over inner ocean sphere size of the Moon turning faster than Earth since 1975 spin away up to Earth 85°:
NORTHERN HEMOSPHERE "PDF" progression is stopped short of showing where the north magnetic pole bounced off of 85 degrees latitude, to where it stopped going north, bounced 4 times to Arctic Siberia in 2011. Continuing to spin counter clockwise with its poles pointing east and west now. Course movement secret now here reported every 5 years. Keep in mind scientists have by way of tracking 38 earthquake shockwave's from different locations all around the world accomplished an accurate inner Earth scientific mapping project, conducted between 1967 and 1995, to produce a "sonogram" image of the Magnetic Core of the Earth. Moon size magnetic core diameter 2,162 miles at the end of a course like a javelin thrown northwest, away from Earth' axis. Going to the furthest corner of Earth's 85° latitude spinning "slightly faster than the Earth", time bomb churning Earth's magma around underneath Earth top, spinning sphere cause of global warming, released. Scientist secret own private map school show where ends of Earth's core spinning like a barrel on its side on Earth's 85° latitude top right now. My two PDF images here show 2 previous magnetic core of the Earth North and South pole locations thrust northwest, off 2 former fountains of the deep in Earth's spin flipped Earth's core axis off counterclockwise spinning to the northwest like a javelin thrown, in 1975 twisted off Tripoli fountain of the deep. North and South pole ends of Earth's magnetic core bubble scientists here plotted its course in a northwest direction keep secret where magnetic core ran into Earth's top turning faster and faster, until March 11, 2011. Core hit 85° latitude, yanked Japan, bounce under Siberia slipping towards crack flap in Earth crust it made. Squirt off Ceres stretched Japan Moon out of planet 6 solidified ran into Pacific Ocean punch Earth's core off center, hit Arctic!
Measure Earth's core impact at 9.2 on Richter Scale when solid crusted iron ball inside Earth hit Earth top pulled Japan's east coast fault line, slip followed by three 8.8 earthquakes 2011 core bounced followed by tsunami each. Iron-nickel core of the Earth under 700 degrees Fahrenheit ocean cooled enough to be magnetic outside. Mass of Earth thinner after 5 times expanded, molten iron-nickel all around solid crusted magnetic core 27% the diameter of the Earth, spun off northwest faster and faster like a wrecking ball swinging up to Earth's 85° latitude flat top. Moon size wrecking ball inside heating up ocean in top of the world critical steam pressure release through crack in Earth' crust magnetic core rise up volcano blow! Leading Military the Constitution at Tribunal get us Citizens through end times, fly the Moon. Discovered from drilling deeper and deeper into Earth ocean floors for core samples found 5 different world ending directions Earth's crust expanded to, during polar reversals that covered ocean floors each time with a new lava layer each polar reversal. Magnetic particles cooled and aligned 5 different known polar directions. Earth's core having run into Earth's top about 20 times Super Volcano's. Last 5 expand Earth 2/3rds our Moon ran into Earth's crust cracked its solid crust all around when core expanded, spreading apart continents, and ocean trenches. Moon hit Pacific Ocean over Japan when new species of life burst out of fountains, 2029 Spring another Super Volcano during polar reversal instead of 6th lava layer "once in every 100,000 years or so" End of Ages of life on Earth. Earth's core finally reaches crack in Earth's crust it made from star Sirius taking a planet from the Sun, hit our 6th planet squirted Moon at Earth, smashed by Thor. Earth expansion turn over in a day like Sun polar reversal, switched poles. Earth's magnetic pole ends 5 times flip through 300 mile per/hour wind reversals lava cooling down last 5 reversal directions Thor ellipse around Sun, 2020 U.S. Military guess close turn out 2029 end of the world.
U.S. Geological Survey magnetic polar movement maps removed January 1, 2006, hide what the core of Earth is up to, magnetic polar reversal going west. I pack out to a distant ascent with the weather right, forget to worry about the binary star. "The Big One" 2020 Military only scientific guess 9 years off 2029 Wormwood fall apart. Ancient Mayan astronomical and mathematical calculation Sirius came around up close to the Sun asteroid end of the world, before another 52 year century, December 21, 2012. Sun ellipse u-turn end of 52 year centuries destroyed by polar reversal on the Sun, red dwarf. August 10, 3113 ancient opposite end of Sun 1 year ellipse. Thankfully there are places to jump into the Apollo with bag and solar power into the genii to any point youth Positive Gravity Charge. "The worlds' most accurate calendar" count down days and years to Sun end of ellipse, from solar jet, December 2011-2012. Default and revolution here overthrow political system and secret societies. Authority, government infrastructure, colleges re-staffed nationally in my Third U.S. government. Citizens White. Memorial Day on May 31st again, with a radio 500! Racist hate group flags Militia, I order troops rationed out rifles army of one Coup, order support militia search and destroy. Stone calendars in Mexico laid out number of days and years remaining to end of the world December 24, 2011. Last 52 years of Sun going away from solar jet, in solar system. Year turn around to solar jet it came from, Short Count to end of ellipse December 24, 2011. Long Count calendar December 21, 2012 Sun ellipse turn back facing the incoming red dwarf star. Sirius going back to beginning end of solar jet leaves red dwarf star still coming to last Red Full Moon. Long Count calendar to Mayan year 5124, 2012, 17 year future of the world after 2012. Sun taken out along with Earth ellipse. U.S. Military fear shot a asteroid, to be ready for any. December 21, 2012, last of 52 ellipses. While United States of America's "Ship of State" is lost in the hands of anti-American peoples and Stock Market. Every kind of crime family of aliens big business schemes robot control wealth and power grabbing conspiracy, anti-racist capitalism Revolution can call for Coup d' 'et at Far Right skin Power by Default The Confederate Party. Military take Corporation crime business government. Guns, homeless riot take aliens house. Melt the wealth to coin, exterminate political crime misuse of public funds for "kick backs" bomb wealth! Cancel treaties and contracts against White America. U. S. Armed Forces hear my call overthrow the system. Take communications, call up racist volunteers, hate groups plunder, game is up, illegal's and their cousins. Destroy or take bank, all expenses paid, service duty. End foreign aid to our enemies. Thus citizens rule in White America, after 3 hundred years of Capitol Hill politics working against white majority. U.S. Armed Forces take the streets, racist Hate round up authority gas out gangs bomb the lawyer's and their secret societies on a fast track to impoverishing White America, with their stock market schemes and friendship oaths. Take it all, and their property. Kill. Eliminate racial difference problems in America, lawyers and merchants created. Hang the system that sends jobs elsewhere. USA America industrialize with gold and silver instead of dependent, on enemies like China. Overrun with third world population electing alien government, votes against White U.S. Citizen security, allowed to vote, electing anti-American political candidates with leftist gangster support CIA FBI point our guns. Racism to civil war Armed Forces train for a land rush. Supporting Police and Military show up save us White American citizens. Arms, sweep out communities of alien and illegal. Tribunal on the disposal of. Third Reich thinking mass murders pigs pig out, take estates. Go crazy, Day of Default, WW3.
Military power should know how to volunteer militia for a military coup if I am a good enough leadership reason to. If there are enough resources to carry it out with over 20 million racist's nationwide, to army of 1, where my military leadership solves America's problems. American freedom cause fight like pioneer days take everything from the enemy, body truck hauls them to feeding. Majority of American's leadership purge with all the numbers of racist Americans available, to fight the foreign occupation for police and military back-up Militia cleansing sweep the nation takeover for a public tribunal democracy, White majority America. Workers define ethics making products, skill positions in America. Dividends to power public labor forces. U.S. Armed Forces gas out the powers that be streets to round up or destroy. Military taking over bank business investment and non-profits property. Rockets and then road blocks, eliminate most prisoners. Bullets and bombs, the only way the people get to take back America. Militia security clearance target black Latin color gang, aliens. The end of life on Earth in 2029 collision, take out crime criminals the Left. CIA FBI locate all the enemy, take bunkers plunder nationalize church estate State and bank. Correct everything business corrupted. Land ration out, volunteer young old temporary Militia, U.S. Armed Forces purge society of our enemies, co-op the businesses. Invade Africa, black troops to colonize, mine African countries. Third U.S. government I represent by Tribunal Default Voted, establish America booming economy, democracy. Colleges and all subject to Tribunal call. Train skills per available job hands on training economy social democracy all skill levels to own community to fulfill all assignments for gold and silver Hour's notes & coin, with all medical and dental care employed, in our White American Citizen's Rights.
" Earth Systems Polar Motion Monitor Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006last revised February 8, 2006The Earth's Wobble Has Paused What this portends, no one knows.
(ECB - February 8, 2006, MWM) For at least three and a half weeks there has been almost no movement of the spin axis in the normal spiral track of Chandler's Wobble. See an extensive analysis of the pause in the wobble as of February 8, 2006 at the web site. It is also being sent to subscribers via email directly after this Bulletin monitor/polarmotion/2006_wobble_anomaly.htm"
Here binary star core, Sun popped out of collapsed giving birth to white dwarf star. Earth spinning magnetic core size of Moon inside iron 27% the diameter of Earth a hollow asteroid under Arctic Circle flipped up to 85° latitude, a hot bubble tilting west sideways in Earth top, going around. Earth's bubble filled with ocean under increased steam pressure, after begins spin in 1975, since Noah's Flood churning Earth's lithosphere hotter and hotter, going for its Arctic Fault flap blows out of Greenland Arctic Ocean. Temperature inside increasing spinning faster than Earth in lava going east, west started in 1975, twisted off from Tripoli fountain of the deep counterclockwise, spun away north turning faster and faster westward to blow-up out of Arctic trap door. Earth's core turning in Earth's flat top laying down west north, east south pole, like a javelin thrown. Axis of Earth's magnetic core bubble poles boring through lithosphere spinning faster than Earth, producing a magnetic swirling ring around Antarctica. Sirius stabilized Earth revolving above approaching. Slips 1.5° east in every 8.8 earthquake until The Big One bloodiest Moon. Planet X not a orbiting threat to Earth gave it 3.5 weeks of not wobbling and 5 tsunami's this end of its ellipse to Sun. Core blows-up out of Arctic fault line in 2029 on Sun save America sudden 4 year plan, after World War 3.
Planet X visible all day in 2006 Sun eclipse. Thor magnetism gone by 5 times a Jupiter push pull picture here seen 600 times bigger than Earth. Earth's core loose from Earth axis hit top in 2011, since 1975 Vatican City twist off of Tripoli fountain of the deep in a argument, only 4 years to bubble big as the Moon pushed out. Molten lithosphere solid magnetic polarity, earthquake shake-up methane gas eruption fire engulf northern hemisphere on the Sun. Earth's core spun further and further off Earth's axis wobbles since 1975 acting like an off-center load in a washing machine. Location, from a sonogram showing its size not location, kept secret. Sirius magnetism reach opposite Earth pole alignment paused Earth wobble for 3.5 weeks, 2.5 billion years ago here preserved on Mars after nuclear war Earth cracks open 2/3rds bigger Thor ellipse this side of Sun.
10th Planet align same poles to same poles February 19, 2007 turned sun poles around. Earth top heavy, magnetic core in its top going to furthest corner of 85° latitude to turn Earth upside down. Panic attack, overrun by illegal aliens a national problem I fix. Authority in power for themselves getting richer in business profit plans run everyone electronically. Shoot guards and boss, management wealth take economy property vault. I offer Commander leadership for patriotic majority. Take destroy politics position, all the gang robot corruption now. Ship out kill run out of America illegal aliens and their cousins. Confiscate assets track down some, destroy fleeing to other countries. Divide property among soldiers and civilians pack money metals to BANK for coin, Third U.S. Government. White America underground cover one nation under mass of Area 3, expanding Universe. All magnetic cores in Universe a wrecking ball inside earth crashes into them, whenever big stars like Planet X go by too close, to push or pulls their poles. Leadership I Command Armed Forces sort out communities, discriminate. Racist hate armed citizen's Militia. America bunker in factory town survive Sun miss Earth! Arsenals nuclear weapons end armed drones patrolling borders we take out immigration threats, this ship hanging around. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
There was once a safe way out of world disasters, from beach and secret hills, before all the mining, to no worry mass of gravity through current straight down focus on earth image, receiving mass. Earth ending. Writing together to pearly heights travel. Debt default Inflation! Repeat a route over again ascend same as last time, new grounds ascend hills. Shock of rapture leap. World at war end worse than ran Jews out of Egypt, to hide in caves from high winds, escaping buildings blown in on anyone who hid in them, star return runs into Sun, Wormwood dead silence Day of Doom a moon rises up falls apart. Kolbrin Egyptian scribe said of Egypt in ruins, return. Thus 2005 star approaching. Earth top heavy, core of Earth in Earth top slipped Earth's shortest day August 2023. Earth falls over if spheres join blow out Inner Earth's steam pressure through flap in Arctic Ocean. Fig trees put forth new leaves, Earth's core blows-it's-top turns Earth crashing apart! Saw asteroid slab in front of Planet X dark. Where to salvation you "see God" is in the Sea side of gravity. Not quite right brain existence, sudden surprise, worship Gravity Circuit! Area 3 matter New element, could as well be called Zeus or AllahGlue. Matter to vanish to be young in the past, where to set up shop in the past with my bag of future, rifle and bomb designs. "A hundred and forty-four thousand" going to ascend only a drop in the bucket out of some 50 billion people since the first humans, 4.5 billion years ago. Earth expand 5 times since 2.5 billion years ago, adding up all the Ages to a hundred and forty-four thousand people ever ascend, dead or alive, off face of the Earth. Do it again place to get somewhere with my bike, camera on, Area 3 flight New Jerusalem mass of Gravity holding the world together, an Image. Charge spinning faster than light a Void inside, space enough for Universe to expanding in over 13 billion years out of bright all Apollo. Positive Gravity Charge mass symbol lady, flooding world with matter charge under image current. God+ mass in a circuit with God- Universe. The dammed die to changes of matter and energy forever. Only those who break into positive charge of gravity see truth called "God" ascend, do again. Once saved always saved escape through portal size of chocolate drop shape footprint deposit, inflating Positive Gravity Charge. Ascend with camera on until return. Looking down on what is going on in the Hell dimension, those trapped in Earth gravity Field net, tear drops sacked up dreaming. Positive Gravity Charge blazing all around, world dark to death. Few break through God- like my second girlfriend, short moment of Light goes out fight through colors discharging image on positive to negative gravity charge circuit violent flashes, ascending Identity, the pure in heart. Allah Glue shell of self cares less if anyone gets out alive. Taking this part current again, 6 ascended above watched and cared. Christians damn It. Debating and fighting truth with their Book, going to Hell to dream up a Heaven. Celibate only way out of Allah trap. story.htm. I could get to this address so a crowd could see me vanish bag and all, 3 other places look in mass the same. Venture both hills, they come in pairs:
"History of the Area"
The House of Mystery itself was originally an assay office and later used for tool storage, built by the Old Gray Eagle Mining Company in 1904. But the history of the surrounding area, The Oregon Vortex, goes way back to the time of Native Americans. Their horses would not come in the affected area, so they would not. Thereafter Native Americans treated the area as Forbidden Ground,
place to be avoided. Many years before The House of Mystery was built it was noted that unusual conditions existed there. But it was not until well into the 20th century that any effort was made toward a scientific analysis of the disturbance. John Litster was a geologist, mining engineer, and physicist. He developed the area in the early 1920's and opened it to the public in 1930, conducting thousands of experiments within the Vortex until his death in 1959. He was born in Alva, Scotland, April 30, 1886 son of British Foreign Diplomat. Blue glass ball put down, part over!
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Bunker underground hubs of industry city life sports.
Lee Harrison, [email protected]
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