Earth's Bubble in 2005 went on to hit 85° latitude March 11, 2011, going west through lithosphere going east, to reach its dent to blow out a last super volcano

The Bubble reached end of its dangle 1965 to 1975 what started in 1975 by Vatican City digging out Fountain of the Deep to civilization in the core of the Earth violently upset Celtic, broke their Fountain that spun off counterclockwise crashed into top of the world. The Sun's parent falsely thought Planet 10 orbits the Sun, that in an ellipse about its solar jet length orbits sun, to the last 5 polar reversal regular destructions of civilization in Inner solar system. Earth's core full of steam over ocean spinning against 85° latitude boiling neon gas out Arctic hot springs. Earth in a invisible Ort sphere Apollo JesusChrist with sword wound on it to millions of people could save them self out of disaster, if I do it a 5th time? The world don't care about escape until they see a huge red star coming up straight to Sun, bounce it on Portugal. Might choose 1309 to take The Logical Solution, unless its going to be 1897 D.C. to save the Maine, unite the West about the Arctic.


Pole Movement happening here because Vatican City crusade to core of the Earth in 1975, because 2.5 billion years ago Planet X squirted out CERES' molten lithosphere Moon blob, ran into Pacific Ocean, splashed west coast with ocean from Canada to Mexico. That dried up to its bottom level, in Utah. Planet X that kisses Sun goodbye regularly. Is Jesus right, in the season of Noah's Flood in April? But immediate needs me have all this right to carry with solar battery for a richer fuller life young in past century, my solutions. Escape hungry markets in the world, forget patents in 1309. Cotton gin our public prosperity leadership job options. Few escape old age. Death rules the world. If Military support I save our resources for America the beautiful. Twenty-First century ship to build, or go nuts if cannot Ascend!

Scientist know an asteroid storm appears out as far as Neptune takes three months to arrive bounced off of star Sirius came in up close, its asteroids fell on the Sun. Star Sirius seen approaching and go behind Sun does not orbit around southern hemisphere, to cover half the sky rising this side of Sun. While none of the damned but many innocent ascend, break through to the circuit mass that goes out if dead they have to fight their way back in like my girlfriend had to do, to get back in it so I find her there see God. On another nice day hike route leave a red dwarf rise in April 2029 run into the Sun. If "pure in heart" best to keep it to yourself these days, for opportune ritual to save your skin go for the reciprocal other side of Gravity Current, earth. Scholars damned to the end of them die that off. I at least get charge saturation to fly, matter good to pass through to where I choose. A Superior Race through other side ship, appears and disappears through sphere of light inside Box in solid Area 7 to Area 2 Image in Void Area 1. Point in time genii renew me return flesh and bag, call my own shots overcome whatever mountain we please. Best here Revolution I offer Tribunal, verses Business, showing GOD FATHER I and 2.

October 23, 2006, Planet X sat 1 month after I saw it set a over mountain ridge east of town certain it was going to send a ship when it went behind the Sun. UFO image of a space ship from the Sun's former 5th planet Thor captured by its white dwarf star. Nostradamus 15th century prediction of 2 asteroids hitting Europe missed Europe December 21, 2012, blew-up! Only a Red Star to worry about after March 11, tsunami's. Two red moons 2 years in a row a clue, illustrated what is behind red full moons to September 28, 2015. Blood Red Moon in 2029 red dwarf star bigger than Earth ellipse to Sun. I write cannibalism export, chart that at Tribunal, maybe take extremes burn some witches? Leftists to the hogs! Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton and Obama D.C. sell the whole political crowds of them Kangaroo Brand.

End of the world blew-up on February 15, 2013, Florida February 16, Nostradamus 2 asteroids destroy Europe blew-up over Russia and lit-up Florida! The bubble up in Earth's top not a coincidence Vatican City found a entrance at bottom of their catacombs, a fountain of the deep. End of the world bubble released to Earth's top. Trouble stalking, big as a planet with a flight deck, pointed at Earth watching and waiting behind a cloak somewhere else now, if reason to pounce. Hundreds of UFO's sighted. Ions from Sun blew its cover solar flair to Mercury. Power-drained their force field transparent: Aliens hid out at Mercury! Lucky solar flare see through force field a battle ship aimed at Earth show up, turned off their blue January 24, 2006. Torture truth out establishment shredding truth push them off cliff to crocodiles.


STEAM IN EARTH'S BUBBLE MAKES IT ROUND UP TO 85° FLAT, birthmark of a solar jet.

A global compass disaster sun bounce on Earth whole soul rapture lucky if no child was their baby

Easter 2029. Big One earthquake expands splits terra firma polar reversal star magnetic core bounce

the Sun on Portugal Wormwood fall apart on Earth southern hemisphere. Noah end of the world fire.

U.S. my Third Reich smart society. Wait long before death I will hear a voice again at an earlier date!

College star 2029 surprise Easter earthquake send things flying Earth catch on fire on the Sun,

2024 payday early escape! North spiral down bottom of world cyclone best just be in air travel

long flight Point A to B in time while ascending with my bag camera on and batteries charged,

teacher with bus load of gullible children got lead in his course vanished with him in Australia.

A man in Medieval Europe with flute led the children out of town somewhere not far, the same.


The educated and dumb all say there is nothing they can do about global warming ignore a star.

the rich paid evacuation underground business tax free building their shelter in Consortium rule

or Putin goes nuclear nuts over Ukraine AI. US Federal Reserve shot in meat grinder. Fertilizer.

Racist Military solution change of Command, massacre the whole damn system and Debt to pay

I leave stars go nova and Earth turn upside down magnetic poles. Ascend or your dead and ashes

Nazi way. Racist orders back in charge Earth turning clockwise to core counterclockwise crashes

warming melting Arctic Ice. Complete death toll final, 6th reversal 50 billion people Hell crowd?

Looks like only "the pure in heart" get in "other side", predestine rest in bag in Hell, all Histories! Shopping Mall


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