Troy couldn't come back with a vengeance, because of a Trojan Horse. Religion as bad destroyed respected Easter Island history Spain massacred its citizens Eden back
with vengeance? Planet X White dwarf star planet of Norse Thor. Planet crash between Jupiter and Mars. Destroyed, sparks flew off Thor. First man return settle Easter Island from Hammer of Thor in between Jupiter and Mars, knocked the Moon into Pacific Ocean. Edenite all recount it all on Easter Island the first human race out of Eden, star Sirius captured their planet of the Sun, connect its two magnetic fields bright blue circuit reflected off white dwarf on Thor to UFO@Mercury evacuate! Secretly plan return to Easter Island. Religion destroyed their history and library, massacred its faithful, wait to get back to Easter Island in silence, UFO appear over whole world, somewhere else now sending probes to the Earth, can recycle the damage of WWIII, after a third of populations are destroyed. Superior Race wants it all, in their space Command ship, "big as a planet". Hidden in the dark can disable our weapons, so they freeze up to fight them if not programmed to fire automatically on target just switch on combat, so AI hit them if you just aim, and let math instinct do the rest.
Adam and Eve's human race that escaped the first of 5 polar reversals on Earth here return!
They sojourned community of theirs on Easter Island, left Catholic's kill off their inheritors.
Church and Christianity and all the religions will burn-up with the world Sun red dwarf star.
Racists ruling I take society everything it has all the religions to the grave with no salvation!
So don't have to burn your bibles only needle in haystack if Tribunal right U.S. Government.
Planet X planet at its White dwarf, orbiting Thor a
U-turn up to the Sun. Sirius blue was its 5th planet
visitor's escape! In Power by Default I fix US, right
Racist Militia, Police: Military Search Destroy Left
in a witch hunt purge White America bunker in for
ready UFO Return, Ancient Easter Island sentinels.
I got up at 4 a.m. on May 1, 2003, to see Planet X in the east, about 10 o'clock up, star
on its rim a large dark planet points of light in its lower left side dwarf star light source
"One type of dark matter" deployed aircraft carrier looking space ship pointed at Earth,
they are back! And not happy with life on Earth, that were hiding behind a cloak 2006,
plan on Earth after climate change end when its bubble bursts in polar reversal the Sun
bounced onto Portugal. Hell too close. Fried Earth's core the only thing bounced away.
Long after Moon ran into the Earth squirted out of the planet Ceres in the Asteroid Belt
blow out our internal steam pressure over ocean inside to a 5th going haywire reversal,
return Earth's first human race back certainly The Superior race out of Garden of Eden,
picks up all the pieces left of Earth to build another space platform city on Earth's core.
Evidence of Sun orbit turned around from December 24, 2011 to December 21, 2012
back to galaxy center straight at red dwarf star coming out ellipse caused 9.2, five 8.8
earthquakes killing over a million people, the usual leftist always saying nothing ever
caused it. Planet X going away since October 23, 2006, align Earth poles Jap tsunami.
2013 asteroids crossing, out of galaxy center 2029 sun going straight at red dwarf star,
Wormwood frozen solid thaws apart on Australia, white dwarf star blue planet to 2006
shine upon dark star Sirius Eden origin bright blue atmosphere lit it up generate power
shined its icy glazed surface. Red Dwarf Star a worse disaster than tsunami's into 2012
proof intelligence was living on a white dwarf star planet with electricity, generated in
two magnetic fields like Earth sun planet 5 illuminated its atmosphere like a light bulb
blue! Planet X from behind White dwarf star glaring 2006 up close, front of star Sirius
passing up 5x bigger than Jupiter, until Earth turn upside down on hell "The Big One."
Here is the Sun's Twin, our Planet X" regularly eclipsed by the Moon every 4 years
while it was coming in to set behind the Sun. Since at Creation from end of solar jet
the iron core remains of 5 times bigger than Jupiter birth star solar jetted out the sun
the dark star sun increasingly brighter sat behind Sunlight, 2006 melted methane ice
off of rusty Planet X its blue light reflect off White dwarf star reflected blue light on
Thor swung around Planet X back side to November 2003 brightest star light, points
of a planet I first saw were in lower left of Planet X predicted in the sky up at 10:00,
12/06/2002 NASA image dialed in not allowed to print out close radiant blue planet.
"Star" lighting up the front of Thor across it's ice surface in 60mm refractor telescope
visible moons white new planet in 2006 was 7 object planet at dawn in front of Thor
bigger brighter until setting in northern hemisphere October 23, 2006 when Planet X
sat with the Sun, complete ellipse up to while the red dwarf star is heading straight in
Revelation Wormwood horseman approaching, Planet X Sirius here with civilization.
The 5th Planet of the Sun planet removed to white dwarf passing between Jupiter and Mars
captured Wodan Thor left a asteroid belt planet 6 core remains. February 19, 2007 Thor flip
Sun poles soon after passing it intelligent life evacuated lit asteroid blue, but Earth burns on
the Sun resolving massacre of followers of the ancients on Easter Island by Catholics, death A SUPERIOR RACE.
Days are shorter here in 2005 when the Sun rises later in the mornings anyone in 2006
was watching Planet X dot all day what media was calling Mars, a Fall Moon eclipsed.
I am getting nowhere in this century I could forget about my transformed girlfriend
in 20th century. Caught again, point to reachable past, programmed in all necessary
languages, these days all this publish in Germany and USA a unity. Taking my data
like F-14 jet fighter for starter Germany and U.S. racism rule Western world. White
rule at Berlin publisher. Discriminating leave all this deleted by 21st century Mafia.
Short term 2020's leadership, formulate end of the world, certain 2029 havoc facing
red dwarf star going to sun bottoms up in its flight bounce sun dragging along twin!
From spring to Fall 2006 the brightest star in the sky came close all the way to the
horizon for the southern hemisphere on October 23. Sat on Hogback at sunrise 23,
September. Until Sun polarity February 19, 2007, Planet X passing, switched solar
magnetic poles upside down a day swing away in southern hemisphere closest star
Sun satellite orbit poles records erupting north magnetic pole turn solar south pole.
Star passing sun came around. Red dwarf star aimed straight at sun takes out Earth.
By the start of summer 2004 the illuminated blue planet above has gone behind the
sun's twin in a 4 year orbit gone dark, 2 years around to lower left side, that Wodan
sat approaching the sun the end of 2003 until its usual return to lower left returning
"star" light reaching Planet X's upper right side 2003 spread around a crescent sliver
of bright "star" light from 5th planet, spread across upper right end of the star Thor.
Later middle of Summer 2005 the illuminated blue planet's points of "star" light,
coincidently approaching went behind the sun to last a left hook a red dwarf star,
but illuminated "star" at the sun's twin its points of light went behind sun in 2006
raises it's light out Thor's lower left every 4 years around Planet X reached sun in
2006 it approaching closer and closer. Star Sirius December 2005 illuminated orb
white dwarf star blue planet, always facing Planet X, with II magnetic fields over
Wodan atmosphere generator power snuck up a space ship communications silent
secrecy, treachery. Tactical carrier behind a force field Wooden up close, escapes.
This call for my leadership in USA lucky to put me in power any way right away!
Miracle, since I can only pick one when and where list genii 4 Letter Word what do
drop into appropriate 1897 with documentary why a U.S. battleship blew-up, with a
pile of ammunition next to flash fire in Havana harbor, save lot of money on useless
War could get some spare change out of that, show up in Prussia Congress. Forgive!
Spies find prevent who killed monarch a Austria-Hungry, some kind of insanity dies
so I influence industry to build gigantic space port parts pull up cable Sun hit by star
taking out Mercury Venus and the Earth in 2029. So Sun bounces away a Red Giant,
Portugal WWI warning the sun is bounced at the Earth to a crowd for three children.
Looking in "Santa Barbara News-Press Thursday November 30, 1995" for newspaper
Article. The brown dwarf GL229B approaching Sun head-on speeding, red dwarf star
18 light-years away/then 44 years away. The Hubble Space Telescope found the object
in October 1994. Planet X too close Sun flipped Sun poles 2007, 2029 star fries Earth.
Sirius rusted like Mars, a "star" orbiting it at the end of this Age of life on Earth. Sirius
with White dwarf attracted to Sun in ellipse to Sun, it's blue planet settlers from Earth,
falling on a white dwarf hid out at Mercury. Exposed cloaked approach from blind side
from galaxy center black hole brown dwarf red dwarf intersect Thor ellipse fifth planet
in 3.3 day halo orbit always facing Thor behind its White dwarf 3x heavier than Jupiter
generated power, above amateur astronomer camera image the truly advanced life here.
December 6, 2002 Wodan ship exposed. My Telescope Thor up close 5th planet 1/2006
bright light of the Planet X's "star", other side white dwarf: Wooden 3 moons light's off.
2006 media sources all calling Sirius Mars. Nibiru with white dwarf star up to sun, coincidental
certain disaster star. Sirius magnetism stops Earth wobble magnetic core in its top spinning west
Earth's poles out of the southern hemisphere. Found there reduced to only patches of magnetism.
All should be worried about blue planet sat October 23, 2006 departed vehicle from Planet X.
Society secrecy means public is in for sudden surprise head in-sand authorities keeping secret.
Black satellite space ship past hid at Mercury big as planet Biden think have shelter from that?
U.S. Military go ballistic on government targets militia support I dictate establishment bunkers
ridding us of anti-citizen India and all colors the world in country territory's for common goals.
Above White dwarf star and blue planet went by without mention, college took pictures of
blue planet people hid out in a fortress at Mercury went around the Sun, powering-up solar
batteries escape falling on white dwarf of Planet X never communicate with doomed Earth,
eminent danger coming wait only for Earth to be destroyed by asteroid polar reversal crash,
out of Garden of Eden, resourceful like planning surprise attack, return to resort in paradise.
On February 19, 2007, the magnetic core of the Sun's Twin star
passed by the Sun, like poles, solar magnetic poles switched places. But
long ago a weapon (Comet 17P/Holmes) was deployed with others around Sun
by people who look-like the carvings on Easter Island, who may at any time invade
the Earth. The mass of their percussion weapon here blowing up in one huge blast, at
a rate of a thousand miles an hour expanding faster and faster. Comet Holmes a dirty
bomb, which expanded at 11,000 miles an hour exceeding the size of the Sun from
only a fifteen miles in diameter, direct hit molten uranium October 24 explosion,
engulfing Earth in fall out blasted over the world from the exploded comet:
Holmes simulation orbit
If without ACDSee 32 v2.41 find above simulation here
Some astronomers worried about the next inner solar system comet, before two comets rip
across Europe that miss it in 2013 so explode over Russia then Florida, plot threat to Earth
the certain space ship big as planet from dwarf collapsed star of the Sun's "Twin" strategy!
Earth needs nuclear shield all the way around to too late sun bounce Military save soldiers.
Debris from Comet 17/P Holmes reach Mars atmosphere, when Mars came back around
the Sun in 2008 to trail of debris 5 times wide as the Sun forewarned of something next,
comet to explode bigger than Sun coming by "Comet 19/P Borrelly" regularly by Earth,
closest on 26 July 2008 .70 AU from Sun visitors blew-up an asteroid. Maybe 1 by Earth
able to explode. Luckily no asteroid break up came of 19/P Borrelly, after Sirius reached
Sun asteroids hit Earth atmosphere. "Revelation 8:10 and 11". Find a Bible, to look it up:
if "Repent" is what you need you better do it 19/P Borrelly threat even looks like a bomb.
Now back to "Planet X" - Thor with a White dwarf star, hidden the Sun's blue "5th planet".
Right before dawn this Thursday morning January 24, 2006, see Sirius's dwarf right up
front in the sky bigger than Moon, solid white, crescent Moon to left of it and Planet X.
Beaming a glare behind White planet visible could not be Venus next night its 7 objects
not of our solar system White dwarf beaming out behind it out right half of white planet
bigger than Moon, after New Years rains its Sirius white dwarf, 2 new planets w/moons.
Wednesday morning on January 25 I woke up right at dawn and went out look for the
10th Planet. What a surprise see dwarf up close with light out behind it had 2 opposite
1 moon hard going west until Fall Jupiter planet of Planet X set in southeast it in west.
Planet X Thor' White planet dwarf star back-light off January 25 Thor to 1/3 eclipsed
by small moon red crescent on its lower left by June White dwarf promising 24 threat
my surprise bright points of light spread out behind the up close white planet night-of
January 24/25th white new planet 4 up close moon 3 distant moon triangle every night
light off behind. January 24 long wide beams of light fan out upper right side Wooden.
Thursday morning 2006 January 26 I got up again to see Thor and white star. Trying my
strongest eyepiece on my telescope, just as thin dark clouds were moving in for another
snowy rainy overcast foggy January night, up close Thor planet in the clear, couldn't get
my telescope adjusted in time until the front of thin dark clouds covered the white dwarf
through thin Moon-lit clouds. I could still see Wooden and Sirius visible, right of Moon.
Within their inner solar system arc two new planets must have gone in front of full moon
during January rains. Instead only saw Wodan's White dwarf blocked it, in front of Sirius
in distance, Thor white planet in Planet X solar system with 7 moons white dwarf star, of
Thor always in the distance behind its dwarf star Wooden solar system. There inhabited a
vindictive people, that can't wait avenge the massacre of their followers on Easter Island,
with power certainly rain fire down on political government on Earth on criminal minded
societies in control of power in the world, for me to expect US Military Coup Revolution.
Back February 5 dawn 2006 there was no fog or cloud cover, I went to my telescope,
up close the new planet certainly Sirius' white dwarf with the Sun 5th planet behind it
in 2003. Dark star Thor illuminated by Eden's first Thor come in to Sun moon eclipse
1st astronauts advance social economic plan it restored Wodan captured, shined Thor
Planet 5 sat October 23, 2006 Nibiru around to up close 21 million miles of Sun 2 star
systems, one passing through solar system easily see up close Thor's white dwarf with
3 moons up close Planet X looking half Moon in daylight eclipsed, as I kept looking at
it, that came in up to the Sun 21 million miles and away its asteroid bigger than Jupiter
a Jewish Exodus The Destroyer, that here went behind Full Moon Astronomy said was
Mars media trick political photography eclipsed by Moon and Sun Thor sat October 23
up to Sun it's Twin. Does not look like Mars went behind 2006 August full Moon, Thor
with Planet 5's 2 magnetic field power and light source secrecy conspiracy lighted Thor.
Dawn February 7, 6 a.m. Thor crescent shaped bite upper right, a close moon lower left
on January 25. Large white planet with bright light behind turned off, 3 moons up close
around the white dwarf star. Planet X on horizon, moon triangle of close 4 moon planet,
I counted up close. Big white planet looking like pool Q-ball 7 lights w/distant triangle.
Planet X all year lingering new planets Sirius-Thor came setting behind the Sun in 2006
Thor incoming at 10:00 descent to sunset it sat into southern hemisphere on 10/23/2006.
Neighbors watch scope new Jupiter in 2006 10 moons visible Thor solar system passing.
Morning February 9, 2006, sky was clear at 6:30 a.m., getting out my telescope got to
look at both two new planets, thought 10th planet had not moved any over a mountain
ridge left of sun, while 3-4 moon + white planet triangle right of it all drift west to set.
Sirius half moon in my binoculars but 1/3 with telescope, Planet X kept getting closer,
Thor swinging away from southern hemisphere in 2007, to 2029 Wormwood Australia.
I dialed in Thor with a small moon close up below it to its left. Thor approaching like
it's coming straight at Earth vibrating like train light on tracks closer and closer in my
8x21 binoculars all summer 2006 being eclipsed by its moon! Passing white dwarf of
Sirius came in Thor coming in up to the Sun, White dwarf look closer than the Moon!
Two asteroids Nostradamus predicted to rip Europe on 12/21/2012 blew-up in the sky
February 15-16, close as Hell to Sun at Mercury Wodan shuttled somewhere else now
watch outcome of the red dwarf hit the sun or they show up inherit Earth anytime now.
I have not mentioned that earlier April 2006, the moons in a triangle formation moving
seemingly patrolling toward Earth and away I saw to the upper right of the white planet
on 3 close moon's plane. Lower right moon of the distant triangle of moons, moon show
up over its 2 moons, on plane of 1 opposite 2 moons, I find over dwarf 2 close moons of
7 object Q-ball looking planet its 3 moon missing equal triangle end seems act like ships!
In the plane of 1 and 2 moons alternating each other around White orb the missing third
moon of its triangle of moons, it's right one the next night was beside the 2 close moons
all equally spaced apart 3 moons of the Sirius White dwarf aligned on one side in a row!
9:30 p.m. April 23 night of, I notice white planet and Planet 10 appearing nearer and
nearer both the 2 new planets getting brighter in the sun until setting 09/23/06. When
the regular triangle formation of 3 moons standing up out on White dwarf plane right,
moved to lower left of new Jupiter-looking planet solar system's moons. Out its plane
further and further away upper right after leaving white orb alternating 1 and 2 moons
every night: 4th moon hidden behind it was out just to its right side. Beside two packs
of asteroids up close. So I dialing back to an asteroid which stuck out in front of them,
where the left pack was only a smudge, like an asteroid explosion had happened there!
If so destroyed asteroids means defenses, for me to wonder if the White orb moons are
two battle groups and not only random real moons, 3 acting like man moving outposts.
The White new planet up closer than new Jupiter: In binoculars it's moon triangle
too far away from White dwarf to be moons. Right end of the triangle of 3 moons
stay same distance apart guarding the white planet tilt right revolved about as on a
Ferris wheel going clockwise around the white planet triangle side, first seen up in
front of the white planet January 24. Its triangle thereafter behind orb alternating 1
and 2 moons every night, until hidden triangle a 4th moon came out that had made
a triangle up over 2 close moons May 8, 2006, otherwise 1 moon opposite 2 moon.
Astronomy magazine for May 2006 showing a solar system drawing for Sirius, with
similar planets to the Sun Sirius star another solar system that went through this one.
While anyone looking could see Planet X, with its little crescent moon getting closer.
Twilight evening of May 16, 2006, I got to see Thor with its big White planet 4 moons
on the left side of its dwarf. The closest 2 and furthest 2 up so close one over the other
in the new orb's lower left made me think that my telescope was out of focus, 4 moons
moon plane tilt long thin crystal like formation with top 2 over left 2, almost touching,
forming shallow box on dwarf's plane lower side moon plane slant to the orb lower left
one moon over the other in a long thin rectangle. White objects one over the other tilted
down together like a planned docking maneuver, on its plane of moons. Distant 3 moon
triangle out of moon plane lower right triangle moon was missing, only 6 moons visible
2 moons of triangle side too far away to be moons on clockwise plane, revolving around
dwarf like on Ferris wheel tilted moon pyramid side 1 missing maneuvering engineering
feat rather than coincidence. Thor dwarf with moons. Two interchangeable battle groups!
First human race of Eden, so advanced in over 2.5 billion years to have a planet size ship,
certainly knows what is coming up to bounce sun on Earth, hides somewhere around Sun,
not threatening the world presently sending UFO's all over the planet planning something!
Earth expected to be destroyed by the Sun all swept away by this red dwarf star to ascend?
Head-on disaster approaching to hit Sun, here I look back at all of this introduction.
"Delight of astronomy: New object in the orbit". November 30, 1995 news "Scientists
are ecstatic." Scientists not saying anything about the blue planet, hidden from sight,
behind White dwarf topic in 2003 Sirius' "star" first visible to all, only fortunate few
outside happened to look at eastern horizon before sunrise see planet coming 2003-6
Sirius behind White dwarf Thor go behind a full Moon. Yet the Red dwarf incoming,
approaching Sun for head-on crash into Sun bounces it on inner 3 planets a 1994 star
approaching Sun in 2005 until red dwarf New Star hits the Sun 2029 escape to Mars?
2006 white dwarf star Sirius planet intelligence hid-behind Wooden always pointed at
star Sirius went behind full moon in August approached in 2006 behind a white dwarf
switching 1 and 2 moon's dwarf star of Sirius white hot/Wodan fall crash UFO escape
the white dwarf! Thor's surface detected a spectrum of colors 1983, dwarf star behind.
Compression, solar jetted out water all the earth layers in focus, point in space pops up
solar jet out of star Sirius stars popped out of the Black Hole, methane gas point image
teaming with creation hollow out to Sun stored methane gas pop-out in solar flair died.
Finally on this morning of February 13 I only needed a 60mm telescope and dialed in
aiming my best eyepiece at Planet X's star before dawn, in 2006. Sirius dwarf star my
big white new planet with seven moons all of its moons visible without magnification
with my 8x21 binoculars see a moon eclipsing Planet X making it look like round bite
out of its upper right side of Planet X, through telescope or half moon with binoculars.
Tiny metallic sphere 7th moon up tight beside White new orb, to it's right, just in view.
My white planet and its Jupiter on diagonal plane up to the right from distant Planet X
Thor's White dwarf star in front of it until October 23, Wodan hidden eclipsed vacating
blue planet right behind dwarf star went behind full Moon Sirius system faithful called
Planet X: Solar plane intersecting ours turns sun poles upside down February 19, 2007.
The next morning on the 14th of February 1 moon/2 moon switched places so a object
that looked like a smudge yesterday morning, a bunch of pieces of some asteroid, had
orbited around to beside the close new planet upper right smudges, I thought blast site
defenses in 24 hour orbit patrolling 3 moons were 1 back up to its upper right position
opposite white dwarf 2 moons. Lower right of dwarf, I happened to see peak out a 4th
moon sparkle on February 16, 2006 seemingly metallic station 4th moon beside dwarf
brightest light of 7, if it is a moon, appeared close to the white orb horizon's right side,
just below equator. Dwarf 4 moons and distant triangle of lights. Sirius and its system
slightly sunlight crescent shaped red spot sliver bottom lower left end left of Sirius sat.
I dialed back from Thor revealing two big long bright asteroid rocks, stuck out from it
looked like Thor ran into them blown-up off it out in front, 2 asteroid slivers stood out.
A few "kill" smudges orbiting in with white dwarf moons always defensive formation
preparing to destroy any mortal threat, while going through comet and asteroid fields?
The brightest but smallest moon of the White orb, hanging around White orb, up close,
bright metal space station for week of moon at equator in orbit to just under white orb.
Close to the White orb a small space station metal moon not a moon with such flight
course between two packs of alternating defenders with distant triangle patrolling for
comets and asteroids. Prepared for travel through Oort cloud, blue planet escape ship
white dwarf Sirius solar system boomerang Wodan caught up in disaster leaves havoc
to Thor running into Planet 6 to Asteroid Belt core of a planet now Las Vegas streets!
Thor eclipsed by a small moon while news media ignored talk about any new planets,
public report to media only interested in their conspiracy in a political left verses right
if will do U.S. Military survival good coup final solution 3RD American Government!
Star cause for eclipse of Sirius, a moon up close to it in its lower left in my binoculars,
had light off Sun on Planet X on its lower left off of the Sun, but still under blue planet
lit up the star Sirius under a growing shadow on upper right end of "Planet X", in 2006.
Planet X ellipses away in 2013 former blue planet, visible each end of 2 years around
Sirius to January 2006 "star" light seen go behind Dark Matter, 1983. If it orbited Sun
over Australia it did not White dwarf up close blue planet just microwave Earth, here
or elsewhere near broadcast exposed. Star go away aligned poles February 19/2007 to
turned the Sun's magnetic poles around. 2006 up close a white dwarf with blue planet
behind, could have got visitors from behind its 1 and 2 moon big Q-ball White dwarf!
Star Sirius covered in ice early months of 2006 here melted off in bright Sun, next to it.
When another solar system went through this one, with its White dwarf star close as the
Moon. Planet X in sunlight lit up here does not orbit Sun for people there vacation here.
At 8:45 a.m. I stopped watching Planet X white dot at 10:00 go across the sky all
day, moon eclipsing the Dark Star Sirius, certainly would still be visible if I could
keep my eyes on it across the sky a ice covered rusted Planet X eclipsed with bite
out of it, as the Sun melted a methane ice to rust Sirius with solar system 2 planets
White dwarf star up close February 24, 2006, Sirius blue next night off secret plot.
At 6:59 a.m. the next morning I could see Planet X was increasing its being eclipsed
to pleasure with little telescope dial in upper right bite out of Thor small round moon
upon "Planet X" since June 2006 Sirius incoming up to sun. Red moon all red dwarf!
Sun in red dwarf head-on path course every red moon ascending up bounces sun
on Portugal logically already witnessed by a crowd of people trying to stop WWI
the asteroid star Nibiru reaches sun it came up to, iron 5 times bigger than Jupiter
I find out only ellipses up to sun in death throws sun, solar jets Oort down to core.
Incoming over low ridge of mountain at 4:55 a.m. red rusted Thor, star. February
left of pass at Road 140, beside Olene. Nothing visible on Planet X, I could find.
By March I was more interested in a Jupiter-looking planet, the moon triangle of
White dwarf went right to, after White dwarf star sat in October. At the Jupiter to
lower left end of it's moon plane, after last day moon triangle at the White dwarf.
A cluster of 3 large lights I notice up close from the lower left of the white dwarf I
first ignored, quickly dialing in the white new planet alternating 1 opposite 2 moon
I never saw a moon triangle up close in front of it again, right moon in the pyramid
began to roam in with the close new orb moons, switching 1 and 2. Where metallic
moon came out inside moon 2 to 3 in a row, then to the orb bottom the metal moon
took a sharp left turn a vehicle in 24 hours from white orb to under outside moon 2.
While using my little telescope on White orb I noticed had three smudges around it,
of asteroids out above the moon plane of Wooden that indicate blown-up asteroids?
That only dictatorship get done with industry bunkers in hills for worse if it orbited!
Wodan under-cover from Earth a advanced ship certainly populated, send in assault
forces plunder and pillage? Ship big as a planet structure might rain down fire while
letting down cloak, a solar power, enough to blow away defenses from a dark space.
“Planet X” not like comet gone around the sun closer to the Earth on their way out of
the inner solar system. Not visible since Moses the "Destroyer" lucky for Jews only
came up to Sun, certainly a threat here. While red dwarf star going to hit Sun, aimed
at the Earth. News said Mars went behind Full Moon was Sirius now going away in
ellipse Wodan Edenites escape white dwarf in huge spaceship, took up new position
behind cloak exposed while towed around sun by Mercury, to mine Earth's asteroids
in collapse bounced off sun blows steam. Communication silence, UFO our enemies.
WWIII depopulation, government authority certain to keep media knowledge silence
secrecy of a blue planet UFO sneaking around somewhere Edenites inherit the Earth!
In the past Americans will be the people with me in charge of everything. Now military
needs my leadership, save American people from aliens over border. Totally nationalize
overthrow the system take Business these leadership directions, throughout these pages.
World the meek destroy? Thor blue planet Wodan escaped. It's power and light off are
coming to join forces on the UFO@Mercury if they plan attack from any angle Earth!
The meek Edenite civilization inherits Earth, under a new heaven and a new Earth. Or
world destroyed as it is written. Planet X go away after 5 x bigger than Jupiter, to sun.
"Seek and ye shall find" only works for the "few", who do whatever the Coach says.
When the world is full of billions of criminals to have to destroy to have a peaceful
planet, getting it back to under 1 billion people plan War with national debt default.
If you invade territory of course you are going to see UFO's on Mars and the moon,
in 4.5 billion years different kinds of humans mostly looking different from huge to
tiny. Early nuclear weapons since 2.5 billion years, fallout on Mars sister planet war
asteroid get away with this warn 17th century, on coming treacheries over 300 years
of politician and lawyer getting rich off of lies for a government to dictatorship now!
Land a helicopter on Mars, at a city blown to bits, no wonder UFO's arrive around it,
like the Moon landings, settling there they are not going to like you on their property. |