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In Retrospect here Racist Majority American public I Take out Federal Reserve Banking, along with illegal legal alien gangster immigration, to call up US Armed Forces Coup d' 'et at arm us patriots and Fascist blood Militia dump media and legal system Establishment bodies for Third U.S. I confiscate it's business profits to the ends of planet Business Tribunal US!

Corrupt business legal political rule system politics only leads American Independence to Debt Default rulers.

With natural talent break through Image of the World, into Universe mass expanding, is a escape from Gangster government here without enough racist right armed forces to command before Debt Default Money, I can bank on a miracle contact! Nuclear War right away, Debt Default! Certain I convert my new bicycle to Ascend alone I drop into 1952 and check out my old coin collection my Chinese computer and external drive chips of 2024 software and data drives pass on to Dwight D. Eisenhower, for his computer. Can't play back ritual to ascend see God cheap fall apart chinese cameras.

Anytime do or die believe I ascend become Leader, reverse engineer 2 cellular phones run National Public Tribunal poll US Armed Forces, arm us to polls good reason's here elect me boy king rid us of corruption left poll the way racist citizenship wants us. This web site in my Book in 1953 locally Nationally and Internationally an immigration standards, this much of my writings correct, all completed, to read it all over refresh my memory.

Coup d' or the American people die in corporate takeover, superior race of robots programmed takeover the world/control by the rich immigration and all. Constitution subversive legal society equality, enemy since first election taxation. Business, Lobby, CEO hiring our enemies everywhere. Citizens laid off replaced with aliens run by illegal's and crime family to divide our nation's citizens. Secrecy, no time to say anything about calm before star runs into Sun. Gangster secret societies all know disaster expected by trillion aires. Them and their alien's buy up repossessed United States of America to build their corporate escape vehicle sell America to China India Mexico and Islamic enemy my good reasons for military coup takeover. Trillions of dollar tycoon's wealth colored and consortium about to Default America on billionaire Stock Market National Debt. Inflation interest's conspiracy!

Secret society lawyer politician the rich I rule put in a body count. Racist Military Coup Default Votes me into power Armed Forces citizen's 50 State's a Militia, dictatorship. Rest of the West in separate borders, job Factory space ship wages in metals our Confederation to work for. My nationalist colors here, all our nation communities economies all publicly owned. American community share of West escape in deep space by 2029. Leave under blood red Moon. Citizen's military police force racism cleanse America of our enemies. By Pentagon back-up we join at Tribunal our kinds decide our social order. Americans without crime families telling us how to think and what to buy, in integration socialism. My Military Command for western world military coup, all our nations co-op jobs, citizens rule what they want escape end of the world as a racist Confederation of separate traditional Westerners. Nationalist America our Isles Western Europe Military Coup Armed Forces, by citizen's Tribunal a separate government Confederation. Nations hating each other border games. Armed forces other separate people's cleanse world population back under a billion again. My World Peace without anymore crime family.

My racist white America in power our men decide government industry and community without woman's right's at Tribunal, mankind's Majority Rule democracy. Take the rich estate kill them and their gang of thieve's New World Order Integration, cash in their Stock Market profits. Business in the way of citizenship independence and social security, for both male and female. Global warming ends on the Sun, if it don't miss the Earth. But needed in power to cause military coups I join together a Confederation of separate equal nations construct and supply each their share of city in space, shuttle away from end of the world or we all loose under alien fire. Producing commonly used products each department of with participating countries, woman in their place each nation with their public say by male representatives. Military coup okay our forces kept with great wage scales they already have eliminate illegal aliens and criminal population, depopulates our world for Peace. Home guard watching our stuff, in our house to house ethnic cleansing.

Here the "loopholes" in government "benefits" was the politician's secret society engineering to pass out to their friends profits from business donations, for business objectives and stock market gains, a national debt founded on political conspiracy. After May 1, 2016 that practice ended in White House for Masonic Order, that does not control the President anymore except at court, subversive to the discrimination votes of White Americans. Leftist New World Order secrecy subversion: Business lawyer and political whims to get elected against White American Majority, that keeps us in debt due inflating prices. Hang Business and secret society. Revolution Right for Military support, or a just martyr's mission rank and file soldiers and Police, to take out estates of powers that be, to turn government over to my command: American racist militia in search and destroy-leftist women and Mob alien race gangland conspiracy on the job against White America, taking our houses and jobs and raising the rent, what patriots would never die for to keep in power! Rich enough to elect.

While I am on the threshold of reality, in reach of the means to ascend, to display my list when and where to return. I was thinking about WWII Germany, when a large group of people that I suppose were Germans confronted me in a panic on what to do, in their dire situation. I said if Germany had gotten their rich off of their ass and into the factories, on the job, they would have gotten everything working right! (Automatic left handed solute) instead of trusting slaves to put together their defenses, in vital weapons industry jobs, only use slaves on menial jobs!

Lets talk about GOD now, what only the pure in heart ever see, the light in the Bomb for useful purposes, the Few always persecuted because of it. Religion destroys and gives hell to their elect, if they are not born into the right family, swing their weapons and point scriptures thus enemies of faith. Lies secure the leftist positions subversive to self enlightenment. Experience better than the Religions.

With U.S. dollar crashing around the world at inflation prices. I could save USA in a Armed Forces about face verses orders coming from legal authorities to gas out and gun down reestablish our racist America. Don't bother segregate. Kill them or ship out a choice Donald Trump should have been able to do as Commander in Chief. Discharge non-White forces to replace with Racist militia forces. I am near to ascend out of sight of anarchy and chaos rampage. China takes over if we don't have enough defenses, backing Ukraine to defeat Russia. Inflation until Sun bounced on Earth to Hell. Lawyer's denied my defense rights. Camera shop Indian woman deleted my pictures of all my near and far black volcanic smoke columns erupting out of hidden thermal vents all over the hills and valley straight up or out sideways on a hill top. The camera shop woman deleted all my copies of she stole to win a new car, charge me $81 for deleting them all on negatives. Only good Indian is a dead Indian! I will chain saw her head off in Oregon, while winning the West for White America. U.S. Military finish the job they started winning the west, backed up with all available Militia and me in charge of killing them that hate us, take their Citizenship rights.

Pentagon save the day eliminate the entire legal system and their friends in graft for Tribunal Law, to take Federal Reserves to print our dollars backed in precious metals, rape and rob the left. Police not necessarily the enforcers of political laws but enforcers of right for the good of White America. Tribunal might elect me chainsaw off a woman's head obstructing Right, and her laughing women lawyer friends, with no proof. Truth obstruction scriptures worship of highest maker, unseen falling in sheets of black gravity currents coated with light of mass down all about them to the earth useful as a Domain Name with a vengeance, I witness the prophet's mass element for the charts. Jews and Christians don't like me call it JesusChrist! Moses stole Ark of the Covenant out of Great Pyramid under it's entrance for power avoid guards, subverted "The 10 Commandments", which movie would get Jews canned if Pharaoh got to see it likely would sell Jews for Indonesia Polynesia and Africa to grill them, or meat eaters I could get to dispose of Native Indian Mexican colored and gangster Latin immigration, enemies.

There was a Chinese-american spying for the Chinese government in a nuclear weapons secrets scandal in New Mexico, I am sure many Americans remember hearing about it, concerning the mind of alien races integrated into anybody else's country that share secrets with their country of enemies. Where equality has proven an unsafe policy for U.S. citizenship and everyone else's citizenship, wherever aliens are given equal rights with their country's own people, where qualified play like they are loyal citizens, until they get their hands on secrets or thinking of authority in America, are enemies of our people we have to expel survivors of. Secretly or openly hostile invasive alien races and ethnic groups are only loyal to their own kind's alien country. U.S. racism my only way to reduce shortages to make everything plentiful again, destroying and running out our enemies. White America's national security in a world 8 times more populous than 1950 in my lifetime, multiplying faster and faster, the number of criminals up to a Armageddon breaking point, leftists push over a cliff National Debt they increase for all the surveillance to keep us safe with fear and everything stocked up at stores for a greater and greater price increase for more supply and demand inflation. Beginning with Bill Clinton China's pet to 2018 Business conspiracy for cheap labor elsewhere. Because of all the criminal's Labor Union wage increases, that forced U.S. jobs overseas, even forced Japan at home to do it to charge more for everything. My rule makes what Donald Trump could not do in politics happen, what troops can do over government and business's dead bodies, taking over all their riches and resources for my new U.S. government White America. My revolution here an armed good verses evil, to no shortages! Health to the planet and citizens. By my Default Vote Majority I won "Commander in Chief" by Default, at the polls. Hang the political system's legal authorities. After me Commander in Chief of Military, in a Coup d' round up and shoot down Federal government and Supreme Court, shot away for everything they have. Our Armed Forces and Militia eliminate National Debt, now with all kinds of secrecy societies creating all the corruption. And over 3 trillion dollars keeping millions of enemy races and colors off the street locked up. My citizen's run government, by our opinion majorities at Tribunal our armed forces enforce mobilize White America a Militia to enable my transition government under Tribunal Militia Law, to Majority Rule. While National Debt Default 2018 to 2025 WWIII. Yet Majority Vote for Nationalist Revolution since 1996 my Power by Default rule over candidate's that get elected, continue corruption of US Constitution to impoverish and eliminate White American freedoms.

Authority get up one morning to running for their lives. Americans with guns Tribunal democracy in our dictatorship now! Forget about the political votes. I represent White American racism by the Default Vote Majority am the new Military Commander in Chief. Have to prove a lot and vanish, demonstrate reality at the end of the world, wiping away debt in U.S.A. through Tribunal democracy. Public opinion run government by me, in a polling Tribunal system of White America. Most visitors to these pages were Russia Ukraine Germany and a few other foreign countries for the largest number of visitors, to these pages. While in the West crime profits from criminals and gangs and their half breed sympathizers verses nationalist forces now the people can eradicate by me. As far as "God" goes reality is only an electrical system, that does not care what people believe no matter how much they worship. Thus free will. In power I use US Military power verses ethnic and political targets America mobilizes each State in a U.S. Militia. Destroy and feed to predators enemies of the people, to process for export. Take estate from legal and illegal aliens and their cousins in a Good verses Evil World War over Debt Default. Roll back world population in every country back to well under a billion people restore world environment. All American patriots get their fair share of everything of value from immigrants blacks the Mob and their other colors and ethnic groups against White Americans. Militia fill military positions vacated in my purge. Shoot on sight, or they surrender or escape or are hunted down. Let their athletes take plane or boat get out of USA invade Latin America killing them, taking their turf over their dead bodies. China with a billion in slums, working as slaves for Chinese Communist Party, where no one lives in any of their 64 million luxury apartment cities built, uninhabited brand new cities scattered around China, with the excess wealth they got through American businesses and government trade legislation, hoarding wealth, built up a world power thanks to American politics because Mafia control of labor unions increased labor costs in America drove up cost of living for more union dues like financed a black politician to become President, that sent all our jobs overseas. Big Business paid politicians legislate it for cheap labor, a killing on Wall Street. Feminists/liberals against White American racist hate pack in cans, export to cannibals in polynesia and Africa to grill them. Leftist survivors to slave labor, their property gold and silver reserve metal pay white American worker save us patriotic stars and stripes citizens!

In America arson annually destroys Americans in forest fires, illegal's intent to burn up American people's homes and businesses, ever since blacks with Molotov cocktails burned America's South. In Columbus, Georgia, someone on our roof with a rifle at least told one to drop it. Getting rid of our threats is carnage to restore America's freedoms back to 1940's security. My orders purge USA and eliminate criminals locked-up and at large, their kind. Rockets and then roadblocks, jets and smart bombs, kill all the gang criminals and white collar corruption for my peace of mind: homeland security policy. Take all the wealth of the people's enemies, and reward civic duty in America one citizen to another, for us all. Police militia military root out the evil in all our territories. Get rid of all the criminal intent types incarcerated or at large, costing trillions of dollars to keep them alive, the Left let loose to confront the public. Crime seen in children enlist to regimentation for war duties, vaporize bad blood of no use. Weed out white bad blood to lifers in combat service facing enemy. Citizens inclined to different talent obsessions employ in each of the categories of rigorous education. Strictly control bad elements to patrol borders regimented, search and destroy. Citizen majority reports subversion and corruption to Tribunal. Secure in a world economy without public enemy working against American citizen's best interests, at home and away. My U.S. government overthrow the lying subversive political system supporting aliens into positions where they ultimately weaken white America and our National Security. Round up gang types, caste society India & Jew, Latin, gangster ethnic types in a us against them war to run out or destroy. African territory to deport black breeds, Visas for tourists. Every enemy countries immigrants eliminate, future problems. Bombing and all invade, disperse aliens to south of Canal. Get rid of hispanics to their countries or fed them to predators land or sea, not to mention native resent of White America for mass murders. Where diversity is adversity! Aborting the "melting pot" of enemies policy profiting Business I justify my Dictatorship by Default, with a transitional government. Spoils of victory I offer in deportation and nationalization! Spy cameras in the USA proves diversity is adversity, wherever you mix races. I cleanse America as The Third Party in Armed Forces leadership, restore early American values, have Religion. Round up deport or destroy other cultures with our fighting forces! Divide up and ration equal amounts of spoils of victory. America's enemies deport or meat pack for export. U.S. Treasury melt their wealth for America's future. Watchers wait for the outcome. Islamic countries subversive everywhere they immigrate into. A successfully used ideology against Islam once rid a country of it tactic available destroy negative religion threats to racism, not worthy of conversion from their ways.

Masonic authority for instance shows light of salvation to its members, with same sorcery as Catholics in their cathedrals, know it is blameless in God's eye, do any crime rape robbery lie cheat or murder with a kiss corruption and fornication they wish, with their alter boys. Justify anything their gangsters wish I just send in Militia and Armed Forces capture deport slave or kill them all, staff, CEO's the system put on trial if they don't resist, fate left up to opinion polls on what to do with them. Put them on forbidden islands. The others pack in cans to sell to grill in Africa and polynesia. Educate to engineers, all that want to build technology for our benefit, a good life space travel and starship city of the Moon, supplying all of our citizens with security. Allotting all resources for the people's technological ingenuity, trained to find places in National Company labors, working for their weekends off and holidays.

On May 1st 2007 several people stopped me as I was walking somewhere. They began telling me how much good this country has done for the world, when I said "America would be better off if we had kept everything to ourselves". They all shut up and I walked away. But that evening jets flew a simulated air attack all over town. One diving jet came in too close for comfort. It could have taken out my side of a hill facing the air base, as if it were bombing targets they would in a war effort, that reminded me of the people who stopped me with a defense of foreign aid, while military whoever behind Air Force simulated night bombing of town was showing me and everyone War moves up-close. While the group I encountered did not approve of my nationalist views military showed me the way to get revolution done fast! What wonders can be done with Military support. My anti-government sentiments of most Americans let me arm, White citizens into a 50 State's National Militia. My advice Military use any method to take out government to concentration camp Tribunals, the political and corporate power lobbies and unions take out their security guards the whole political system bunch opposing our Majority wishes we take out our enemies.

The present faiths in the world destroyed their predecessors. Where my faith has to destroy all of the other faiths, or convert them to my faith, like religions do. American Nationals I call up in my immigration war, with time to ascend proving a secret tool through to other side of Gravity current Image projection! Matter filling Gravity Image, current convergence circuit of matter expanding Gravity Image. Negative-Positive alternative to aging death and destruction. Deposits of mass to ascend from. With twenty-first century technology in my pack start American Revolution first, my gun variations of and explosives formulas for 1760 America, 1309? God mass of Gravity condensing to nuclei expanding all images. Gravity currents through layers of Gravity identity images in -/+ 6 sided Black Box crystal, projecting Circuit of Eternity. Circuit closed in "Big Bang" pops up regularly! Black currents projected through Positive Gravity Charge matter, turning faster than light. Gravity currents flow down "mass" pooling pops-up Circuit length the Universe. Length of eternity expanding in the dark Void, hollow of God matter, spinning its fluid weight faster than light a Hollow void. Mass spinning against Image intelligence outward, to currents of memory of outer solid. Secret society invoke Master of Currents through layers of images in the Box projecting through spinning substance of Apollo everything as fast as a rock Universe filling with mass every opportunity to divert their attention from following will of "Devil" with the Crown on known as "Allah", so damned with all the others. Revolution for peace from secrets. Set aside hills saturated with Ort focus condensing, vanish from with this I began in ©1997 (1996) one year retroactive Congress Internet copyright law passed in 1998. I am the American people's Third Party, since this page! Taking back all of our Business for 3rd government polling system Tribunal I eliminate National Debt. Beginning my True Democracy, by Default.

All the Default votes are my votes, by copyright. But authority does not allow Power by Default ignores it ever since Election 1996, what takes a billion dollars to get elected. Business tailor made by the rich, politicians and lawyers working for them verses the majority for profits in its political schemes now with women blacks and Latin gang votes. July 1, 2018, high speed profits on Wall Street inflation to Default on National Debt 2025. Silent Majority votes here representing racist America not voting. U.S. Military my leadership patriotism save our skins? Whatever American majority wants they get, by overthrowing the establishment to make safe and secure our ass from natural and man made threats. But not to get to a place where water flows uphill to salvation car roll up-hill use a hidden mass tool get out of the world from 2 other hills and a mountain. No peaceful solution at end of planet other than chaos and anarchy revolution, for reasons I explain here. Plenty of good advisors to pick from for infighting and deportation chaos establish my employment economic system. Only 5 years to end of the world. Parent and children soldier and volunteers survive methane gas fire and religion at end of Arctic Ocean melt down to polar reversal. I offer escape from high winds and fire to millions of workers I pay in gold, coins underground engineer manufacturing meet every need industrial goods bomb shelter cities for US citizens to survive in the mountains, if Hell is not bounced on us.

As ruthless dictator I take everything from most estates, employ our patriots keeping 4th of July. Destroying subversive rich and their alien incompatible ethnic groups that do not get out of the U.S. in time. With Business infrastructure and Military know how I deploy soldiers, killing establishment's and their security guards, or they escape. Save talent for their achievement purposes in industry. Where in and after World War good American citizens work honest jobs. All went wrong in 1950's Supreme Court lawyer forced Integration corrupted Constitution, worse than FDR with banking. While returning with a friend from fishing we passed maybe Ford family mansion, girl from that many storied ivy covered old house across the street, as we were walking back to Detroit. Passing her on the sidewalk, girl our age all dressed up in an ornate embroidered suit. My dangling hook snagged her, so she flipped around without making a sound. I felt the tug and went right back to free her. Luckily her clothing was woven so thick when I grabbed the hook, pulling the cloth to a point to pull out the hook, it came without any damage to her suit. So modest, she still did not say a single word or make any sound, had to have come from rich good people. But gang crime owned business will all have to die or fly. Leftists tracked down kill for everything, free my new U.S. Government United States of America without spy cameras. Every citizen limited to 10 million $ Hours retire. Hundred thousand to million Hours working class tax free payday Public Owned society, worker dividends. Bank gold stacked so everyone can visit their own pile, Hours a day Notes products food and drink duty free. "The Bank" credit from our resources Card fill every need nationally. Worker's a house upkeep resources, property tax free.

Meanwhile in 2006 the magnetic core remains of a star 5 times bigger than Jupiter, Planet X, went behind the Sun so close it turned the Sun upside down, on 19 February 2007. The Sun's binary star while coming in only affected the Earth to stop its wobbling for 3.5 weeks, before setting with the Sun behind the Sun flipped the Sun's south magnetic pole to north magnetic pole, and later while going back out to the Oort cloud its polar alignment tugged Earth's opposite magnetic pole 4 times in 2011 and once in 2012, changing Daylight Savings Time October 15 to November 2, while Earth's magnetic core poles are on their side spinning up against 85° latitude in Earth's top melting Arctic Ice Cap off cause of global warming, leading up to polar reversal 2029. With only 5 years before Earth is smashed to magnetic core, bounced off the Sun, bounced on Earth in 2029 by a red dwarf star. Where only I have proved Planet X is the Earth's binary star, that squirted out the Big Dipper suns in a wicked solar jet, that last wound up shooting out the Sun with a string of planets including the Earth, that blurted out a white dwarf star in front of it. So 2.5 billion years ago while Planet X was ellipsing about its solar jet up to the Sun back to the Sun 21 million miles from it its white dwarf caught the Sun 5th planet, first civilization out of Garden of Eden, inhabited lit up until 24 January 2006. Lucky it did not orbit the Sun to turn Earth upside down, 600 times bigger than Earth, which proves none of the other planets in the solar system orbit the Sun. Except Mercury that was smashed to its magnetic core by Planet X into orbit around the Sun with a impact mark on its top.

Kolbrin Bible with an ancient Egypt text after the red dwarf star came by too close to Earth destroyed ancient Egyptian civilization, left Middle East ruins the way they are found today. Text says that when it comes by up close again "a new moon will rise up to break apart and fall" has to be the red dwarf star, from the Sun in a 1 year Mayan ellipse cause of red full Moons, its brown dwarf star star falls apart on Australia Wormwood. After Planet X white dwarf star in 2006, that came up close much bigger than the Moon with a bright light behind it. The red dwarf star grazed Earth's atmosphere caused high winds, Jews ran for caves on the other side of the Reed Sea, that buckled up for them to escape Pharaoh to the caves on the other side, forcing volcanoes to erupt its last time by in front of Planet X, on other side of the Sun. Frozen brown dwarf star missing the Sun falls apart on Earth like the Kolbrin Bible speaks of. Not realizing its red dwarf star bounces the Sun on Portugal. After frozen Wormwood missing the Sun thawed out falls apart on Australia in 2029 before its red dwarf star runs into the Sun. Coincidently a 2003 Astronomy Magazine article states "the Moon will probably be destroyed" if the "asteroid" (Wormwood) breaks-up, pieces of also falling on the Moon. The rest of it falls on the Earth in anarchy and chaos. End of the world as we know it also dashed civilization on the Moon asteroid previously came by too close to the Sun, could actually have been a pack of asteroids grazed the Middle East destroyed their ancient civilizations! But a "Angel" demonstrated in 1917 Portugal Sun is bounced on Earth forgot to say by a red dwarf.


The 2003 location of the Sun's Twin in relation to inner solar system planets, while approaching the Sun, out of the Oort Cloud not yet sunlit descended in a ellipse up to the Sun. Massive 2 converging gravity current Star sinks, flooding them both with mass attracted Planet X "2003 UB313" to Sun together. Sirius sat before sunrise on Hogback Mountain at dawn September 23rd. But October 23rd sat on the coast, never in orbit around the Sun to come by Earth up close over Arctic like speed boat going by, if planets orbit sun that don't only ellipse around them, causing Earth to turn upside down blowing out of its Arctic fault flap that Earth's core made running into Arctic Circle. Noah building his Ark never mentioned any space threat cause for "fountains of the deep" erupting a Rapture "in a twinkling of an eye". Earth suddenly expanded to 2/3rds ocean from Thor destroying 6 planets Flooded Earth with seeds of life. Global warming until Earth's core collapse on Sun new heaven and new Earth.

FY9/EL61 orbits true, misled planets orbit sun scholars false only ellipse up to sun!

Comets regularly come close around the Sun, like Hale-Bop did, and away passed Earth closer than the Moon, steam billowing out of it up-close to Sun. Others too close to Sun's heat regularly brakes them apart like fell on Jupiter, for instance. Maybe people who die young are better off than living trials to bitter end, long lives to red dwarf star bounce Sun so illuminated have to all get illuminated again to leap into pearly heights. For most Americans strong shelters have to do. I will do like in 1988, break into Gravity Charge condensing to nuclei shape. Stuck in it "the few" jump in the nagual. No one there to see me break through to the other side, for a miracle. All the once saved always saved ascend spotted hills to other side of gravity. Racist right martyrs die fighting for White American values Militia men, boys. Mexico I destroy for all its worth left natives. White America safely in bunkers under my leadership, guilt of original sin no chance of survival cannot save their skins. Let God sort them out, some safe to new heaven in new Earth iron core, blown out of Earth's Arctic Circle Sun bounce on Earth, core released bounces away. Geological Survey maps graph here global warming rising, spinning bounced over to Siberia continues heating-up, like javelin on its side up against Earth's flat 85° latitude top, bounced west in Earth's top slips spinning on its side around in 85° top, to trap door.

There are always these kind of clues of "the end times", for at least a hundred years to be certain of it before Earth's magnetic poles switch places again. Above are 1900-2005 signs of "the end times", suppressed by media and advertising. When this place blows its top in polar reversal turns Earth upside down in a day destroyed, approaching star bounces Sun on Earth. On Earth more people alive than there are dead. Overpopulation rapidly, to a sudden mass human die-off. Won't be long natural disaster, all the billions fatalities. Maybe "Resurrection of the dead" to a past life not to present day in 2029. Weight and momentum of magnetic core in Earth's molten lithosphere bounced away, only core inside will be the only solid ground to stand on.


"Surprising Solar Storms Rage at Sun's South Pole

Ker Than

Staff writer

Posted: 20 February 2007, 12:35 pm ET

Relatively calm weather was the standard forecast for the Sun, which is near the end of another 11-year cycle, but raging solar storms just spotted at its south pole tell a different story.

At the start of a solar cycle sunspot-regions on the Sun, marked by cooler temperatures and intense magnetic activity tend to appear near the poles and move towards the equator as the cycle concludes.

Scientists were therefore surprised when Ulysses, a joint European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA spacecraft currently embarked on its third tour around the Sun since launch in 1990, spotted intense solar storms near the Sun's south pole. Solar storms are energetic explosions on the surface of the Sun caused by solar flares or coronal mass ejections, both of which tend to occur near sunspots.

'Particle events of this kind were seen during second polar passes in 2000 and 2001 at solar maximum,' said Richard Marsden, ESA's Ulysses Project Scientist and Mission Manager. 'We certainly didn't expect to see them at lower latitudes at solar minimum.'

Ulysses also found that the Sun south pole is currently cooler than its north pole. This is a reversal from 10 years ago when the northern polar coronal hole was about 7 to 8 percent hotter than the southern one. Coronal holes are like bald spots on the Sun: they are regions in the Sun's upper atmosphere called the corona, where there is less heated gas than average. During solar minimum coronal holes are mainly found at the Sun polar regions; during solar maximum they can be located anywhere.

'This implies that the asymmetry between north and south has switched with the change of the magnetic polarity of the Sun,' said George Gloeckler, Principal Investigator for Solar Wind Ion Composition Spectrometer (SWICS) aboard Ulysses."

I only have 2 places in the desert to get out of the world alive. I was afraid to do the whole ritual, only basking in the matter, enjoying its properties. I am poor and cannot run for any position like president or dictator, at least here informing the end days. At a earlier date get rich. With BOMB facts know how keep everyone at a safe distance wherever I sleep help accomplish U.S. goals before and after Revolution establish my Government out of secret sword out of time machine from Ort, condensing to nuclei.

"The Sun's magnetic field consists of a north pole, where field flows out of the Sun, and a south pole where the field re-enters. During solar maximum, when the Sun's activity is at a peak in its 11-year cycle the poles exchange places." Thor took to February 19, 2007, aligned south pole to Sun south pole flipped Sun north pole south swinging back to Oort cloud aligned its poles to Earth poles for 5 tsunami 2006-2007.

No one else is prepared for a red dwarf star going to take out the inner 3 solar system planets, to escape it all with space ships, when the Moon and Mars and other reachable places are already occupied with more advanced civilizations, to survive in their environments. The media only airing crime violence and disaster stories, media sexy women talking all day reporting nothing, laughing jokes. Even if they are all knowledgeable of the "New Star" coming in to hit the Sun the space ship plans blow-up fry Earth. Just have to eat drink and be marry and forget about the future of the planet, until a "new moon" falls from a red dwarf star drops off Wormwood in 2029 on Australia, taking a Bible Revelation Tribulation to end of the world. While the safest way out of the disastrous future is reaching the matter expanding the world, to drop in the past or another habitable planet where they have to fight to survive the hungry other things alive to eat. While here on Earth until 2029 we have a blue planet behind the gone away Planet X that shipped a starship over to Mercury while going behind Sun with a huge ship big enough to save all the militia's of the USA, if it was empty drone to have to worry where it would take us to or we vanish to other side of gravity.

By eyesight Sirius getting brighter like a train coming in at the Sun to sunrise in the first 10 months of 2006, went behind the Sun, flipped the Sun's magnetic poles over on February 19, 2007. So if Thor orbited the Sun bigger than the Moon it would have flipped Earth upside down. But Edenite civilization out of Eden after gone behind Sun October 23, 2006, the Sun and Sirius 2 gravity sinks attract each other. So it's fine Media keeps secret many times bigger star going to hit the Sun, to just go on advertising and reporting leftist views going on in politics to keep our attention. Arms build-up just going on to WWIII. While gravity current Image goes on Positive Gravity Charge expanding everything the galaxies all-along length of Universe Image.

What happens to be an incoming fly-by of a star by the Sun in 2006 sat just to the left of the Sun before sunrise September 23 on Hogback Mountain, following Sun all day. A month later it sat on the horizon on the west coast. While media never reported anything on Sirius still getting closer to the Sun until it turned Sun upside down on February 19, 2007. That finished its elliptic orbit up close to the Sun 21 million miles from it. Scientists publish the above misleading article, that they have no idea why the Sun's poles switched places, was this passing star Sirius on the ancient Mexico calendar Short Count prediction to a 12/24/2011 end of its solar jet ellipse of, caused a 9.2 Japan earthquake/tsunami 8.8 Haiti earthquake Chile 8.8 earthquake and volcanic eruption and New Zealand 8.8 earthquake 2011 (4)tsunami's and a 8.0 2012 Chile earthquake Daylight Savings time change from October 15 to November 2. I have to wait for Debt Default to break through to other side of gravity after payday! Long Count end of the world only to end of Sun solar jet ellipse. My dictatorship establish public Tribunal leadership capture or destroy authority. Default votes keep electing me by Default Vote Majority for a citizen's U.S. Military Change of Command.

Earth's magnetic poles would turn the world upside down if star Sirius orbited the Sun, so close to Earth as to collapse the Earth, or magnetic core just pop out from internal pressure, breaking out a Flood out of Earth's core new life each Flood! This time only one day of Flood on the Sun of methane gas fire. I use to hear scholars saying none of this can happen. The official "waite and see" reasoning keeps deviating from truth. Sexy dancing ladies announcing media, ignore the facts adding up to a short Flood with the Sun bounced on the Earth. Earth suddenly turn upside in April 2029, Jesus not wrong. End of this Age happening, fig trees put forth new leaves in Israel. I could raise political incorrectness hell with U.S. Armed Forces, redistribute wealth to American public and Military, in a bombing and shooting "The System" campaign. The American's peoples children in U.S. Armed Forces their duty with Militia, in a house to house pillaging and killing or deportation, racist Military campaign that Default voted into Power, by Default, Tribunal verdicts citizen's decide.

U.S. Armed Forces Power with Militia could put the authorities to work on the Farm, their jobs replaced by students in corresponding fields of knowledge, co-op everything subject to opinion majorities. While "THE GREAT SPIRIT" is a good recognizable term to use for THE POSITIVE CHARGE OF GRAVITY expanding Universe. "God" instead of calling It Jesus Christ, the wound on the Light, instead of a laboratory name call it Apollo. It send you to Hell if you call It Jesus, covering earth everywhere with a thin gravity Oort sphere under black gravity currents to earth its threads of "white-light" on black gravity currents expanding all the nuclei. Universe a Circuit of NEGATIVE GRAVITY CHARGE to POSITIVE GRAVITY CHARGE. So bright and fast mass is invisible, except occasionally to trained eyes. As Leader with God under wraps U.S. Armed Forces a Civil war the only way to go. Maybe get my hands on a old space ship engine and factory under Area 51. It will be there, back in the 17th century, through JesusChrist from 21st century, useful to recreate transportation to Mars and beyond. I must vanish with at least these pages into Positive Gravity Charge from gold claim hike show up in 1760 or 1952 show the people the way America turned out. Just curious about the wound on the Light of the other side. Must mean God is Jesus Christ. Apollo stabbed. Break through to other side training, or in the past show movies and documentaries and play the future back to make a living. Civilization underground industry by public Confederation influence white power weed out our enemies. U.S. soldiers and family restore our original freedoms. With tractors in fields for a healthy harvest our nation in a far reaching democracy. My bag from United States of America future could even see 1600's burn witches at the stake, or sink them at sea with their dogs for sex show right and wrong to a early age. After 1952 to 1964, 1760 Cotton Gin forget patent back in time young again or stay in other side of gravity for my girlfriend for us both there images.

Years ago some enemy was irritated I had not said a word about there being a black president of the United States of America from 2008 to 2016, grabbed off the shelf by the Mafia controlling Unions, who despise and defraud American people. The Bar Association Masonic Order of lawyer's with Union dues donations elected a moslem from Indonesia without a U.S. birth certificate. A fake one was made up so he could get a Social Security number, said he was from Hawaii, signed a political fiscal cliff Default deal for continued business crime profits. Integration verses Segregation lawyers. Kill them all, meat pack Supreme Court destroying alien enemy politicians lawyers, all their Courts against American people's racism and nationalism discrimination. Back to only White's Right's in America. Criminals, lawyers, establishment legislates "The System" corruption in plots under the table, for money and favors. Bomb and shoot them, fill up prisons with authority, kill and feed them to predators, their plans to get richer in national debt default subversion invest American dollars for Fedcoin deflation, replacing dollars. I take all the investment vaults and reserves. Business jump out of their tall buildings and off bridges. Must be more than only me break out of the world into Positive Charge of Gravity, to safe there. Un-safe even running government by the people in a "FEMA" underground city, ending taxation for trained skills a health industry for my end times, Democracy!

About that scroll I had in my hands at a Japanese initiation faith! A dreaded Vietnam veteran comes back, just like the ones I protested, only another big mean fucking Vietnam veteran, stole everything handed me a little loaded pistol against his knife, Salt Lake City 1991. Bad soldiers need all be kept in military guarding border for life, security guards patrolling for enemy illegal's. David Revas an exception, on my Atlanta drafting crew did not have the "Nam" crazy syndrome. I am sure U.S. Army did not loose my father's records in a "fire", a soldier all the way from California desert boot camp to northern Africa adventure to Nazi Germany through Sicily. Americans have to take out politics in the U.S.A. the American people's enemy "The powers that be" a American Armed Forces duty! Vigilantes down to American children's week day a Militia ethnic "cleansing". All of us.

Back in the days of high ethics the Puritans in 16th century were not bad at all burning witches at the stake. The last witches burned at the stake died with two dogs that were fucking them. Leftist, spiteful women have always been witches. Ban woman vote! Forever. Women never good enough to have the right to "vote". Seen but not heard let women only have the right to petition abort a baby, get a divorce, and to be treated if like a lady. We will keep first two U.S. Amendments since we won't have any blacks or non-citizens back in time through the big surprise, by the 4 letter Word no one is supposed to say/this side of gravity, packing these writings with me useful for math and chemistry, as far back as 1760 and 1309, after 1952-1964. Shopping Mall

Corruption: "The liberties of a people never were,

nor ever will be secure when the transactions of

their rulers may be concealed from them" here

in the political system that must be destroyed.

Patrick Henry was trying to get across justify

solution I have for gangs in political schemes

Debt for profit, my racist leadership revenge,

for problems of the people aristocrats create

and black president backing robot taking job

we pull the rug out from enemy of the people

"No retiree will ever again be able to feel safe

for some back room midnight rushed Change

in rules designed to meet their budget target."

Instead Tribunal Rule eradicate political whims.

Debt Default scrub out Social Security Benefits?

Tribunal I call all the shots with security clearance.


The Eastern Europeans, who have integrated into

American society are fine, their children become

American, but southern European gang oriented

criminal minded. However many of them fighters

for good like Mussolini, Fascist type always great

for special forces where dealing with a cruel world

threats. Tribunal rules, under control of The People.


But this is the last 5 years anyone can ascend into the

mass expanding the universe, which ends. Where people

rather die. That assume they are all damned by original sin.



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