Originally all the people's popped up 4.5 billion years ago on Earth, world already 8.5 billion years old, every time. I will not need to say a 4 letter word to get back in. Instead of having to pronounce the 4 lettered word I have 4 difficult to easy ways back into other side of gravity mass. Where I could find out how to pronounce the 4 lettered Word. Able to draw the 4 lettered Word that burned into scenery bright white, did not pronounce Itself. So I don't need to pronounce it, unless he says so. It looks like an ancient Middle Eastern alphabet word. The second letter of It now disguised a Hebrew letter, if pronouncing it a Jew secret. God sorts out and lets into Heaven to translate, who see God dead or alive, through the current of gravity image. The transformed glide like in space, upon leap into mass Charge of Gravity. Otherwise drop dark to body all laid back in their soul, shell sack drained black, their image dreaming. Suddenly bright light shuts off, struggle in neon lightening my girlfriend fought back grabbed barrier apart, jumped in positive gravity charge other side of gravity world I found greeted me able to recognize my image not transformed, in St. Mathew's GOD. Another hilltop my 3rd, easy way to get in. Where the 4 lettered Word branded in white out of Area 4 layers, someone. See God a 4th time took all day, to suddenly break through to mass expanding the world. Religion falls to magnetic core to dream forever, in Negative Gravity image, imagine streets and harems. The damned in net at gravity center of Earth's magnetic core spinning faster than Earth. Seeds of life released in each of 5 Earth's core blows it's top forced out ocean through fountains of the deep washed away Noah's Ark to aground. Expanded Earth because water came first, fills hollow earth a pressure cooker under molten lithosphere. Few break from gravity current image to memory identity like my girlfriend, "the pure in heart" who "see God" dead or alive. Host of at least one I know, 2nd Rapture in, to some 70 departed ascended. My flesh "healed" said in my ear to ascend alive glide through school on back in time. Leave bagged in Earth gravitational field drained glossy black tears bright Sun I exposed. Egg image of identity either alive or translated dead. Missing vanish in gravity mass, condensing to particles. In flight "God" matter only so thick as atmosphere upon earth. My girlfriend dead ascended went through the wound I wanted them to let me see behind them, on the sphere expanding Universe matter, Heaven. Flight back in time accomplish something on earth, where to stay for inspiring God Motor save nation 2024 say White America, or I just get out of this century before Sun is bounced away by a red dwarf star taking out Mercury Venus and Earth. Sun a red giant with red dwarf star in its place bounced out towards Neptune to need God Motors to get there! Everyone left on Earth their body and soul scattered out into outer darkness unless escaped with Moon follow sun in city of God Motors in a nuclear blast ring to light speed.
Inside the sack dreamers creative all new in their healthy image. Hollow Earth could fill in with fire and brimstone in a 6th polar reversal. On Earth an atmosphere of mass condensing to nuclei, expanding image in a circuit, Gravity currents blinded by the light. I recognized one soul by the way she approached me, out of the right end of them scattered all across the light in front of me, was my 15 year old girlfriend, came forward down then up like when she came bringing me her new high school class ring, when I came in the door. Speechless to Memory Identity in the bright void condensing to atomic particles, mass charge of gravity can't touch identity field. She went back the move she came forward to me. I looked back at the pack of them to the middle. Turning my head up and down left and right, trying to see if anything was behind them. Which all split the scene, of me trying to look between them, saw what they were hiding, close together as they would in my way. A distant dark vertical double edged sword wound shadow behind them in the distance on the light of Apollo intelligence, shaded shape on extent of St. Mathew's "God" like 2 boobs. I laughed. Don't ask if it is Jesus, or you will be out of there. At a loss how to greet dead girlfriend right up to me, layers of still static like the others behind her, no way to touch. She went back the same way she came to me back in with the other 70 or so of them. There should have been a lot more people there since Adam, in 5 polar reversals. Maybe others in other packs around Earth's "God". Or missing, gone through wound on the light she took a right turn, straight away through the Sun to the Heaven expanding the world. Universe expanding discharges all of its mass so all the images fall back to point centre of Void, suddenly pops up expanding again. Gravity Charge on gravity currents through layers of intelligent images Big Bang! Earth pops up again with magnetic core. God with dark vertical 2 edged stab wound on Circuit behind seraphim. I said "Jesus?" The wrong thing to say whatever shot out of my forehead hurt shot right back in, "Jesus?" Back to my room to scripture open. I got mad because that hurt. Broke my way back into God. Its hosts all back in my way again. Scene of them fade to my room. After 2 more see God learned how and where to break through image to bright mass expanding Universe certainly able to read my list of to do on me, my camera on next chance I get to do the trick I recite on the other side of.
Mass expanding Universe as fast as anything falls to the ground in a vacuum Jesus as well be pronounced Zeus. Christians in church quit anything to do with my truth, recite scriptures collect money invest in ego for themselves living for the things money can buy or can get away with or go to prison stealing. God flowing down back of currents filling all images around the world Positive Charge of Gravity, fluid filling image from all directions, instead of pull to earth falling fast as Niagara Falls. Does not care about anything else other than its physics program, while solid outer Area 7 stores design of the world in its crystals. World on earth and creativity in Hell to think on. Revolutionary whichever date I drop in, with the right system for democracy. Mass falling down Eternity's Negative Gravity Charge currents filling images, projection of Universe storage crystals and gasses through 6 sides to layers like an onion in a box of living images, it projects on earth in their time on currents, ever inhabited Universe. Mass flooding Circuit of Eternity with Positive Gravity Charge: Allah Glue expanding Universe beginning to end of Void. A Hollow inside and Hollow outside the Box. Polar reversal coincidence 2 stars crossing paths in tribulation inflation famine homelessness Universe running out of space, not expanding? Universe is expanding. Original sin fall to focus Field dream forever World, in the dark of Hell, infinite length Circuit of Eternity. Magnetic cores all storing dead images. I just edit all summer something to show for myself, returning to liberate from immigration. Plenty of time to finish editing 3 more pages to make sense of in a past Revolution, over the long hot summer ahead, before November.
Not everyone is made "in the likeness of God" you can find out under certain street light under Full Moon. That over left of two shadows should be a halo, if you are human, indicating a shell to aperture exists in the top of soul, shaped around them like an egg shell, all in bright white molecules of mass that turns bright sunlight or any other light source to pitch black to see it. Gravity current focusing to memory identity image in their positive gravity charge hollow. Each layer upon layer in the Box under outer Hollow focusing organic images in the center of the Inner Hollow, Universe. Under open portal overhead, flaming gravity circuit, until closing fans out into beams of light spinning slowly counterclockwise, making a halo glow in the top of human egg shell. Everything expanding in Universe under spinning sphere of Positive Charge of Gravity, flooding all the images with mass exploding Universe, lengthening the Infinite, uncoiling! Where "the pure in heart shall see God" find them self at a host of memory identities. The one come up to me had to be my 15 year old girlfriend, from 1967. Later in 1988 I found another way in. Taking my whole soul with backpack went ascending into Positive Charge of Gravity. Pack cure for disease from China to 1 people. A list to recite in the other side in the genii in the Light of Positive Charge of Gravity pointed to a past, not going to jump back down on the hill. For my health this time, positive gravity charge deposits, just accumulate charge until where to ascended again. Get these straight publishable keep the rent leave 2024 to red dwarf returning since Moses hit the Sun after dropping off its brown dwarf star passing close to Sun, to fall apart on Australia.
Gravity mass holds the world together because it is sticky, down to nuclei what should be called Apollo I was calling JesusChrist, Element 0 a bubble film on earth, that grips nuclear particles together like Jupiter has moons, in the circuit of Gravity this side of mass. "String theory posits that the fundamental objects of the universe are not made of point-like particles but string-like filaments of matter" that helped me see the Universe from the outside of it, holding a Buddhist scroll by its ends in August 1972, coming forward to me from the wall behind the ceremony stage after I just got it in a ceremony in Atlanta, Georgia. November that year in Columbus, Ga. searching to find the "truth" someone said in my ear I could find it in the Sermon on the Mount. Found a sword wound on the Light of God look like two boobs on end I laughed, after the seraphim cleared out from in my way while trying to get a peek between them suddenly left. One half one way the other half the other. Looking at the wound I said "Jesus?" It was just too far-out! My identity that shot out of my forehead shot back into my head, forcing me back into the world, hurt with a sting like it made shooting out. I got mad broke back in God with Memory Identities all back blocking my view! Later read mysticism they all came forward faded out. Trespass came back again.
The other side faded away back to my room 1972 to scriptures on my lap. Was tempted but did not jump in when I had the urge to, wrote these, needing something to bring of this time period. Made sense of it all Memory Identity in "particle" layers of memory, jagged to their ends of static-still particles in layers squeezed down together in rows between incoming and outgoing gravity currents in string-like layers, every specific information in parallel, for everyone ascended dead. There should be the same number of DNA string groups for every individual memory identity layer. The soul in molecule's egg shape of Positive Gravity Charge, elliptic molecule mass spin faster than light projected out of blazing circuit of gravity focus flowing mass 90° spinning faster than light into the Void to everyone the world, should match up with DNA double-helix number of parts compressed in an egg shape. Proportionate to egg shape of the human memory identity particles. Proof Greeks had gods, immortals for pranks making people's faces and images with clouds, like a white spot of cloud in fog with rainbow through it. An invisible round sphere overhead, at some places, if you could cross your eyes to see them turn to look at you, like on a beach ball, staring. While most other people spend eternity in the grips of Gravity Field, in their dreaming body dreaming, or out cold. Those in Hell only have to stay there until Universe gravitational field is shorted out at end of expanding. Focus falls back to centre point of Void, expanding at a steady rate of mass clearing a Void, expanding. But Universes is expanding faster and faster, more than that, to reach mass spinning. Mass filling images in Universe pops-up circuit, expanding faster and faster as mass accumulates. Few die to become memory identity particles in Positive Gravity Charge until the World runs out of space to expand in deflates back to point again that pops out coil vastly untwined into a focus grip, again. True to my rebel differences, racist revolution of hate. Armed Forces back Militia take out unions and corruption tradition conspiracy families gangland empires verses American citizen rights. Can them to grill elsewhere: Leftist liberal non-profit religion politics media taken over by Mafia, women blacks, Mexicans.
U.S. Educational has all of my proofs on how the Universe was made. Although I do not have an education since 1968. Never learned punctuation. Still I did well enough with my drafting skills, to make a living. Except for CIA FBI and Police keeping track of radicals I am certainly foremost, kept out of influencing government and elections. I had Russia Ukraine Germany France Britain Canada Australia traffic to these pages not readable then. Politic's conspiracy getting richer and richer on National Debt Default inflation interest rate, business. In Power by Default Armed Forces suddenly unit a militia of forces nationwide, for clearing out non-Americans or destroying them, for my Third U.S. Government. 2004 Russians escape to neighbors to play these pages songs on so many pages. Here on earth "Life" out of compressed double helix in Positive Gravity Charge Identities as well as in flesh in a egg shell, the species in a divided world of deceit.
Shape of the soul pointed left end rounded right end egg shape converts from molecules to particles ascended. Dead person expands to round sphere transparent, egg of white molecules oval may go on to transformed layers of level static particle in rows, when conversion is made. Greek gods, gods stay round like Jerry Garcia seen as a round white spot of cloud with a rainbow through it, in the fog or overcast. Followed me all down coast to a mountain peak, half-sphere of cloud over the road, a physical rainbow of thick round cords, with steam coming off them each drifting east. His Memorial gatherers afterwards notice bright round cloud with rainbow through it over West Beach at sundown. Accidentally gazing found a round as the Moon globe over his banner where it was, a week before started being seen a white spot in the clouds with rainbow across it. Maybe the last god to appear in the clouds, for anyone else looking to find, for several years followed me, after seeing him a sphere with hair line and beard line look down at me gazing up over seats there, probably only one to see him above dead, looked down at me in the bleachers after Memorial, next Saturday. Just cross eyes to see him, a sphere from the side next day, over where the stage was, halfway down the horse track, tilted up with only beard and shaded hair line visible, next afternoon after Memorial. Invisible element Apollo Allah Glue the Elohim Glue condensing on nuclei, other side. Saturday after I went up stood right in front of where the stage area was, gazed up, surprised see his sphere right close over me a few yards up, looking over where the crowd was. Upon realizing me see him rolled down like a beach ball on water to look at me, realizing I was seeing him. That frightening me since I was not a Deadhead. I quit seeing him and walked away down to the field. The secret world element condensing to particles, his recognizable ways kept playing his prank appearances fun all across Bay Area to Central Park. Someone's camera film got a double exposure of him at the Polo Grounds, I last heard. Where to get in the other side alive is like Superman flying. Flash of energy streak around to and from other campers waiting for his Memorial to happen shot around surprising people in Golden Gate Park after dark, for 5 days after he died, on through the 5 nights, pulsing sky day and night. On a later visit going to my camp there he played comet Hale-Bopp prank flash, shot by. Back to the park planning to "see" him from street across from his Memorial site next morning, shoot over my head in the day a streak of light across parkway I knew had to be Jerry seeing I was back. The soul an oval formation. Round, prior to High Heaven dead, not yet converted to memory identity until 2020. A usable environment to back in time, connect through. But in the world flesh in a shell of molecules of Positive Gravity Charge, mass condensing to nuclei, expanding with the Universe. Few dead become Memory Identity in the 70 some crowd there. Jesus of Nazareth whole sphere of Apollo molecules stabbed, don't call it Jesus! Crystal Universe stored in solid outside. Box current's from above, focus through box layers of individuals, outsmart religion. Born not guilty of original sin.
Hell is a belly full of dreamers to sustain outer solid Allah/Elohim purpose of life Universe awareness! Continues open and closed circuit of gravity, the physical world. Gravity x Light = Mass joins mass to image. Gravity Circuit the Universe a plumbed serpent all along, it particles of Universe suddenly popped-up together image expanding with mass. All the points of manifestation start expanding with stars planets and suns, moment of achieving circuit of gravity expanding Bang! All points pop out of stars to their places that solar jet out to sun, pops up the world. Positive Charge of Gravity flooding visible Universe at once expanding faster and faster, accumulates more weight faster and faster until Universe reaches Positive Gravity Charge where it shorts out. Everything falls back to point centre of Eternity gravity focus to Big Bang receiving mass. Universe pops up a piston in a 2-cycle engine. End of Universe falls back to beginning point, deflated. Universe crystals and gasses manifest from outer solid through Box layers, to Positive Gravity Charge spinning a Void where Universe expands out of centre of Void, through hollow to Black Box. The Devil's Box all the life images in layers of Negative Gravity Charge current converging image through mass sphere spinning projected from all sides. Gravity circuit, children manifested in a day. Gravity Circuit converging image in the center of Void from all directions, expanding faster and faster accumulating gravity charge mass. Beginning Image all elements from outer Area 7 Universe storage, through middle Area 6 about Box, layers to Universe in Void. Moon ran into Earth bounced 50,000 miles away, going away about 7 and a half inches a year now 250,000 miles away caught in Gravity Current flowing mass to each keeps Moon orbiting Earth in a gravity sink, both in a gravity sink from gravity mass falling into the images of everything inflating. Mass pouring down follows image down to image focus Bang! World pops up filled, mass pouring down into image not image pulling down gravity mass Universe keeps on expanding.
Gravity current focuses every image out of layers in Black Box so all creatures after crystal world manifest.
I could win war on another level, expected of leadership.
49, 5, 55
My Book Review on the subject of Gravity :
Rethinking Our Scientific Legacy
By Mark McClutcheon
Accepted theory of Gravity here has the same flaw others followed
Newton was doing okay, he just got the direction wrong! Where he
could not fathom image starts out empty of mass, that pours down to
empty image focused to pop up all images receiving mass to it's end.
Newton was doing okay, he just got direction wrong. Gravity not pulling
actually pushes world together into its separate images in coiled universe
earth all of it a gravity current ground to a gravity Field in the earth's core
Gravity x Light = Mass expanding a inversion bubble the teleport habitats
until charge too much you can't walk away no choice but to jump off of it.
At "the end of the world", before a new heaven and a new earth, in a
of religious fanatics world diversion against truth secrets to enlighten
are thorn and snare. That deny truth use scripture to deceive the Elect
rattling snakes they rattle on denying truth ignore it as if prayer helps.
The World only image and mass, flesh restore to youth in the genii
task to follow our conscience I invented Power by Default formula
verses the in control. Woman bitch legislating laws damn their soul
sex, woman blacks gangsters verses patriot racists to elect wrath-of
U.S. Militia leadership Right by Default Coup d' my system, expect
red dwarf underground shelter. Leftist hang them to Tribunal charts
star hits Sun Earth's magnetic core bounces away a cause for rapture
ends expansion or so Earth's magnetic core bounces away a asteroid.
Looking like WWIII Russia China World War save America besides
Christian end of world, coincidence methane gas Noah's fire scripture
or house give away revolution dictatorship plunder national debt bank
all of the gold and silver under armed guard install Third Government.
To be Fascist I will discriminate. Destroy only the enemy, deport not
citizen take all homeland for citizens bunker in a purpose community
our workers and administrators survival, my fellow skins Revolution.
Right destroy bad, alien gangster secret society take their house booty
of lawyers and court. Cops shoot blacks gas out gun down road block.
Anciently Carlos Castaneda some help, found alternate reality to ascend!
I don't need to make any of the bombs get it back in time the how to do it
create new US government, nothing to lose at 79 do or die cover a course
matter deity good to back in time save dead girlfriend ascend where easy.
Are these any indications of where famous peoples are going to ultimately!
Miracles happen, to success, correct here every paragraph like nitroglycerin
in sawdust. Gods made up never existed caring, overpopulation like in bugs.
Clinton Conspiracy with China backing for IBM so we have to have WWIII.
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