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then, along comes a Dark Star?
A Mystery binary star ellipse revolves Planet usual elliptic up to sun Mercury
proven knocked orbit around sun, only up to sun the Planet X put all out in solar jet ellipse
back towards retreating solar jet. In elliptic orbit planets spread out each distance about its
sun from their binary star. While colleges say they are all in orbits around our star the Sun.
Normally you only jump off a ship if it is sinking or going to be run into, or digital money?
Just lucky "X" didn't orbit. Planet X under blue planet 23 January 2006 what has completed
ellipse to Sun 19 February 2007 aligned Thor south magnetic pole with Sun south magnetic
pole. Dark star blazed blue all over middle of it reflected off white dwarf, orb behind upon a
Planet X intelligent life! Mattie plot Wodan's magnetic fields generated its sky aglow blue to
1/23/2006 behind white dwarf Odin, turned off bright beams obscured dwarf its 1 + 2 moons
until 1/23/2006, falling on Wooden. Wodan command post escape hides out from Earth sight
to sinister business politics, discriminate. Earth consumed. Here I offer democracy leadership
Tribunal to end of the world, nationalize business kill its societies take all to racist Third USA.
All of the world powers certainly aware of asteroid they are calling it is not in orbit around the Sun, will not kill 1/3 of humanity. So it's late and I have a BLM to get to. Running out of money and old with this star coming in. Military power save U.S. 21st century racist patriotic right! I could fix the past in 1850 save the South, if not obligated to Union 1760, or blowing up castles in 13th century. Other side of gravity someone might hint request when and where I should return mass and image get generators built. In files prove sun solar jetted out with all the suns, each star squirt out points that pop up planets in line to a sun. Earth Venus and Mercury to Sun binary star put forth Big Dipper, sun parent collapsed down to magnetic core Dark Planet X spread out some trillion pieces of itself all about outskirts of solar system, over the last 4.5 billion years, beyond Pluto: Which squirted out a moon from heart shaped lava flow squirted out 5 little moon squirts. Sun from end of binary star back to solar system planets! Sun ellipse drawn toward binary star, end of Big Dipper handle. NASA 2002 blue planet returning oblong orbit behind Sun in 2006 went away on 19 February 2007, returning to end of Big Dipper. In history our binary star causes disaster every time it comes back to the Sun, through inner solar system. Visible since 2002 until 2007, began orbit around southern hemisphere after eclipsed by the Sun. Sirius set from Northern Hemisphere passed Sun 21 million miles away opposite side of the Sun, 2.5 billion years ago the Sun's Twin coming around was trouble for inhabited Inner solar system planets. Called "Thor" when Earth swung by on It's side of return to Sun on this angle. Sun eclipsed it in its 2006 return. Its knowledge obscured until 6 December 2002, Planet X approaching the Sun could not be denied, though scholars kept denying its existence. Below is first map attempt to show our binary star exists, did not get the math right, secret in leftist college where they preach lies in safety net of authority planets orbit the sun. Military Coup if the money turned digital communist takeover of USA. Kill it all! In my street Militia legions racist patriots show up for ethnic cleansing, police sweeps, passing out assault rifles. Donate, I get away vanish into past to prevent present. Reason to break into bright mass, fearless ritual. Even 1952 easier to revolutionize. War of liberation. U.S. Armed Forces back up civilians so I void Biden digital money. I could offer lifeboat but can't communicate star pop-up Sun in public, facing Hell! Government telescopes and college instruments accurate mass momentum figure a accurate velocity calculate ellipse of Sun hiding the red dwarf star course up to Sun, close as Sirius got to Sun turned the Sun upside down 4 months later lining up its magnetic pole south to Sun south magnetic pole. Sun north magnetic pole flipped south aligned with Planet X south magnetic pole, after setting behind Its Twin. But hidden in colleges day and hour map details locate magnetic poles of Earth facing Thor polar alignment's pass. Earth's core poles on this side up against 85° latitude slipping west along latitude, to its dent it cracked around the world from planet squirt of Moon that pinched off Japan into Pacific Ocean dent. The only thing left of the Pacific Ocean splash on America is drying up in Utah. Now Biden devised not forcing the people to have a spy chip put in them instead put spy chip in our money, to replace with. Here I offer Military Coup plans backed by all of our soldiers for Militia and Police to hang secret society, lawyers and Biden digital money plan's Big Business plan to impoverish patriots. Millions of patriotic Americans know they need Military takeover support to exterminate all our home threats. No one has denied my Power by Default right. Patriotic America support Majority Rule Military Coup! Scientific dogma that planets orbit sun in round orbits here proven elliptical, just like my Planet X ellipse to Sun. Which there knocked Mercury around Sun.
Astronomy authorities and media said this star was Mars, out of its normal orbit once in 50,000 years closest to Earth, kept secret orbiting star called Planet X came up close to the Sun in 2006 was Planet X. Calling it some code number star. Trusting authority is trusting political corruption, trained to fake truth, to trust like buying a car with all the upkeep receipts from a smiling Italian couple I got, that dropped dead soon I could only get $300 for scrap. The Left working for the worst interest of White America. Equal opportunity, for our enemies? World full of borders and walls. Alien immigration forces only military dictatorship can get revenge in order for all White America. Exterminate the boss and chain of command of authority, so white America makes all the profits. We don't need Unions to be treated right. Public Tribunals instead of accept inflating prices on everything under table economic plans, legislating profit for elite families and organized crime. Buying Gift Cards for millions of dollar offers they never deliver. End of the world Military dictatorship I sort out citizenship. My racist solution bunker in with our kinds. Ethnic cleansing I let loose take America for us, hang leftist society scholar color equal rights take responsibility. Establishment inflates prices of everything. Latin alien color give us trash money out of order change to us White. Militia open fire!
In 2021 the authorities were calling this dark star the Apollo Asteroid, with misleading artist illustrations of a big rock coming through space. But for 1 day YouTube media shows a Hubble image 5 times the size of Jupiter "asteroid" big red sphere coming straight up in a thick picketed fence of colors, blast circle around it. That copy was replaced on YouTube with a stretched down to tiny point in the center of it speck. Radical solution to media is gas out and gun down authorities and their security. Take all their data resources and truck out the resistance to predators, the communications and media. Business and government dump to tiger sharks, authorities. Militia and soldiers replace them. Planet X image replaced with fake object squeezed down smudge to a point, reduced to nothing inside a huge picketed boundary, deleted it in downloads. Like something a rover on Mars found where ocean use to be, video of two giant smooth shell clams with 2 babies, camera go to the left to where the left baby clam was washed to, that can't be found on the Internet now. But I have a satellite view of a bear walking on Mars, with its jaws open probably yelling. I got a copy of that in a still image. Thor the Sun's magnetic core Twin, an asteroid, a Hammer by composition. Secret a common knowledge at fraternity. Revenge on authority the enemy gas out gun down. Lawyers twist right, the left. Enough racist Police Militia Military support, my Fascist plan. Kill gangster left colored aliens in the last 5 years of Earth a ethnic cleansing supported take back America just shoot down anyone crossing us.
This Planet 9 drawing is all wrong. You would have to put the Planet Nine circle to the right of the Sun, leaving the other orbits there correct. Where Earth would be out there to the left of Sun in the way of Planet X in 2007. Where Mercury and Venus would have been for their disasters. Earth would have been on other side of Sun in ellipse about it in the past when it was blasting by pieces of continent when Earth was solid crusted planet ripped open all around from flying pieces of Planet 6 and Mercury run into by Planet X, so steam in the ocean in Earth's core expanded the Earth 2/3's bigger than it was, full of Ocean. Planet X kept secret by college scum's saying I am insane believing it exists, know such things by instinct. With only this star going to run into sun 5 years from now gives me enough time to pack data of military value and break through gravity current imagery of the world saving myself to the past packing physics and chemistry on me.
TRUTH is generally opposite what scholars say. Like if object following Sun is going to pass 21 million miles from Earth it turns out you can see here passing Earth was something like 114 million miles away. Sun's parent acting like a ball on a rubber band following Sun about solar jet around Sun. Thor followed Sun over and over again until Sun is bounced away, by the red dwarf star coming up behind it. Bigger than Earth's elliptic orbit about the Sun, as far as it got dropped off out of a solar jet Circle. My solution to secret society Latin and other gangster corruption keeping secret truth like religion and government in the people's way of truth, kill it! My Militia and U.S. Armed Forces host of little rascals with assault rifles run enemies out of everywhere. Tribunal discriminate truth with instruments of science and logic racist borders to our kind of immigration survive World War Three for our project to immigrate to the Moon for a escape vehicle.
2006 Military educated guess 2020 polar reversal if Planet X here orbit Sun? Nine years off, geological time.
Only military can prepare any people for the destruction of their world. Above and beyond political candidates with their election money plots, doing whatever big money tells them, what revolution backed by the Majority can kill all that off. That usually have nothing better to replace corrupt government with but another corrupt system, with the elites rules and taxation bad as previous systems. Political platforms with no worries about any star in their way running into Sun, supporting the usual get rich quick plots advertising and social news diversions fueling prices and ways to pump up stock market, political party Business interests. That all suddenly hits the fan in World War for the authority's security fuck the majority. Getting richer don't care about patriotism, only ways to make citizens poorer and poorer, replaced with robots run by enemy alien people. Hear me far to the right leadership! Radio TV and print distraction, media blasting ads promoting race crisis. Armed takeover Power by Default. Destroy or concentration camp enemy, calling up White American Hate forces. To take back territories and business profits and jobs. U.S. Armed Forces take out enemy integration, inflation economy. Mustard gas D.C., evacuate military and diplomats. All the racists flags flying Military and Militia troops our patriotic racist duty able to call in military and police support if need be, take out enemy. Profiles learn in classes. Sweep out all the communities of gangland a land rush! Majority Rule. Public Tribunal ration out foreign holdings, taking estate property we thin out the population.
Originally planets were lined up from Planet X to the Sun, 8 human species migrated from Earth far as Saturn moon. Planet X in the beginning popped up star, the Sun jetted out of, popping up collapsed down to magnetic core spread out Oort cloud all about solar system. Since then inner solar system raked with pieces of binary star and inner planets, up to Sun. Stars popped up in our vicinity to pits, solar jetted suns failed to ignite watch out for, while going to the stars. Mercury now only magnetic core of a planet, ran into by Planet X. Close in 2006 a ship was sent. Sirius ellipse up to Sun ran into Mercury. Planet X hammer smack mark shook off half its asteroid core surface hit by a much bigger iron body. Venus magnetic core pushed or pulled crashed inside Venus from 5 times bigger than Jupiter magnet going by flooded Venus with lava. Venus core full of steam in ocean, expanded running into terra firma blew out the Venus molten lithosphere gushing out lava all over the surface of Venus, when Earth's core expanded 1st of 5 polar reversal's, lava flooded ocean floors ripped open by slabs of earth crust of Ceres or Mercury. Thor hit planet 6 between Jupiter and Mars when its white dwarf star took 5th planet, then hit Mercury after Ceres. Slabs of continent flying raked Earth that opened up like a clam. Earth hit twice by big asteroids ripped North Atlantic and South Atlantic gashes across Earth for polar reversal burst 5 Floods out of Earth magnetic core, so Earth expanded Pacific Ocean basin that also flooded. Moon squirt ran into Pacific Ocean out of Planet X running into Planet 6, a shotgun blast. Earth's core squirt fountains of the deep filled Atlantic and Pacific with Ocean, crashing here. Grand Canyon result of 1st of 5 fly-by's of Planet X after the World created in 6 days 4.5 billion years ago, already 8.5 billion years old. Earth ocean blows out of core. Planet X orbit around Sun 2.5 billion years ago ran the Moon into Pacific Ocean, swung core of Earth off-center to polar reversal dent. 2.5 billion years ago Adam and Eve Earth civilization escaped to Moon 50, 000 miles away settled back side of. Earth populations migrated to other worlds and Mars' planet small people from Earth, orbits Mars. Other Earth races populated inner solar system to Mercury. Most suns in our vicinity failed to ignite in the beginning. Planet X ellipse up to sun devastated 4 inhabited planets 2.5 billion years ago. Mars war refugees return to Earth. Mars' sister planet people won Mars nuclear war. Flood on Mars during nuclear war, a Rover found survivors. Planet X regularly up to the Sun in an elongated orbit through inner solar system caught 5th planet it's White dwarf star grabbed. Many problems arise from different kinds of people inhabiting same or near-by planets, always lead to perpetual wars and invasions, immigration of hate to destroy or enslave other people, same as Earth history. U.S. history likewise also founded on racism tyranny in need of my Power by Default. Majority of Americans selectively deport or destroy wrong immigration false Bill of Right's politics Police sweep. Tribunal decide if lawyer's well fed to can for export I am the law. Armed Forces ration booty.
Likely volcanic ash on Wall Street before 2029 from polar movement continuing to spin west after 2011. National Debt Default inflation affecting the whole world from 8 billion more people on the planet since milk 49 cents a gallon in 1950. Taxation more and more starting in 1792 Stock Market, richer and richer off of inflation. I will establish the first U.S. government, if I inform Colonies how our Revolution turned out electing politicians. Silent Majority won every election since 1996 by Default vote Majority. Military takeover now, or I take it to the past. I am racism's only chance of survival, or get something out of here before red dwarf star runs into the Sun in 2029. I Won Power by Default Majority in 2020, again. U.S. Armed Forces obligated to White American Majority available to can the whole political system. Militia by Oath ethnic cleansing at the end of geological time. Earth spin suddenly change out of North Sea. Erase National Debt over body of authority economic system, for all of its resources. End of world thermal pressure build up in all the mountains and ridges around here a Smoking clue why you can't go up take pictures or laser will find you on "NO TRASPASSING". Everyone suspected terrorists you might as well be one end of the world as we know it. Earth with billions more babies grow up our enemies. I could just blow up the world with my tactics, all of us armed with Police and Military kill criminals latinos alien, soccer colored equality Laws. Mass depopulation good verses bad, get-rid of them all. Search and destroy back to only White Americans. Planet X came and went showed us planets only ellipse up to sun. Citizens destroy conspiracies shredding incriminating evidence. Nationalize corporate business, get truth out of authority by any means, 22 million militant racists available hate for militia roundup and/or shoot down, run out alien and their cousin's establishment government. Public Rule Tribunal on auto pilot our machine sort out citizen majorities.
All along length of Universe stars popped out of each galaxy's black hole, pop up planets to sun. Circuit of Universe plumbs out each galaxy from it visible Universe. Popping stars solar jet to a sun, all planets lined up at first to. Galaxies all along tubular Universe suddenly pop up orbs like Pluto, solar system from a star. Pluto its nearest moon Chiron popped out a white heart, bled on Pluto, squirting 4 small moons while squirting out Chiron, here ran into a squirt of the eruption. Pluto system space probe bulls-eye target, seen from Earth. Pluto boiling here clearly popped-up from a point in space spewing 4 moon squirts when it's moon Chiron popped-out in a day BIG BANG! Coil of universe from ball pops up in electrical Field. Heart BEAT of time orbs with methane gas from life inside pop-up like balloon under high pressure suddenly spread out length of Infinity coil, from ball of cable to held in a fist grip to centre of Void receiving living images from all angles after mineral crystals with gases between. Universe in 6 days world project into void full of life, out of heavenly bodies.
A world of currencies inflating from corporation profits. Probably in Pompeii everyone said that's only clouds from somewhere else over Mt. Vesuvius ignored. Populous don't give a fig a red star approaching hits the Sun, caused all the red moons that ever were. I will pack what I can take of data and secrets I learned out of the world with my skin on a mission. Politics left in cold blood. Racist America put me in power survive in Tribunal Rule democracy! Two different systems of north and south pole all stars originally paired together packed along length of Infinity. Suddenly matter returns. Critical mass, circuit closed, suddenly Big Bang! Pops up length of Eternity 87% of Universe mass. Stars pop-up out each strand of Black Hole so solar systems pop up the galaxies like fireworks displays, all along length of Eternity Quetzalcoatl, Black Hole 87% Infinite plumbed serpent. Universe a pile of one continuous cable under gravity current pressure focuses all images. Most to least galaxies all along Eternity's Infinite length. Does Universe Circuit Break in a gamma ray burst, the Original Cause? I trust 70 seraphim's wait for me, to get out into the mass spinning faster than light producing void space, or 4 letter Word wants me to change the world anytime. Human race going extinct if left on Earth. Every country in the world paranoid of the others. Business deals splitting the world in every western country. Patriotic ethic's rule adopt my plans, in a dog eat dog profit driven world. Militarize. Nationalize, Confederate, survival purpose West civilizations, the Moon the ship to get away? But only "the pure in heart" vanish return to a earlier age healthy young again.
Universal system of gravity circuit. Matter flowing on current to element images, intelligent images. All the star in pairs and clusters, with planets in between them, Circuit of Eternity pops up together instantly point ball connect pops out in a 2.5' x 1.0' dimension. Universe Circuit of Infinity suddenly pops up galaxies all about dark Universe circuit length, galaxies pop up out of, until they all fall back to point. Infinity ball. Hydrogen gas explosion shorting-out on Circuit of Eternity expanding to mass charge spinning Hollow Area 3 faster than light, a void Area 1 inside. Universe falls back to ball of infinite length. All image points suddenly focused to pop up receiving Gravity mass pop-up Circuit of Gravity, Universe. Day One, World Image. Two types of gravity charge "Gods" in Eternity suddenly re-join in another heartbeat of time mass to current. Regular intervals stars in pairs and clusters with planets in between tubular Universe gravity circuit focus! Greek symbol length of accumulating Gravity mass Charge filling up Universe, faster and faster, until it shorts out on matter at end of VOID. Infinity pops up Black Holes suddenly, pops out 13% visible Universe out to circuit sides, expanding the length of Universe 87% accumulating Charge faster than visible Universe, a piston rising. Purpose of life is to ascend young or old if still unblemished. "New Star" hits Sun, anyway. Nuclear reaction in NGC2300 blows-up ALL AT ONCE a hydrogen gas blast? Sun knocked out in "a blood red Moon"! Me in power a national effort with all existing technology Sun out to end of solar jet from binary star, went behind the Sun aligned its same pole with Sun same pole 19 February 2006. Gravity matter on gravity currents, constantly flooding everything with mass since twined in a ball all points that pop up out to where they pop up Universe. Oort cloud left of cold dark star Sirius originally tethered to Sun jet shot to. The Sun's Twin back again and gone eternity circuit on centre of eternity void. Universe expanding across center of Black Box, Hollow Void. Circuit flooding with Positive Gravity Charge 4.9 meters/second "The Beast" Image, Universe, a Gravity Circuit. Hell: Circuit consuming souls to their sack, in magnetic core Image. Maybe accomplish good in the past explaining scripture, God as matter expanding Image, 21st century college cheat sheets on technology reshape the past. Convince citizens establish public Tribunal Majority Rule confederated, back when there was brotherhood of Americans, a chance for the best government. Christian morals good enough to cheer for at games all White. Make Moon a ship to the reach matter source.
The Sun's ages ago dark star Twin collapsed giving birth to Sun spurt a white dwarf star. Water inside all the suns and earth spheres popped up furiously, popping up moons under pressure points sown to sun, metals and feldspar geological layers all elemental images fill empty earth on gravity current focus neutrons protons all particles iron-nickel core to elements in veins solar systems suddenly pop-up to sun pop up. Arm and leg blood veins same anatomy as 4 footed animals on all fours or Earth 1/3 as big turning much faster 2/3rds heavier before 5 reversal expansions, gravity current to atmosphere spread out over the worlds in 6 days of sudden creation. Steam in earth and stars furiously expanded size of worlds, or blown away by pressure inside, when suns and solar systems popped up expanding. All ends in original cause, Universe reaches end of Void falls back to Infinity a round point at Eternity's centre, when suddenly Universe mass reconnects to all image in World back to expanding Gravity Circuit Image again. All stars planets and wreckage between sun shot out together with iron core water cooled solid crust sphere inside under molten iron-nickel, layer inside lithosphere. Swelled up red dwarf star with collapsed frozen brown dwarf star Wormwood, a reddest Moon 2029. Sun dwarfed by red dwarf. Radio talk show someone said China afraid of American rational? While at end of the world we hang authority impoverishing White America. Eliminate bad blood not of military value. Destroy others without halo over Moon shadow under street light line up single file, cross under to see who else has halo over left ground shadow for U.S. citizenship.
When the Sun's binary star burst out of tentacle of the Universal Black Hole popped up Sirius, a solar jet put out Big Dipper suns out to the Sun spurt its white dwarf star collapsing down its solid hollow magnetic core inside, scattering comet and asteroid debris spread out all around our solar system left a thick shroud spread around the Sun called the "Oort ('leftover'
says largest of all library dictionaries) cloud" remains of itself a huge area clearly
seen as site of star collapse that spread around
the Sun some trillion pieces of star Sirius. Sirius discovered in 1983 coming in to the Sun, illustration of in 2003 with the little moon I saw eclipsing it, left out it's white dwarf star. Planet X lighted until 10/23/2006 by illuminated blue planet behind white dwarf star sat with it into southern hemisphere. Media kept its blue planet secret but report global warming methane gas under Siberia exploding say nothing to fear, advertising political and usual news cover up conspiracy corruption and money trails. Business the peoples enemy hand in hand with politics, lawyers and illegal alien's. U.S. Armed Forces duty take out the system for national survival, capture or kill the enemy! Polls might have me feed them to predators for estate bank & resources I arm White America a Militia. My Tribunal Government only way citizens rights restored white hooded friends swastika White Supremacy Leadership. I'll take Lincoln statue out of Lincoln Memorial leftist statue replace it with removed statue of General Lee stored somewhere, D.C. returned to dairy on public parkland clearing, Capitol Hill a Museum.
After learning about existence of the Sun's "Twin Sun" I went to see it coming in to go around the Sun amateur camera had located in 1999, which went behind Sun in 2006. I got up May 1, 2003, to see what would cause polar reversal to flip Earth's axis upside down if planets orbit sun causing eruption out of Arctic followed by asteroid and comets shooting by Earth off of Planet X. Earth bouncing away by red dwarf star causes polar reversal hit by Sun. The Sun's Twin came by secret hush conspiracy. Red dwarf star poses last challenge. "Default" vote keeps electing me to Tribunal democracy leadership Coup d' et at choices, chart all of our save us citizen's ideology.
Sirius brought back the first humans to inner solar system. Skilled science smash atoms to basic adhesive elemental of matter. Just concentrate spent uranium nuclei together releasing all its particles to lazar beam away for thrust, with mass for afterburner fuel hyper space travel. Dare to go near It, defy death like in past mass extinctions if any survived. Dare break to mass the reciprocal of gravity current focusing Image, ascend gravity current focusing everything 4.9 meter/second current to circuit image. Power by Default me if Military will have it exterminate government take estate. Nationalize. Deep bunkers develop, pray Sun bounces elsewhere, while remaining pure in heart escape death in a twinkling of an eye. The meek inherit the Earth frozen under glaciers. Would they return to Easter Island, or ship out before 2029, unless stay around to recycle Earth smashed to pieces? Rapid overpopulation warning signal human extinction about to happen only pharmaceutical advancements?
Earth's core turning faster than
Earth 900 mph in opposite direction core flips Earth over in a spiral fall as Inner Earth blows-up out thru Arctic Ocean sea floor with the Sun bounced on Earth, as Moon turns red from red dwarf star bounce Sun on Earth. In Power by Default I establish genuine democracy in America Nationalize wealth to save nation under God Image, matter expanding. Rest is up to American citizens in Third Government Tribunal on Autopilot, to watch over. Here citizens Rule, polling the popular I follow Majority Rule favoritism in our sciences leadership. Government and industry in public human models fit together, each facet of superior society organism under Democracy for machine to leave to the public to rule themselves and the Moon!
Luckily I have time to get to location, vanish to genii school. Long ritual to my 5th Rapture. Enough red Moons. Hated to wear a mask. Pandemic gone around. U.S. Debt Default put off to 2025 world corporate rule inflation suddenly hung, I confiscate infrastructure all. Government can't pay interest on its trillions of dollars in Debt politics getting business richer than hell on profits. All their gold and silver our booty. Investments all to Third Government. Jobs rather than taxation. Military Coup take out corporation to the core for my industrial revolution. Still Earth's core steaming inside global warming until Inner Earth fuses to Outer Earth to blow out its magnetic core steam, if it gets released before 2029 if it blows out too much steam Earth's bubble collapses. So even space station and shelters fall in the pit along with Earth, to everyone left standing's last breath. But ascend before anything like that can happen is the world's only chance of survival for whole souls. Others naturally find out when they die they must fight to kick death's ass if they want to get to "Heaven's Light" to worldly circuit. Know barrier about earth only the pure in heart find escape through, what everyone else tries to destroy saying it don't exist the damned argue on. Here false college orbit. Dark Star cause Earth fractures in previous return's ellipse orbit to this side of Sun.
Q*:(T)Can we ask one
quick question? NASA has announced that the space telescope, Hubble, has
detected clusters of comets, is this , in effect,
the beginning of the government's of the world preparing the people for
what is to come?
A:It certainly is a possibility, but again you are accessing a very touchy
area. They are aware but in denial.
Q:(L)So, the comet cluster is caused by the dark star smashing through the
Oort cloud?(T)Well, not necessarily smashing, but passing close enough for
its gravity to change things...(L)But they said "like a bowling ball
through pins."(T)The gravity of that star would cause the comets to
be flung in all directions.(J)Is the earth like a pin? A bowling pin?(L)No,
that's the Oort cloud.
A:Okay, change of direction:Oort cloud and comet cluster and sun twin occasionally
passing through the former like a bowling ball through pins.
Q:(L)How does the dark star passing through the Oort cloud relate to the
comet cluster?
A:Cause and effect.
Q:(T)Well,if it (the dark star) were close enough to be illuminated, the
obvious is that it would be SEEN. People would panic...
Q:(T)Governments would fall...
A:And terror and chaos. And when it departs again?
Q:(L)Everything will seem to be fine! But, they won't realize that the Oort
cloud has been hit!
A:And then what?
Q:(L)It is not the Oort cloud or the comets that is going to cause all this
terror and carrying on, it is going to be the seeing of the illuminated
brown star, which will go away, and then no one will see what is coming!
Okay, how long will it take the comets to get from the Oort cloud to here?
A:Let us just say that the cluster travels much faster than the usual commentary
Q:(T)And this is because they are traveling in the wake of a large sun sized
gravity well...
A:And we have spoken of the comet cluster before, and we have told you that
this time, it rides the Wave.
Q:(L)Is the wave the energy from this brown star?
Q:(L)The Wave is the Wave.(T)So, the dark star is going to come through
the Oort cloud, and it doesn't have to get too close. Any star that gets
that close is TOO close.(L)Are they being "kicked" and then they
get on the wave that is already on the move?
A:Yes. This time. You have had the comet cluster before in antiquity, but
the wave was last here eons ago.
Q:(L)Is this wave a gravity wave?
Q:(L)Okay, now...(T)Well, the wave is a form of energy.(L)Yes, they once
told us that it was "hyper-kinetic sensate."
A:Realm border, this is your quantum factor.
Q:(L)If the wave is the quantum factor for the transition of the Solar System,
what is the factor for the transition of an atom?
A:Electrons emit what?
Q:(L)What does an electron emit? Is gravity emitted by an electron?
A:Electro magnetically.
Q:(L)What is it that causes a quantum transition? A collecting and dispersing
of gravity. What is it about an atom that causes it to collect or disperse?
A:How does the electron fit into the equation of the "atom?"
Q:(L)Well, you once said that the sun is a window, or transition point to
another density. Are you saying that the nucleus of an atom is a window?
A:What we are saying is the sun is a proton and its twin is an electron!
Q:(A)Now, spirograph suggests that these comets will not come from one direction,
but from many directions at once. Is this correct?
A:Very good!!!
Q:(A)Okay, they will come from many directions..
A:But, initial visibility presents as single, solid body ( converging of
comets from all directions).
Q:(A)Do we know what is the distance to this body at present?
A:Did you catch the significance of the answer regarding time table of cluster
and brown star? Human cycle mirrors cycle of catastrophe. Earth benefits
in form of periodic cleansing. Time to start paying attention to the signs.
They are escalating. They can be "felt" by you and others, if
you pay attention.
Q:(L)We have certainly been paying attention to the signs!
A:How so?
Q:(L)Well, the weather is completely bizarre.
Q:(L)I notice that the tides are awfully high all the time with no ostensible
A:And low, too.
Q:(L)Well, from what you are saying about this -- I mean how are we supposed
to do all these things you say we are supposed to do? I mean, we won't have
A:Who says?
Q:(L)That is kind of what it is sounding like. Unless our lives and experiences
escalate in concert with all these other events..(A)I have a last question
which I have prepared. So, we have these two physical disasters or events,
the coming brown star and the comet cluster, but we have been told that
this time it is going to be different because this time it is accompanied
by a plane convergence.
A:Yes. Magnetic field alteration.
Here Sun end of Milky Way, yellow dot facing head-on crash, a red dwarf star going to run into it in 2029.
artist's representation of the Milky Way Galaxy, charts the course of what
believed was the looping path of a black hole and "it's
companion" over the last 4.5 billion
years or so. Above purple dot represents the current position
of red dwarf approaching Sun.
Yellow spot locates Sun relative to fate its ellipse becomes red giant head-on.
to "it's companion" the Red Dwarf Star Page
Image worship reality focus falls into their sack, caught dream in Hell 4 billion year old world Hindu's close.
New Star 6.5 light years away in 2005, the red dwarf star 2029 disaster. Sirius few inches of gasses frozen on its magnetic core size of the Sun's core dark star Planet X discovered in 1983, when a star went behind it, its 2006 ellipse to the Sun here out of Oort cloud ellipse of solar jet, 5 times bigger than Jupiter. Pieces of Planet X said to be a trillion comets and asteroids escorted disaster like bowling ball through pins. Five known magnetic polar reversals it caused coming back in to Sun destroyed 1/3 of life on land passing Earth its side of Sun. Dark Sirius' Twin of the Sun close 21 million miles away flipped Sun poles 19 February 2007, White dwarf star out in front of Sirius. But red full Moon red dwarf star drops off Wormwood on Earth hitting Sun, the incoming red dwarf star. Sun binary star took missing planet 5 upset Earth magnetic poles bigger magnet previously 1st time Ocean floors recorded a polar reversal. Earth's core going to blow it's top spinning against 85° latitude reached it March 11, 2011, took a left turn slipped Japan Pacific fault line: Magnetic core hit Earth's top. Planet X shown backwards leaving out back towards Oort cloud upset planets 5 times up to Sun. Worse a red dwarf star approaching causing "blood red Moon". Lurking hydrogen gas explosion could short-out 87% of Universe a circuit, a galaxy ran into. Here Sun 5th planet I call "Wodan" is Odin. But 6th planet left Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars is proof Planet X took 5th planet from the Sun hit a 6th planet, while going through 2 planet orbits hit one. Slab out of 6th planet crust Apollo Asteroid skidded over Canada to Mexico in late 1950's. Big flames off it, trail of smoke from Canada over Texas to Mexico. Asteroid silently ripped across sky like thick foot long "Milky Way" candy bar with big flames off of long pitted rectangular brick, end billowing a long trail of smoke as it went by out of north heading for Mexico ripped across sky over Texas Red River. Slab of planetary crust, cousin and me in truck bed watching. Maybe asteroid that ripped long deep trench across and jabbed into Mars crashed, ripped across back side of Mars broke off piece of stabbed jab ripped straight away towards Earth. Two pieces of Ceres rip North and South Atlantic Ocean hitting Earth from two angles, set in motion Earth's core off-center for polar reversals. Moon pinching off Japan hit Pacific Ocean. Mars and Earth flooded 2.5 billion years ago, Grand Canyon on both a Great Flood. Iron core's full of water steam blew out Oceans. Sirius made Asteroid Belt between Jupiter and Mars, shotgun of asteroids bounce off Planet 6 first Sirius back around Sun, in 2006 back again down to Sun. Shelter underground or break into mass charge of gravity before Earth invaded by superior race hid inside starship a return to Easter Island, or 72 second message escape offer?
December 21, 2012, Sun at end of 1 year elliptic orbit from where solar jet put it, Mayan calendar December 21, 2012 end of ellipse. Asteroids hit Earth in February in turn around into. Nighttime weather to go ascend my girlfriend see me, approach. Seraphim can't speak? Local volcano's want explode all around here if core blows out its opening. All night to break through to other side 5th time, to Earth's core blow-out beside Scandinavia kill everyone burn on Sun in 6th polar reversal. Steam center over hot water inside core cooling iron-nickel magnetic core of Earth, solid to be a magnet, blows-out through Earth faults a 6th time spreading all of Earth's tectonic plates inside and out. Sun bounced on Earth bounces Earth's magnetic core into space. But safe way out of certain death before that can happen is classified. A secret escape pops-up, few escape if any other souls in a twinkling of an eye. Hyper space stretched tightly around world holds Earth together from countless numbers of gravity ground Earth crossings to ascend from. Luck I have learned escape from death 4 times already. Earth with a hidden Ort sphere holding Earth together twined
tightly against the world all about it raises sword of the lord few vanish, reach my host of memory identities at end of bright moment. Leave the future to Earth's end. Noah not so lucky left Mediterranean Basin flooded forty days and forty nights. Asteroids fall on the Day of Doom, vanish before that happens. In the past I explain blood red Moon, bigger star behind Sun overshadowing the Sun on. I prepare the West, escape end of planet!
Anciently before Jews people called the Sun's Twin Thor, back into the
Inner solar system, periodically "Vulcan" Roman god of fire "Nemesis" the
Greek goddess of divine retributions of righteous anger China's Tau Boo Planet X hammered down through Oort cloud like bowling ball through pins. Asteroids ripped Atlantic's open, blew-away companion of Mars down to core. Sirius visible since 2002, mass equal to the Sun's magnetic core, rusted iron sphere 5 times bigger than Jupiter rolled like bowling ball through millions of its trillion asteroids and comets. Old news, New Object spotted with Hubble Space Telescope, reportedly kept secret for 8 years by NASA finally reported to news media in 1991, admitting it had spotted "swarms of comets" around place in Oort Cloud, something big was coming through. Dark Twin of the Sun Sirius in 1983, "star" went behind & out from behind exposed illuminated blue planet! Edenites built ship as big as a planet watch Earth planning something, with a wide flight deck. Destroyed by reversal 5 times worry about Sun head-on hit by red dwarf star becomes a red giant. New heaven and new Earth short lived to 2029 Sun bounces off red dwarf smashes Earth to magnetic core, or misses Earth to frozen.
The Sun's binary star Planet X came so close to the Sun with 5 times greater magnetic push pull on the Sun's magnetic poles, passed it up close as 21 million miles away with White dwarf star in front of it, turned the Sun upside down 4 months later, going away. Where Earth happened to cross paths with it, caused Earth's geological destruction in 5 polar reversal catastrophes.
Vulcan said to be cause of Noah's "Flood" destruction of the
world each Flood lava cooled down into 5 known layers of magnetic particles, aligned in depths
of lava, flooded Earth's ocean floors during passing of
Planet X, with Earth on same side. This time Earth was not on same side of the Sun, in its way. Thor's White dwarf star caught Wodan, mined asteroids in Inner solar system built this battle ship in 2.5 billion years settled here a city on Moon. Older cities earlier progress. Today media preoccupied to extinction, glaciers covering Earth.
Money in these end times, people trade code. But I don't trust my phone any offers on it, to do with code credit. Exterminating the system my Minutes and Hours payday make good silver and gold, taken from establishment. Tribunal rule economy racist revolution, land of plenty with military support. Could print Monopoly money stamped bullion to spend after bloody revolution, taking out genius criminal minds, destroy and recycle the jail bars. Militia booty card racist public military, police take out public enemy business Mob bosses and destroy the resistance. Nationalize it all war zone to repair. Gold Hours and Silver Minutes cash, my new U.S. Government economy. If not East and West can rub out each other, business threats and gangs. Exterminate leftist speak, search out and destroy takeover, Majority Rule enforce, Armed Forces backing!
The Sun's "Twin" in the beginning of solar creation shockwave blast, when it popped up in space, incoming reached Earth in April 2003 caution satellites turned off. Thor swung into elliptic orbit about solar jet. Telescope 6 December 2002 sight went on to set with the Sun on 23 October 2006, to align its same pole with Sun same pole, 19 February 2007. Swinging back out to Oort cloud aligned its poles 5 times with Earth's poles, while going away.
Earth's magnetic core going west, slung in 1975 to where it blows out steam through its impact dent in Arctic Ocean, a 6th Earth expansion. Only 5 years to ascend before Earth is destroyed smashed to its core a "Rapture" vanishes the "few" souls, out of all the people on Earth. Whole non-reproduced souls eligible. I break through gravity current to charge a 5th time, to High Heaven condensing to nuclei inversion deposit shape of mass holding the world together. Lucky the whole souls have a chance to keep human form ascended, healed, only a body image on crossroads of time, who can return at an earlier date, young in the world again. Tell IT where when I land! Earth habitable until 2029 safe with Moon to ship out, or navigate like souls above in Apollo God. I return from to earlier day, gun loaded show movies make assault rifle show in 1309 to King how to restore Celtic West in a return.
The Leader now/or in the past show how secret society conspiracy political ambition turned out behind closed doors, against public interests. Where only military power can get to the root of this, taking all the FEDERAL RESERVE profits back for Majority interests. Here we have our money printed by FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS that elite government officials and large financial and banking interests got legislated into law to make government official's investing, financial and banking interests richer by devaluating the money they print, to make the people poorer and poorer taking their homes and property profit more and more by in need of lots of gallo's for redemption.
Approaching "red dwarf star" truth still being kept secret, going head-on at the Sun. No official worries except raise Debt Ceiling. Certain shelter for the establishment. I just lead all our U.S. Armed Forces with civilian armed forces back-up to hunt down suit and tie business and authorities to can for export. Find cave to hide from the red dwarf star? I only have a way in power to save the American people with all the profits and properties of the Establishments. Then if "New Star" hits Sun at us we buddies ascended if whole. Red dwarf in 2029 in the way of the Sun in ellipse back and forth, Judging calculations of it's ellipse in Milky Way Galaxy. Earth condemned destroyed by fire on the Sun, before or after polar reversal. Everyone except damned escape.
Ancient Mayan astronomers and mathematicians before last Flood calculations to both ends of Sun ellipse out of the solar jet. The Mayan calendar finished on day 10 and day 13 of August 3113 B.C. counted up 5124 years December 24, 2011, "Short Count" to 12/21/2012 "Long Count" end of the Sun ellipse in galaxy. March 11, 2011, fault slip then three 8.8 earthquakes 2011 going to climax global warming. Star Sirius ellipse 9 years off of 100,000 year or so reversal U.S. Military educated guessed 2020 from 5 ocean core sample's proof 5 polar reversals not figuring in star bigger magnet interfering runs into the Sun onto the Earth, so the bubble inside the Earth blows Earth's top like bubbles do. Lava and the whole planet burst apart into space. I'll just take seeds and documents and escape "end of the world", worse than any polar reversal. Dangerous Universe NGC2300 hydrogen gas explosion hammer Earth with gamma rays 4.5 billion years of human life on Earth destroyed to its core? Religion matters only if it saves body and soul from death. Able to bump into departed soul 2 soul spheres met. My hotel manager dead in 2016 last night, morning after where he sat every morning after opening kitchen I bumped into his soul. I sat there with my breakfast, felt my round soul bump into his round soul. Secret truth Jews with fantasy religion no Egyptian record ever being held as slaves in Egypt paid for their services. More than 10,000 Jews born on Jewish scripture date for certain "Michele" Old Testament scripture all of them ever saying they are that angel, movies show locked-up in padded cells screaming shouting ranting raving idiots die, fall to Hell in their sack sense of reality. Next door Marc died, said nothing is in God, had to see IT too! Negative, Image expanding on Positive Gravity Charge! In 2019 biking up a grade, working out in high gear, panting. Where out to my left over the road top of the ramp I hear "Are you short of breath?" Old jockey Marc Anthony, my dead Sicilian godfather good neighbor, Hi! The only person ever to contact me from "the other side", of the gravity current image World, out of the Genii. I see him there. While passing through.
Above described "red dwarf star" approaching Earth head on at Sun setting duck, in 1995 at While dark star "Sirius" sat, going back to where it solar jet the Sun out to middle of a solar system, that on a library monitor showed a large round brightly illuminated blue planet up-close, between Planet X and White dwarf on December 6, 2002. White dwarf star was not shown behind blue planet filling up the monitor view. The Sun's dark twin only lit-up by its blue planet light source visible in June 1999 reflected off the white dwarf upon Sirius ice blue spot going around it. Media only reported Sun reversed its poles ignored star Sirius passed it their poles aligned on February 19, 2007, reversed sun poles. Planet X went away after that to its beginning. Blue planet spacecraft big enough to support millions of people. Asteroids in Milky Way Galaxy edge blow-up in Earth atmosphere February 13 over Russia, bright flash blow-up lights-up Florida, Nostradamus predicted asteroids 7 weeks late for December 21, 2012, he predicted rip Europe in parallel. Planet X only got 21 million miles away from Sun sat with it October 23, 2006. Red Moon's red dwarf star to 2029 prepare for escape need millions of us workers and trade resources to make God mass Motors, to get us away!
Viewed from Earth's Aussie end a red dwarf star on track to take out the Sun ellipse promised ever since Sun popped out of it's binary star. Universe Circuit of Gravity out to Black Hole end the solar jet trails of planets to suns in the galaxy's, from Planet X to the Sun. Earth made like all the other solar system planets that pop-up out of a star. Beginning of Universe out of 87% of Universe mass ball pops out to all its galaxy plumb ends from 87% of Universe mass, to its 13% visible Universe, out to Its sides the Universe 13% pops up from Infinity deflated to a point, ball. While laboratories create solar jet making atoms for a nanosecond, show how stars solar jet planets to sun like Planet X. No worry, red dwarf star here discovered on head-on course with the Sun, 18 to 6.5 light years in 10 years 2005 from 1994 to 2029 impact. Danger more real than comet Hale-Bop up-close, trail of smoke closer than Moon did not fall on Earth observatory authorities told me never got any closer than the original 173 millions miles away, where it was discovered. After coming around the Sun thawed out blowing steam, like fell apart on Jupiter. Sirius kept secret, the authorities forgot Hale-Bop got close enough to see its 25 miles long rock smoking from orbiting too close to the Sun erupting its frozen insides-out, just missed hitting Earth from a long billowing cloud of smoke, trailing behind it, sat after sunset from close enough to be photographed in bright sunlight by a crowd of cameras in San Francisco, billowing a thick smoky tail, heading out of Inner solar system, much closer than authorities allowed to admit, ignore Sirius White dwarf was up very close in 2006. Behind it a people escaping from 5th planet of the Sun, going to fall on the White dwarf. Long out of Garden of Eden Edenite eventually by trial and error efforts built cities on the Moon of glass, but had to leave. They are back to scramble communications on Earth from behind force field stretched from top to bottom hiding a UFO flight deck, point a laser.
All across America truth all turned around against millions of sunset watchers that saw
Comet Hale-Bop's long smoking tail off the end of a 25 mile long rock plainly seen in broad daylight beside the blazing setting Sun, until after sunset up-close, threatening Earth a spectacular comet before and after dark, while news talk of it between Earth and Moon 50,000 miles away. So small to be seen so big in bright daylight! But in non-sequiturs authority takes truth out of context ignores, slants truth, enemies and criminal mind women Latin black alien predatory conspiracies, like Jew's Federal Reserves, immigration Laws and Media Christianity invent lawyers debate culture crime positions. Leftists ignore or take out of context for sake of position, like Flagstaff Observatory
official deny Comet Hale-Bop ever got closer than 173 million miles away where Hale & Bop discovered it coming in to go around the Sun missed Sun and Earth a spectacle over northern hemisphere up close. In all the deception the comet went around Sun close enough to boil out its insides went by Earth closer than Moon. Media, scholars ignore Planet X in ellipse up to the Sun not orbit. Thor in Norse mythological returned, came up with a big blue surprise. Apparently life in Universe all has the same instinct as life on Earth, as hunters and predators, makes my racist Militia plans the way to go. Coup d' do away with political inflation caused by share holder investments. Police, Military and racist extremists, get things right in my bloody purge. Brotherhood of white citizens jobs at schools for skilled trades here my leadership, chart all democracy laws right at Supreme Tribunal.
The following prediction from a test subject sheds light on the UFO orbiting the Sun somewhere, "a miracle in the sky". **He
said two things which bear repeating. In the first instance he saw quite
clearly what he called "a miracle in the sky." When asked what the miracle
in the sky was he was not capable of giving it a finite description. But
these are the words he used: "There is going to be a miracle in the
sky. It is coming. I cannot tell you precisely what it is, except that
I see it as an earth-ball. It is in the sky, and everybody in the whole
world can see it." "No, its not a comet." But the event in question "is yet
to come." The red dwarf star, bigger than the Sun approaching to hit the Sun. Bunker ready for Sun bounced elsewhere, if not on us. All our armed forces take Federal Reserve banking reserves, during all out ethnic cleansing, take back traditional social order national wealth for our public security 4th of July freedoms redistribute Religion and Business wealth we decide it all at Tribunal.
U.S. Constitution is suppose to guarantee human freedoms cannot blame defenders of White racist American nationalism, to wave our flags and celebrate our national origin at any event. My Power by Default leadership guaranteed, provided it is by Majority Rule, regardless of what authorities say in the way with their minorities, where my dictatorship is okay to establish Majority Rule. U.S. Armed Forces in the line of duty enforce public Tribunal polls, by my hand as public leader to interpret, following the right. White American armed forces under our requests assemble a U.S. Militia! 09/11/01 "Attack On America" I retaliate against the inflation interest Tower's that should have fell on Wall Street for 11th day Trade Center Bush regime conspiracy retribution. Timothy McVeigh payback okay in a military racist vengeance. Our gang bust Italian media black anti-American conspiracy criminals like ordered-in FBI Waco, Texas, New World Order attack against White America. Can convicts, the system for export or recycle them for mineral content no bury on American soil, cleanse our land.
While the 2015 basketball season was coming to an end, since it has become a contact sport, there is no foul except fights. Best if you get caught for flagrant foul you are ejected from games until later one, or set in penalty box a spell, or shot if the crowd wants it that way, basketball. Send blacks to contract paid in Africa sports. But Hockey fights means a good game. Carry ball bounce ball shoot puck. All White again!
Earth Changes: Cyclical Earth changes brought on by TWIN SUN DARK STAR swept through Oort cloud like bowling ball through pins. A TWIN SUN: Does Earth's
Sun have a Dark Star Companion? Which came to pass, cyclical cause of cataclysms;
regular; pulsing; of destruction noted in global geological and paleontologist
study. Only departed souls contact us in our search for truth, trust them. Forget guessing on Dark Star, our solar TWIN Planet not in orbit to rise northeast over Canada. Odin lit up Dark Star. September 23, 2006, it sat on Hogback Mountain. I missed it set on west coast. Only 1 planet Thor hit orbits Sun.
I still have printout of the misleading article prevented printing out the close-up of the blue planet up-close, while always facing the star Sirius from behind its little White dwarf star Wooden that snatched it from the Sun. While sure as Hell I cannot prevent end of the world. Mild night weather I get out of the world the safest way, just repeat my last Rapture to other side of gravity currents, vanish. I do the ritual under my cap.
Experience leads to reason, explaining preexisting laws where they begin. Only one listened to my minute 2 times. Explaining Pluto pictures how Universe begins and ends regularly, to a passing preacher in a crowd questioning how was the world made told a scripture. I'll just find out if matter obeys me to my age in the past proportionate in time continuously expanding everything in the future until collapse back to ball of coil point in a order scholars and empirical reasoning cannot explain through tests however many centuries they examine data with their stilted self-importance cannot comprehend by themselves. My demand list to genii I drop in St. Andrews 1309 out of Ort where I choose, or accomplish my Armed Forces goals NOW.
The South only needed an Elite Back-Up for their First Battle of Bull Run, to gas out and gun down U.S. capitol. Supreme Court for Tribunal to receive polls to decide upon for the whole country charts my leadership from every county, what citizens want with a bomb or anything. I would have to get South right in 1 battle for Third U.S. government to Win a American War so 1850's Ship blacks to Africa with old gun, go to Europe indenture labor force for industry help mechanize farm replacing slave become citizens.
"Gone With The Wind" in 1850, I could save hundreds of thousands of lives weapons.
First disaster minimal. But red dwarf star coming up last hits Sun a certain Rapture!
**The Sacred Mushroom,
Adrian Puharich, Doubleday & Company, Inc., Garden City, New York, 1959,
p.101-102. Here inspiration throughout the ages has always found something to drive human progress. |