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"Its Companion" to Planet X or Worse!

Planets in a round orbit general belief disproved by Planet X only in a ellipse up close to the sun.

WHAT COMES NEXT IN 2029 DESTROYS THE EARTH TO ITS CORE BOUNCED AWAY, while above star approaching we find out in a elliptical orbit, length of solar jet out of to Sun, at least flipped the Sun poles around February 19, 2007, going away. Planets don't orbit unless bounced around Sun, are in ellipse up to Sun around Sun. That swung back to Oort cloud only a warning something bigger coming. Throughout these pages I believed authorities, planets all orbit the Sun like the moon orbits Earth. Mercury the only exception with a Hammer mark on its top by Thor, like on Home Run ball was knocked around the Sun in a ellipse up to 21 million miles away while passing planet in ellipse back to solar jet from close as they got shot out to sun.

Planet X smashed planets to bits ripped Earth open to expand, turned Earth upside down 5 times,

Sirius at center not coming in to go around Sun. Below a red dwarf star rises from behind Sun to Sun, bounces it up taking out 3 inner solar system planets to Fatima, Portugal, that a dumb Angel talking Catholic dogma failed to warn everyone they better get their act off the battle field and build something to get off the planet in 112 years, with a God Motor to get up to light speed on something solid like the Moon. Destroy secret societies what should not be secret, causing all the wars in various conspiracies. Binary star Sirius coming in down to its Son, 21 million miles away here in 1999 above. I woke up May 1, 2003, camping out north of Yuma I found up at 10:00 from the gossip going around. Its points of white light offset at its lower left side, like bulge above in lower left end of star, coming up around it. I recall seeing on the Internet 6 December 2002 a Hubble Telescope close up, in my eMail in front of White dwarf star, not allowed to copy up close blue clouded planet! Planet X behind it shown coming in in 1999. Until becoming brightest star in the sky Planet X now going away no danger, as politics leads Americans over fiscal cliff in inflation profits, to run away to bomb shelters! Business friends, graft, investment schemes. July 2018 the "system" cannot pay interest on National Debt 33 trillion dollar plot. Military just overthrow whole damn system, Power by Default Right cleanse sweet home America, Tribunal poll chart guidance my dictatorship, count follow for correctness!

Americans living in a divided world. Everyone else seems to be a worm like they use to say, vegetation only dwelling on getting ahead by any scheme. Stock market pushing equality communist socialism. Business owned a invasion of white America. While forces love to celebrate our team winning, my racist military call of duty. White only. Cash use ban. Take Federal Reserves Third U.S. Government. Search, Destroy. Take everything, alien body count suit and tie, for all the resources. Chaos, ethnic panic. Fast space ship Motor to build. Industrialize, specialize societies. My work and play leadership civilization around Moon Propel.

Out of solar jet squirt from "Dark Star" squirt out planets to Mercury, Sun. Dark Star came back again and again from outer end of jet back in to Sun. Stars squirted out suns that lived or died. Here the Sun's Twin came by as bright as star blue planet behind collapsed white star in 1999. Thor here eclipsed from lower left every 4 years around Planet X discovered in 1983 a amateur astronomer found in 1991. Naked eye began seeing Thor in April 2003, "star" that went behind something thought to be dark matter in the Oort cloud reappear in 1985 at Planet X lower left. Dark Star lighted up found! Planet X light source closer and closer every 4 years, dark until 12/6/2002 reappear ancient Sun 5th planet up to Sun, eclipsed in 2006. Bright blue "star" of Sirius up-close, turned off blue in Sun light all day. Planet X big as the Sun's magnetic core. White dwarf star popped out last of Thor, first it spew Big Dipper like Roman Candle. 2006 White Dwarf blue planet left outpost. Sun eclipse, they sat together. They wait for new heaven and new Earth, escaped falling on white dwarf star, sneaks up first out of Garden of Eden to Easter Island hide flight deck claim Earth bounces to core.

Back in the Dark Star Page with Astronomy magazine's artist illustration of a passing "black hole" and "its companion", Sirius under 2 magnetic fields of 5th planet light, white dwarf star white sparkling off blue! Dark Star inner ocean expanded frozen, rusty ice crusted star magnetic core Twin of the Sun now a dark star. Lighted up at center in the top image by what was thought to be a "star" in 1983 fall in dark matter. White dwarf in front of "Twin Sun" was "the brightest star in the sky" 2003-2006 kept getting closer until 2006 sat from 10:00 down to Sun, back to Origin of "solar jet" to Sun 4.5 billion years ago. Dark Star page artist shows black hole looping down over top of Milky Way Galaxy approaching Sun. Red dwarf star seeking Sun as Thor swings left, away. Planet X the Sun eclipsed on 10/23/2006, after 2004 "Wave" of "Ions" spoken of in the "Question and Answer" session on Dark Star page which had no effect on Earth radio in my tent to Thor popping-up "shock wave" go by in April 2004 preceding Twin of the Sun approaching that sat in 2006. The next star hits Sun as Wormwood falls apart thawed out all over Australia. Odin (Sirius), behind Wooden people already here hid in a ship enemy, hid out somewhere else. UFO surprise return to Easter Island a 1956 TV documentary Catholics received sternly sent in troops kills them all.

What should we expect from a artificially lighted planet, its people keeping a communications silence like enemy. City hiding behind cloak ordered up close to Mercury, express no intent to communicate bodes invasion. While U.S. political and economic system only interested in getting richer verses citizens, supporting illegal aliens. Debt Default lock down sudden death plan, to delete cash. Card swindle bankrupts vast millions of Americans repossess property reverse mortgage takes all. Shoots up value of property deflating money, property tax and rent impossible to pay impoverish Americans to foreign and domestic enemies levying vast profits to political dealings. Thus my Genghis Khan ruthless Military solution racist national defense purge take all. Riot militia Military Coup my management takeover week to get out.

"Thirteen comets with the most accurately established orbits in the Oort cloud are all aligned along a band, as would be expected if they had been perturbed by some much larger body. Where a 3 to 10 times larger body than Jupiter" was evidently coming in to go around sun or up to, turned the Sun's magnetic poles upside down on 19 February 2007, began turning away
. "So working backward from the course of these thirteen orbits John Murray, at Australia's Royal Observatory tracked the star following Sun since creation, to a region of the sky centered near Cygnus in northern summer sky, where the location of a large dark star object, 'that so scarcely moves through the sky' because it is heading straight at us" red dwarf star. While Planet X came through inner solar system up nearest Sun (21 million miles away) 5 times bigger than Jupiter, Jupiter visible 483 million miles away. "By its back-and-forth movement perspective effect occurs as Earth ellipses left and right of Sun" "Red Dwarf Star" its "brown dwarf" star "Wormwood" falls apart on Earth as Red Dwarf Star hits Sun, bouncing it out towards Neptune.

Until 1983 search has received nothing more than a few dozen unexplained dim smudges that most likely are "asteroids in the quantum leaping swarm of objects" mentioned in the preceding Question and Answer session. With the "TWIN SUN" INCOMING ON A ELONGATED ORBIT only up to Sun swings back out to Oort cloud. This would mean the SUN's Twin closest approach to Sun was as far as it gets to Earth, but close enough for a visit to Earth from Wodan behind its 2006 white dwarf star. Considering Dark Star Question and Answer session's estimate how "close" the passing of Planet X to Sun 2006 would be, supposed it would orbit the Sun. Which would be the "End of the world", that the red dwarf star takes care of. Calendar 52 year Sun turn around ellipse at 2 asteroids predicted hit Europe blew-up over Russia, crisscrossed to Florida, the Sun at the edge of our Milky Way's asteroid belt.

"NASA'S SPACE INFRARED TELESCOPE FACILITY, SCHEDULED FOR LAUNCH COULD SETTLE THE ISSUE OF PLANET X FOR GOOD." Kept it secret, went on keeping it secret, charted its course 1983-1991, kept it secret call it something else scholars can't ascend all wait too late!

Space Infrared Telescope Facility Web site:
Its New Page Added 12-7-03 will not show the giant clams on Mars.


Authority with their economy Debt Default conspiracies to bankrupt the nation for their profits on Wall Street for immigration. Maybe East bury West, blot out their lies, or we do it ourselves U.S. Military! Third U.S. Government. My data and buckshot, escape with future. Or safe from enemy USA ours. Think roots revolution industry ready might rule the future, not that far back 7th birthday 1952 on my list.

The Nearest Stars to Earth:

Note that this list is continually changing, as the astronomers
discover nearby stars with ever more sensitive detectors in a variety of spectral ranges. Especially in the infra-red ranges.
Where the numerous small stars are emitting their energy.

The scholars are backwards, Planet X is going away, or it would have come up past Sun up to Earth, too close for a star's magnet. Sun poles reversed!

I will call the white dwarf, Planet X light source Wodan captured going around facing the "three to ten times the size of Jupiter" 10th planet of the Sun here five times bigger than Jupiter depleted to asteroid "TWIN" of Sun "star", planet halo orbit behind Wooden 3.3 times a day, stolen Wodan. Planet X gone between Sun and Venus knocked Mercury in a ellipse around Sun a orbit. Here red dwarf coming in at 90 degrees hits Sun head on. Earth blows its top hit by Sun, its core off center. Sun bounces the Earth's poles away an asteroid. Big One earthquake, spheres in two different axis speeds meet between Greenland and Norway inner Earth embed into outer Earth flips Earth over turning faster inside. Thor gone star hits Sun. Red full moons from star bigger than Earth ellipse knocks Sun out of solar system center, that swells up red giant, in a bounce towards Neptune. USCB scholars college shared star hits Sun a group of asking me the result of I replied must have read this Web Page.

White America able body bear arms hunt alien, together.

Thor's orbiting light-source, 5th planet from Sun, white dwarf rise up close to Earth bigger than Moon in 2006 didn't steal the Moon. A passing White dwarf star with a planet behind it turned off its light did not bother us with their UFO, 5 years Wormwood break apart falls on Moon and Earth under blood red Moon in 2029. Lucky we survive Thor(Sirius A) go by, a huge asteroid bright blue illuminated "star" with a plan since 2006. Debt Default Military Coup represent racist America save our Majority Power by Default militia I purge society of illegal's and subversive other cultures. U.S. Armed Forces far right, racist hate in search and destroy white get them all out!

Far Right, The Final Solution:

Accentuate the positive
eliminate the negative
always be affirmative,
and never mess with
"Mister In Between"!

600 times bigger than Earth hit Mercury to asteroid.
Whole Souls Can go to Heaven. Be a Ghost. Or
Return Again, if you keep your soul every light

Lee Ronald Harrison The Third Party White America Armed Forces leadership. Racist Hate flags/rebel nazi U.S. flag, rid us of illegal colored public enemies. System gone too far wrong. Lynch bomb shoot business collar criminals leftists. Soldiers Militia take estate resources reserves citizen volunteers Arsenal open house arms, take America to last Indian. Racism only thing save our country down to children militia my Third government. Skills jobs to learn for riches underground industry co-op democracy gold payday only good to 2029 in WWIII bunkers. Moon ship leadership, central air bunker-in build shuttles to Moon. Red dwarf star bounce Sun, survive collision in 2029. What John Murray at Australia's Royal Observatory tracked to region centered near Cygnus heading straight at-the Sun hits Earth in path of a red dwarf, leadership for.

Only a few lucky souls ever find their way out of the World alive with body and soul, able to return to Earth again in the flesh I won't wait another year to do again. Religion only a closed loop of gossip and scriptures, shared through glass darkly, if all of them fall to Hell anyway. Despicable unforgivable sin deceivers in high places worship. This Fall at the fabric of reality where I found my right collar bone beside its right shoulder bone, one cat up there cleaned, back in 1988. Search life's mysteries to get everything done right here. Use from clues found about adventure to positive charge deposit hills, just repeat the ritual break to other side of gravity flight as far as 1309 on my list. Through Positive gravity, matter illuminated vastness. Projected image to surprise of my life. Happy "Heaven" religion calls God see it behind doors Light. precipitating Ort on nuclei! Atom smasher science see the adhesive light elastic holding every atom together still can't grasp it. Only living instruments find it through faith by search experience. No time left for millions of people over the world with whole soul without blemish from procreation that cannot break through said damned, to Ort behind gravity condensing to nuclei. It will help Pilgrimage to your own land mark places on earth positive gravity charged inversions like in CLASSIFIED no taste death and Tribulation whoever escape end of habitable world. The left behind go to Hell in Allah bag image negative gravity projection dream dead see the red dwarf is another "Thor Hammer"!

I might change fate of Germany take only far as Austria and Hungry, home! Britain does not need Scandinavian rule I Liberate! East arms race North Korea no agreement only one bomb gets WW3 going. Washington, D.C., so many racial targets to choose from. London could be a cherry on cake North Korea take out Federal Reserve. Society like a pussy with rat in a bag legislating profits for themselves. Rash thinking like Adolph Hitler without Bomb to take out USSR take only Austria Hungry. While U.S. run by big business. My leadership for our soldiers near Default good reason for Third U.S. government. Robot run government, leftist program citizens cannot trust or reason with. My Revolution Coup save the day. Legions of racists! Supreme Court Tribunal. Business in China, Taiwan WW3 ending arms build ups to death toll. Recycle resources win to build a platform city on Moon, shuttle away.

Back in Isla Vista where phantom scholars would suddenly confront me in a group want to know what I know about Universe, Red Dwarf Star going to run into the Sun. One say it runs into the Sun, would it cause a big nuclear explosion? I said no! The Sun is going to bounce away. One of the others exclaimed that would be worse! It would hit Earth, or Earth freeze over if the Sun missed, bounce on Earth smash it to its core. In the past I could change the future, with this page.

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Lee Harrison, [email protected]

Thor "asteroid" went away, to the sun solar jet beginning. Solar system planets cluster in elliptical orbits revolve around the sun, unless bounced around a sun.


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