Thor passing in the background here missed hitting Planet 5 that it's white dwarf snatched
back when Norse people saw Planet X run into planet 6 between Jupiter and Mars. Sparks
flew! Sirius out of end of Big Dipper in ellipse up to Sun. Became Thor lighted
thereafter by Planet 5. That sent a starship"big as a planet" to Mercury to escape falling on
Thor's white dwarf reflected blue off white dwarf on Thor in blue background!
A solar jet from Thor backing off putting objects to Sun in
Elliptic orbits. White dwarf star 1 of 4 planets which
in 2006 visible up close white dwarf star solar system
useful for Hollywood my Power by Default vote won.
So aware of Sirius blue "star" behind its white dwarf
Sirius taking 5th planet of the sun first human settled
out of Eden lighted its icy "One type of dark matter".
Planet X ellipse away to 2029 browndwarf wormwood
thaws apart. Blue shut-off Thor, close to Sun. Trouble!
Thor back out to Oort cloud planet falling on survives!
Sun 5th planet blue Wodan trapped by Thor's Wooden
up close, 2006 bigger than Moon reflecting white dwarf.
Going to be major solar destruction we cannot get justice support for
a new U.S. government to replace rich verses the worker and national
security of the electorate from private gain so us citizenship takes out
subversive immigration and business conspiracies of alien cultures, so
given equal rights by politician and legal system leftist enemy lawyers
not under racist Tribunal Majority Rule, I solve foreign and domestic
issues of nations mine would be the purest and True Democracy. Thus
America the west countries with it will have higher degree of harmony
for economic ventures at war and peace. Especially, when our planet is
going to burn up in methane gas fire reduced to asteroid, Sun bounced
on earth by a swelled up bloated red dwarf star known to hit it in 2029.
Scholars thought the planets all in orbit around sun the Sun at the end
of a solar jet left Oort cloud about our solar system from its binary star
they say don't come around Thor came up to the Sun which popped out
of it and collapsed. Thus giving birth to Big Dipper suns kick out to Sun
with string of planets as close as they got to the Sun. That all swing back
in elliptic orbits towards their binary star along with the Sun in orbits to
you would have to calculate original location of Sun binary out from Big
Dipper end and map out all its sun' loops back towards their binary star.
Turns out that the above collapsed Dark Star with blue planet
Sirius captured lit up
icy glazed Thor 10th Planet surface, the Sun 5th planet here behind white dwarf star
with 3 times Jupiter gravity and mass hid a bright blue light behind Wooden Edenite
escaped advanced. This magnet flipped sun poles going away tugs Earth core 5 times.
Here is the Sun's Twin "Planet X" since 2003 regularly eclipsed by Moon and sun last
its iron core binary star remains. Planet X solar jet solar system to Sun. Pristine Pluto
squirt a moon. Nibiru got brighter increasingly, since 2002 until 2006, melted methane
off of Planet X in sunlight. A halo of glare behind Sirius dwarf star from its bright blue
planet Wodan at Wooden Edenite illuminated blue its planet atmosphere to 01/23/2006.
White dwarf eclipse of upper right of the brightest star in the dark 10:00 in the sky in sun
shine increased. NASA 12/06/02 a page image not allowed to print up-close"star" of Dark
Matter behind white dwarf eclipsing blue Wodan Thor's "star" orbited around it eclipsed
seen each orbit end around star Sirius incoming fast to Sun ellipses to Norse labeled Thor.
Sirius since 1983 out of Oort cloud to 2003 south east it coming in at dawn seen to sunrise.
Planet 5 of the sun white dwarf captured behind it eclipsed Wodan return to inherit Earth
from 3.3 day orbit behind Sirius white dwarf star our Nibiru "tau Boo" binary "Planet X"
Sirius set in 2006 with Wodan, taken from between Jupiter and Mars, only hit our Planet 6
for an Asteroid Belt. Sirius, Planet X, also known as Thor, switched the Sun poles 2/19/2007
that sun eclipsed. But red dwarf star hitting sun onto Earth shake up methane gas fire polar
reversal. Edenite avenge massacre of Easter Island a Catholic conversion sending in soldiers.
"GOD" an enemy? Made people different. So all the different people hate each
other, therefore religion faulty all the people's enemy make the world this way.
Might as well use all our forces to scientific purposes to War verses differences.
Sirius is Thor, in ellipse up to Sun. It's white dwarf here Wodan, the SUPERIOR RACE.
In security secrecy red dwarf star a New star approaching, that only satellites get to see,
generally noticed as Red Moons. I last saw Thor set September 23, 2006 on Hogback but
never heard any talk of it seen all day bigger and bigger to sun eclipse it
Plant X on October 23, 2006. It 19 February 2007 align polls flips Sun's north pole south,
to Thor magnetic south shown backwards here not coming around go back to Oort cloud.
Here January 24, 2003, after White dwarf's blue planet turned off its light see 3 moons
visible orbiting around dwarf star in sunlight. June 2003 moon starts Thor eclipse. But
1 May only white rays from its lower left, November 2003 lower left "V" end of Thor's
"star" beam passing Thor's upper right, hidden behind Wooden, shining bright crescent
sliver of star light across upper right of Thor go behind. Wooden lower left beaming on.
Wooden illuminated blue planet behind white dwarf reflect Wooden halo sparkle White
2003 Wodan Wodan blue atmosphere behind Sirius November around Thor upper right
beginning in December 2005 a bright light again appeared around Thor's lower left. It's
star orbiting binary star White dwarf reflecting blue planet on Thor. Wodan deriving its
blue planet's power and light from its two magnetic fields in dynamo's turning? A threat
sending UFO Death Star candidly hid from Earth sight waiting like a predator. Might us
bunker in America US Armed Forces lucky enough to put me into power Tribunal. Coup!
I saved this "Santa Barbara News-Press/Thursday November 30, 1995" newspaper
article the brown dwarf GL229B coming straight at Earth bigger than Earth ellipse
18 light-years from Earth to 6.5 in 2005, as Hubble Space Telescope found the object
in October 1994. Gliese 229 A aligned poles with Sun poles flipped Sun poles in 2007.
Planet X 10:00 not Mars at 11:00 2003- 2006, an omen to end of Earth's Ages of Life
Wodan caught in gravity sink in halo orbit close up to the white dwarf star falling on
every 3.3 days orbit behind the white dwarf star seemingly a white hot collapsed star
with captured blue planet here a amateur astronomer camera image above. But close
up 12/06/02 Hubble Wodan itself telescope image its big picture, blue planet all lit up
isolated white dwarf, behind Thor out in open. Wodan elements exposing civilization.
News reports of were all calling Thor/Nibiru Mars kept it secret not to scare everyone
for Power by Default to explain conspiracy surprise digital coin. Revolution I take out
government. Military go ballistic Tribunal leadership, we get White America to safety.
Red dwarf star from 18 to 6.5 light years away in 10 years to 2005, to 2029 big red Moon
unprepared to the end with war build up tensions, we have visitors await return, ignored
left to Earth smashed so a superior recycles it escaped from planet came by close in 2006.
19 February 2007 magnetic core of the sun facing parent star alignment
close enough to the sun it forced the sun magnetic poles to switch places. Star
long ago a weapon (Comet 17P/Holmes) was deployed in orbit around the sun by
people who look-like the carvings on Easter Island, certainly waiting here to invade
the Earth, as the mass of their percussion weapon dispersed out from expanding. At
a rate of a thousand miles per hour, increasingly faster, the Comet Holmes. A dirty
bomb finally expanding at 11,000 miles a hour and exceeding the size of the Sun,
for only 15 miles in diameter rock of molten plutonium October 24 explosion
only engulfing Earth in particles that swept by out of the exploded comet:
Holmes simulation orbit
If without ACDSee 32 v2.41 find above simulation here
Some astronomers worry about inner solar system comets maybe one of them out there going
to explode likewise anywhere close to Earth. End of the world. Bigger asteroid than killed the
dinosaur must be intelligence lighting planet blue laser fired from their battle ship at Mercury,
hideout elsewhere Thor u-turn up close 2006 sun eclipse snuck up their battle ship to Mercury.
Gas from Comet 17/P Holmes so reached Mars atmosphere, as Mars came back around
the Sun in 2008, to it's debris expanding bigger than sun for this forewarning of another
comet to explode bigger than the Sun. Safely "Comet 19/P Borrelly" went by the Earth,
2008 July 26 fallout Comet Holmes spread its radiation to no effect finally reached Earth
atmosphere. December 21, 2012, sun complete last 52 years Milky Way Galaxy asteroids
reach Earth atmosphere, foretells "Revelation 8:10 and 11". Look it-up! World destroyed,
by fire. "Repent" if anyone needs to/better to ascend it Borrelly asteroid looks like bomb!
Now back to "Planet X" here Thor with bright blue planet Wodan behind dwarf Wooden.
Early the Thursday morning before dawn January 23, 2006 Thor with White dwarf star
up close with wide beams of white light out it's upper right, a crescent moon left over a
southeastern horizon, Sirius the new object in solar system. Up close bigger than Moon
White as a snowball points of white flared up out from its right half obscuring 7 objects
that morning pure white dwarf up close. Sirius dark little moon close lower left crescent
moon. The dark star Sirius full round dim Planet X and moon eclipse beginning in June.
The white planet white dwarf star light behind it turned off I could see 3 up close moons
a 1 and 2. Beside Thor tiny dark sphere lower left of large dim Planet X January 24. Big
White dwarf its blue planet behind had cautiously turned off reflecting White, off White.
Wednesday morning January 25 I woke up at the break of dawn and went to look at the
white planet with light behind Sirius close-up planet turned off 3 close moons in March
a tiny metal moon out lower left just below its moon plane Thor right of crescent Moon
Thor 2 new planets visible at dawn. Its farthest new planet twice Thor they went behind
full Moon Planet 10 descended out of Oort cloud in ellipse first became visible in 2003,
2006 bright beams of light radiate out around white dwarf I dial past moon triangle front
of white star up close missed. Sirius with planet moons getting bigger until eclipse sat its
ellipse to Sun. Wooden close 3 then 4 moons. Long beams of light January 23 turned off.
On Thursday morning January 26 I got up again to see Thor and its White dwarf, my
strong eyepiece on my telescope, just as thin dark clouds were moving in for break of
cold wet overcast foggy winter sky the big white planet out with the stars. I didn't get
telescope adjusted in time before a front of thin dark clouds covered the White planet,
thin dark clouds move in. I could still see Thor in moonlight a close white new planet.
Thinking for certain Planet X 2 new planets in front had to cross behind last full Moon
during rainy nights just over Hogback. Thor's little moon lower left side rising eclipse,
going upper right side of Thor white planet hiding Wodan bright planet light turned off
until setting over Thor Wooden and Wodan blue planet lighted up cross Thor's shoulder
vindictive population silently hiding to avenge the massacre of its Easter Island culture,
apparently able rain fire upon political governments on Earth callous minded humanity,
arguing animal media distraction political game could be ready for Edenite end of dollar
chaos US take out repossess whole system feed to the hogs and dogs digital money plan.
On 5 February 2006 at dawn, there was no fog or clouds so I went to my telescope and
what I thought was Wodan was Wooden January 23, getting the mythology right Thor's
White dwarf. Red dwarf star approach from blind side 18 to 6.5 light years in 10 years:
Worse threat heading at the Sun's 1 year Mayan ellipse. But White dwarf star orbit of a
Thor-Sirius up to the Sun got bigger and brighter. Until its two new planets were going
by in 2006 intersecting our solar system I kept watching with or without my telescope,
Thor approaching the Sun until half Moon, eclipsed by its closest object. Most heard of
the bright Thor that sat in 2006 said to be 60% size of Sun seen noted ancient Samaria.
Moon turns red in red dwarf glare, over Sun, that hits the Sun so fission goes out and it
becomes Red giant sun. Thor eclipsed by little moon went behind Full Moon in August
to behind full Moon in September what Astronomy 2006 was calling Mars Wooden star
planet behind it its light on for millions of years Power and Light, eclipsing civilization!
February 7 at 6 a.m. before dawn Thor tiny crescent shaped moon to its lower left
eclipse starting to cross over Thor got me up to look it eclipse Thor bigger bite of,
crescent moon to left of white dwarf and Thor background right of like January 24
planet point's of light turned off behind white dwarf glad glare behind it turned off
blinding bright beams behind it 23 January 2006 suppose blue "star" fear turns off,
evacuating 7:03 a.m. big white glazed planet 3 close moons I swept telescope right
neighbor could see 3 moon triangle out behind its white dwarf no blemish Wooden
pure white! Sunrise Planet X daytime only white pinprick strained my eyes all day.
On the morning of February 9, 2006, 6:30 a.m. I decided to get out my telescope and
look at both of the two new planets. The 10th planet, what has not moved at all, from
its location left of sunrise when I first saw Sirius at dawn January 23 it now had a bite
out of it in it's upper right end. Half Moon in binoculars, its moon eclipse of Planet X,
which made it harder to see while being eclipsed in the daylight, going across the sky.
I dialed in Thor little moon while white dwarf up front. Thor lower left, crescent moon.
Thor approaching Earth vibrating like a fast train on tracks, like headlight. Through my
8x21 binoculars every morning Thor eclipse by its dark moon big bite, and close White
dwarf with moons, in orbit around Thor, only visible until October 23, 2006 when it sat
looping away from sun no orbit around Thor ellipse up to sun then away on same angle
Edenite UFO beam destroyed an outpost, coincidently from other direction a red dwarf
head-on path aiming to take out sun Earth big impact bounce sun away in a ring of fire.
I have not mentioned that earlier 2006, April 3 moon triangle formation: Looks like
seemingly patrol front to back to upper right behind white dwarf January to October
"Triangle" set appear night after left end of 10 moon new Saturn further-furthest end
of and away. Anyone looking could see 3-4 moon White dwarf star at night Wooden
3 moons sometimes 4 until triangle right far end moon missing found beside moon 4
below plane of 1 + 2 moon alternate each other was the triangle right moon, missing
third moon out of triangle up close to White dwarf moon 4 to lower left out-beside it
was moon of distant moon triangle forces from Wodan left 2, stationary triangle side.
At 9:30 p.m. 2003 April 23 the big White planet with 7 lights, that could be ships of it
night after night I watched unchanging dimension left side, a 2 lights standing remains
of triangle on 45° plane with White dwarf 3 moons out right 1 light of triangle of lights
over the two moons of white dwarf alternating 1 + 2 moon formed a new triangle there.
White dwarf set in the west. Moon triangle appear lower left end Thor 10 moon Saturn!
Asteroid blotches were in front of the White orb. I dialed back to see one asteroid out in
front of the White orb, then to its left was a swarm of blotches which most likely is from
destroyed asteroid blasted apart, moon triangle white orb defense battle stations patrol in
battle groups inside and out not in fact moons in natural orbits are man moved hardware!
Out at 10:00 2006 White orb much bigger than Moon. I could see without binoculars its
moon triangle too far away to be moons 2 moon side of the triangle upright white planet
triangle. Missing moon, triangle upper right moon left 2 moon ships revolving clockwise
like on Ferris Wheel going clockwise around White dwarf star always on 45° right angle,
seen from Earth White dwarf triangle side missing 1 moon over its 2 moons form triangle
on May 8 out of distant moon triangle I found missing 1 over white dwarf close 2 moons!
Astronomy magazine May 2006 only hand drew Sirius Jupiter solar system. Big white dwarf a
white glass ball up close, new planet moons neighbors scope out Saturn 10 moons white planet
all year to fall set. Wooden moon triangle moved to Saturn 10 moon left end, anyone could see.
16 May 2006 in twilight was the first time I got to see dwarf 4th moon beside dwarf 1 moon
on left side very close long parallel 2 pairs with opposite 2 moons beside each other so close
in long slender rectangle down dwarf moon plane so thought my telescope was out of focus!
White dwarf moons so close over the others two right and two left, which formed a long thin
shallow rectangular box of moons, 4 moons slanting left centered on the close 3 moon plane,
looked like a space docking maneuver one moon over the other in two almost touching pairs.
Triangle missing moon beside 1 moon, alternating 2 beside each other left side top 2 tilt right.
Otherwise all year long white dwarf 1 moon alternating 2 with triangle of moons too far away
to be moons end up 2 moons of pyramid tilting right orbiting around the White dwarf star like
Ferris Wheel, cruised around 3 to 4 moon white dwarf, triangle left side has to be engineering
feat rather than natural occurrence, where White planet had two interchangeable battle groups.
"Delight of astronomy New object in the orbit" November 30, 1995 news. "Scientists
are ecstatic." Less red dwarf star blind side, opposite from blue planet at star Sirius:
behind White dwarf 6 December 2002, Sirius visible with cheep telescope what few
knew where to look for over south-eastern horizon, I got to see. Planet X with moon
go behind Full Moon, distantly behind White dwarf a New Saturn visible. Worse yet
with approaching red dwarf in 10 years 18 to 6.5 light years, a Sun knock out punch!
Speeding in at Sun from 1994 blind side until Wormwood going to raise up fall apart
on Australia. Coming fast in 2005 hits Sun at Earth bounce away asteroid hit by a red
dwarf. Sun swells up becomes Red giant. Neighbors over scoped out the White dwarf
with moons Gliese 229B Sirius A out end of Big Dipper, Omen beside red dwarf star.
Mayan Mexico astrology ends 11 years short of 52, swelled up red dwarf end of days.
Thor solar jet sun, all points between preserved 1 from centre pressure/popup the sun,
from binary star suns life originates each magnetic core methane gas spew seed of life
like Pluto snails carbon-monoxide burn methane gas solar jet planets to sun full of life.
Finally in the morning of February 13 I got my 60mm smallest of a telescope adjusted
to look for the bigger of 2 bright planets Planet X at 10:00 below Mars at 11:00 look at
White planet new Saturn 10 moons, both splitting through solar system. For both better
image with my 8x21 binoculars, a small moon eclipse of Planet X increase 1/4 shadow,
getting bigger bite out of upper right side of Thor in my telescope, or only half moon in
binoculars I view crescent red spot on moon left of Sirius it eclipsing right end of Thor.
Planets and moons not from this solar system, close enough I saw all of each its moons.
Nibiru Planet X Thor approach up to the sun Thor flipped Sun poles February 19, 2007,
beginning of ellipse away: Not around southern hemisphere to Oort cloud solar jet root!
Planet points jet where they pop up planets in elliptic orbit up to Sun 1 bounced in orbit.
The next morning on the 14th of February, the 1 moon switching places with 2 as lights,
what looked like smudge yesterday morning beside dwarf single moon, on its lower left
a explosion cloud, pyramid patrol destroying asteroid shot big asteroid sliver in front of.
Like I expected in 24 hours orbits of 3 moons were back up 2 to the upper left of
one out upper right of white dwarf triangle of lights back up upper right February
16. Early next morning when I noticed tiny metallic flickering 4th moon up close,
beside dwarf star lower left, tiny diamond metal flicker was on the new star moon
plane of moons just inside moon 1 opposite 2 peaked around up close white dwarf
of Thor small crescent shape on Thor upper right from its close up moon eclipsing.
I dial back from Thor reveals 2 big long asteroids Thor ran into explosions in view.
A few "kill" smudges orbiting with Wooden moons. Always in defensive formation
patrolling and prepared go through space through comet and asteroid fields boldly!
There the brightest and smallest moon of Wooden randomly moving about powered
a shinny little metallic space station in the moon plane of Wooden there, went under
Wooden so close seemed manmade mission, metallic, really not a moon in a random
course through 2 packs of alternating defenders, while the distant triangle patrols for
comet or asteroid destroys them moon 4 from found took sharp left turn under dwarf.
Metallic little moon next a.m. just below new orb's 2 moons, star Sirius left havoc
and Asteroid Belt of planet 6, between Jupiter and Mars. Invaders now cloak a city
of Wodan going through comet and asteroid wave like gunner goes through a battle
field certain to wield war fireworks! Media say nothing where Planet X went away!
Politic authority advertising only interest in saving themselves to safe haven private
interest legislates tax dollars racist majority take all back in military rule supremacy!
The only possible cause for the eclipse of the Sun's Twin star has to be that Thor has moon,
up close in Sun light until it reached it up close. While its white dwarf star is this white Wooden
at night blue turned off 4 moons and the triangle of moons anyone could see looking for them, in 2006.
Wodan was the illuminated planet that lit up Thor bright blue, behind its White dwarf.
The light now turned off behind it. Planet X star points I saw May 1, 2003, were off-set
in the lower left end of 5 times bigger than Jupiter star Apocalypse 2 planets of the sun
between Jupiter and Mars. Magnetic field poles lit Thor blue behind 7 orb white dwarf,
left sun light did illuminate it. Alien sent a ship in while Sirius was behind a sun eclipse
sent in Wodan ship up close Earth as Mercury. Thor ellipse going away from its son Sun.
At 8:45 a.m. I stopped watching eclipse of Planet X, only white dot at 10:00 up in the
sky binoculars only half moon 2006 star Sirius certainly visible others watch if I keep
their eyes on it going across sky until it set at sundown, Sirius in sun light increasing.
Sirius solar system planets on its orbital plane going through the solar system in 2006
Thor variously named coming in on an elliptic swing to its Son passed close aligned its
south pole to son south pole on 19 February 2017 flipped sun poles never recognizestar.
Here Sun is a Son. But looking for information about Planet X I found coincidently a
red dwarf star was going to cross path's with Planet X cause far greater disaster in 2029.
Red Moons! Full Red moons in a row, Wormwood rises from south, Red runs into Son of Thor.
While the Son and Thor coming together again bringing asteroids if Sirius ran into
Oort cloud pieces of itself gave birth to Sons, for accidents like ceres in Thor's way,
5th planet of the Son. Sat in the Milky Way leaving 2012 two Nostradamus asteroids
blow-up over Russia to beside Florida over Bermuda Triangle 2012 end of calendar
going away from Son Thor with Wooden suddenly I find close didn't bother the moon
left nature with bubble under Arctic Earth go blow out steam break out of Earth's top.
Visible low over Hogback ridge at 4:55 a.m. big dull Thor, coming in February 13
left of highway 140 Olene my telescope look at the Son parent Thor, to 2006 Moon
eclipse of Thor in March. I was more interested in the new Jupiter moons. Lucky to
be up early see another new planet centred over my patio, like January 23 Wooden,
crescent Moon to left of Sirius, my first sight of a 10 moon ring of Thor new Saturn.
Glancing over 3 bright up-close lights to lower left of the white planet 1 opposite 2
orbs I first ignored while dialing in Wooden January 23 trying find blemish it didn't
have, I missed 3 bright round orbs in triangle formation up in front in my telescope,
next night see white dwarf star January 24 triangle up 45° behind 1 and 2 moon end
pyramid, later metallic look bright little sparkling moon beside Wooden was under it
had taken a left turn, propelled its vehicle away from Wooden, to under it's 2 moons.
Sirius in its solar system, was on course regularly eclipsed by the Moon. Finding 3
packs of asteroids in front of Thor likely bounced off Thor. Galaxy 2 asteroids find
Earth as Sun system begins setting in disc of Milky Way Galaxy. Meanwhile panic
2025 Default, plunder and pillage the leftists or is it Easter Island revenge rain fire?
“Planet X” like comets gone around the Son get closer to the Earth on their way out if
it orbited the Sun. Red dwarf not back since Moses "The Destroyer" fly-by, that was
lucky for Jews. The Destroyer coming back again The End, false scholars backwards
Planet X, the media called Thor Mars close once in 50 thousand years Mars so what?
Don't matter if a Red dwarf star smash Earth inner 3 planets bounces Sun at Neptune.
Authority with no solution to a Red dwarf. Wodan able to rain down fire on humanity.
Threat dumbfounding I just take off leave rent, electric. These pages a miracle in 1309.
White American Majority Rule leadership I say, racist right rule massacre and discharging
in a Coup certain WWIII Default end of world a Tribunal leadership on Senolytics if need
me to drain the billionaires so the American citizen gets rich with economy life of purpose
to Mars and beyond. Motivated by this battle station hid out from a blue planet a takeover.
A swarm of asteroids out of Oort cloud reach Earth, turned upside down, if planets
orbited the Sun actually only ellipse their distances to the Sun, everything between
ellipse to Sun and back toward binary star! White dwarf star so close could contact,
NASA had to contact, turned off their light does it burn Earth before settlers arrive?
Edenite people left glass cities on Moon ages ago, battleship millions of years built.
Polar reversal destroyed 90% ocean to 70% life on Earth super volcano. Inside safe
Vatican catacomb expedition! Wooden planet starship/rapture sun bounce bunker or
vanish waves of chaos UFO front and behind star hit sun bowling ball through pins.
Only my Government could prepare the people to survive end of the world.
Planet X went behind the Sun shot a ship to Mercury, like a hunter cloaked.
Its cover blown on Internet for a battle ship beside Mercury to on the prowl.
Planet X sat from view on Hogback at dawn September 23, 2006, that above sat on ocean going away
Planet X 600 times Earth size 21 million miles away from Sun. Surviving the red dwarf my nazi inspirational
industrial American citizens army of one party go nationalism racist patriotism Tribunal only Moon a vehicle escape.
I watched Planet X coming in May 10 o'clock for 3 years 2003 from Southeast until it sat over
Hogback Mountain. Enemy power of the rich with all its business conspiracies in Coup d' 'et at
I Default Vote Majority all means. Gravity travel end of world Police Pentagon follow my lead.
Lee Harrison, [email protected]
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