Explained in distant past Ancient's 2 calendars beginning to end of Sun u-turn, end of orbit in Galaxy. Salvation for me could save the West. With industrial objective harness speed of Universe expansion. Building on my creativity, harness the source of creation.


Before Christ the Mayan people of Mexico learned all of their written knowledge about their cosmos from school, at the spaceport metropolis just north of Mexico City, everything about the course of the Earth in its last 5 polar reversals in relation to the stars took the knowledge back with them to Yucatan Peninsula, built pyramids and cities for political power, with math and history of orbits. But "MAGNETIC POLE MOVEMENT"-- took an abrupt left! Bouncing off of Earth's 85° top 4 times, veered Earth's core poles spinning west. Earth turning 900mph and its core spinning faster iron ball, inside the Earth hit Earth hard Japan 9.2 earthquake for the momentum of a mass the size of the Moon, iron sphere under the Arctic hit Earth's crust stretched Japan a few minutes, magnetic core water cooled hollow iron ball churning molten lithosphere, wrecking ball. NORTH MAGNETIC POLE end of Earth's solid magnet core and SOUTH MAGNETIC POLE MOVEMENT momentum spun up against Russia a bulge, stretching Earth from there to U. S. Midwest a Polar Vortex dimple, that hurricane Sandy went up to Chicago, weight of iron-nickel core spinning faster. Core broken off of 2 "fountains of the deep" in 1975 Vatican City finished their excavating catacombs to Earth's core, to Celtic civilization that would not let them in, broken off relations the fountain passageway. Which twisted off the fountain of the deep under Tripoli. So core of the Earth spun away up to Earth's top, west in lithosphere, to its trapdoor in the north Atlantic to blow-out pressure inside, with Planet X going by. Meanwhile the Sun finished u-turn in the Milky Way Galaxy on December 21, 2012, rolling with a punch magnetic core changed its direction. West!


Momentum of core of the Earth turning northwest increased faster and faster, to directly west of north it was going after hit 85° slipped Japan fault line the Moon made running into Pacific Ocean. Planet X hit Planet 6 between Jupiter and Mars 2.5 billion years ago, Earth's core erupt in furthest corner of 85 degrees latitude, fault line trapdoor northwest of Norway. From Siberia to Atlantic Ocean Earth core to end of the world. Military calculated annual polar reversal, figured from 5 previous polar reversals. U.S. Military drill to find ocean floor "core samples" of Earth's magnetic pole movements in the past expected 2020 reversal. Hot magnetic core steams-up ocean in it, churning global warming. Increasing friction spinning against Arctic Circle continues to get hotter from spinning faster than Earth, will pop Earth's "Bubble" in a jolt Planet X rising. Core embeds in Earth's crust stops turning clutches off-center from Earth's axis, changes Earth revolving direction: And both fall over together, wrestling. Next hit by a star, Sun bounces off and swells up. But Sirius the dark star in April bigger than Jupiter, close. Coincidently next red dwarf star hits the Sun, cause of red full moon's shadow of an incoming red dwarf star light around the Sun, the red on Moons, bigger than Earth's orbit. Sun displaced expands out to where it was, a Red Giant. Pole Movement had to of been felt by John the Baptist, to be proclaiming end of the world. Earth's magnetic poles going farthest off-center from Earth axis, that star Sirius began running into a planet between Jupiter and Mars, squirted Moon at the Earth. Sirius having Returned Earth's first people in a space ship shuttled themselves off to Mercury, up close to the Sun where they stretched a force field from top to bottom of it, north pole to south pole, hiding a battle ship with a flight deck, stalking the Earth, going to be destroyed or an Ice Age. I use to hear debates on radio on why they keep silent a space platform big as a planet. Advancement in 4.5 billion years, after 6 days out all of the different kinds of people that popped up in each their own Garden of Eden, the superior race the meek, that inherit the Earth, might dig people out of glaciers standing up with smart phone in hand. While mining to build more ship comforts, and necessities.


All of the stars planets and round moons besides our own water and steam filled in Inner earth. Occasionally their magnetic core hitting them like flooded Venus with lava, from a passing bigger magnetic core. Inner Earth slung all the way up into Earth's northern hemisphere like a bubble, going to pop-up out of a crack it made in Earth's crust. Its internal steam pressure rising churning molten lithosphere faster, increasing temperature of Earth's lithosphere. Coincidently two Nostradamus end of the world asteroids two months late for Mayan Long Count Calendar end December 21, 2012, fireworks. Sun heading back to galaxy center Galaxy orbit u-turn, a 11 year warning to officially when Earth's magnetic core blows its top in April, only 11 years off a U.S. Military educated guess to end of the world as we know it. Here I offer a Debt Default inflation revolution leadership, Third U.S. Government, saving our skins in a Military dictatorship satisfy White American racism I trim American Constitution to same as old Constitution, with First II Amendments.


Here is the calendar math thinking for solar end of Sun u-turn on star charts saved on stone through last Flood knowledge taught in their school by first humans out of Eden. Maya used in Yucatan Peninsula to figure out when Earth is destroyed again, in this climate change. Disaster of seas in Earth wobble 30' surf from Alaska 2018 earthquakes, to southern California in storms up west coast Earth, tilting towards Europe after 9.2 earthquake in Alaska then 8.8 Indonesia 9.2 Japan, 8.8 Haiti, 8.8 Chili, 8.8 New Zealand and 8.2 Chile 2nd quake/tsunami changed clocks from October 15 time to November. While Earth's core pressed up against Russia, slipping west, Earth falling over towards Europe a degree and a half or more each 8.0 earthquake. Astrology with planets crossing in front of their stars again, to the same positions as the last end of the world the last polar reversal. Here are the science measurements to Mayan-Aztec end of the world in 2011 began Sun orbit away u-turn back to Milky Way Galaxy. That left radiation flooding the Pacific Ocean, killing-off seafood already 50% dead since 1970. Reversal to only 5% edible sea food left destroys 70% of all land life even if no WAR. Revolution solves everything. Americans survive in my government, by Tribunals, recycle and restore! Mayan calendar Short Count to Long Count solar u-turn begin and end. Which leaves us with Sun heading back towards center of Milky Way Galaxy at a red dwarf star coming out. The red dwarf star following the Sun, out of the point of creation out of the black hole, fountain of Milky Way Galaxy stars, pop out with a solar jet to Sun. All points of solar system origin pop-up accordingly. Here 7 years before the Sun hits red dwarf star, for children's ship out with USA.


Mayan calendars: Mayan codices (ancient manuscripts) and ruins offer rich but confusing sources of information on the subject, because Catholics destroyed all of their codices that explained a beginning to end of the Sun turning around in its orbit. Their earliest calendar was based on the short-count system, starting with a date that is equivalent to August 10, 3113BC, the beginning of a huge cycle of 13 bakhtuns (394.5 years) cheeringly forecast to end on December 24, 2011, with the destruction of the world, that happened early beginning on March 11 Japan, Haiti Chile and New Zealand disasters. But by the time of the Conquest they had abandoned this system to adopt the Long Count, a confusing calculation placing history and prophecies in recurring cycles of time, which firmly governed their lives, predicted eclipses and even planned pyramid construction. Two parallel calendars coexisted: a sacred almanac (the tzolkin) of 260 days, and the 360-day year to which five unlucky days (considered bad omens, when it was thought best not to venture out or undertake anything not strictly necessary) were added on to create a third system, the haab or 365-day solar calendar. A complete cycle contained 13 katun (256.5 years of our calendar): each katun consisted of 20 years of 360 days, subdivided into 18 months of 20 days, plus the five unlucky days. From these complex divisions emerged a dual calendar wheel (that the Aztecs later copied and translated into their famous calendar wheel) which contains 18,980 days, the cycle of 52 years which was necessary for the two calendars to coincide to a December 21, 2012." The Sun's orbital end of Galaxy, turn around, back to Milky Way Galaxy center. Here core of the Earth up to light up Noah's 'fire', volcanic eruption in polar reversal. Ice Age frozen Italian Alps Man murdered in anarchy escaping Noah's Flood. Solar end of the Galaxy determined by astrological map of the planets and stars, season of the last polar reversal to its season again their astrology, chart saved by survivors of original Mayan Gulf of Mexico civilization found higher learning in Teotihuacan The Flood left in Egypt a curiously sculpted stone Sphinx formation to Celtic people climbing out of Fountains of the Deep at Rome and Tripoli came. Celtic built catacombs at end of a Golden Age a Great Pyramid over both fountains of the deep, and Great Pyramid in Egypt, a triangle of them. Overwhelmed by peoples of the east invaded, retreating Celtics stuffed 2 Great Pyramids down their Fountain at Rome and Tripoli, the fountains of the deep, to keep out the invading Italians. Left abandoned to the Arabs a Great Pyramid from the pyramid triangle. Celtics having dug under the curious Sphinx shape a masonic layout, in a chamber room carved out underneath its rock formation there. Dug a tunnel leading to their Great Pyramid in Egypt, from the secret room under the Sphinx, a model of the soul in a oval shape, with a stairway up into its left paw a closed entrance mirage, down some steps of turn left to a book shelf with a doorway to the right down steps to darkness the ritual room a tunnel to the Great Pyramid and Ark of the Covenant box. Noah's "Flood" forced Mayan civilization to Yucatan Peninsula from Gulf up to Teotihuacan north of Mexico City under orders from a temporarily displaced people from the missing 5th Planet of the Sun, ships transported mica from south of Amazon River to insulate their landing craft from ground, on rows of pyramids at a three building avenue, formation of mica insulation layered electromagnetic radiation, circuit shielded landing sites for a 1 year and 2 days date 5th Mesoamerican calendar cycle day, scientists interpret began on August 12, 3114 BCE. Mayan astronomers and mathematicians on 10th of August 3113 BCE added up total number of years and days to Sun u-turn, December 24, 2011, "Short Count" heralded by 4 tsunami's 2011. December 21, 2012 "Long Count calendar" new year 5124 Sun enters edge of Galaxy Earth core spin counter-clockwise began in 1975 Global Warming.


A book with a missing page probably was found in Flagstaff, Arizona, that said 10 August 3113BC Maya math celebrated a figuring out when the stars are all back to the same places for another end of the world, began on December 24, 2011, ends next Spring. Core samples dug up figure to Noah's season, of end of the world. "Destroyed by fire", from methane gas shaken up in a Rapture, solid core of the Earth blows-up in the Arctic Ocean to release steam pressure so Earth expands briefly! No. Earth is not expanding yet, 5 reversals 2023 6th Big One earthquake! If you count up the numbers of tectonic plates around the world, the core of the Earth has its own number of tectonic plates under its steam pressure inside the world, in a molten layer. Earth's ocean inside its core steaming up, spinning a Ocean sphere over tectonic plates inside the Earth, gets hotter, expanding forces opposite pressure on the outside of the world with oceans. Solid iron-nickel core of the Earth with a molten surface in lithosphere, going around in top of the world to blow out its internal steam, where it split Earth beside northern Norway. American military must take out their crooked government and system to survive end of the world, before Inner Earth blows out its ocean through its solid iron-nickel core like it did the last 5 times Earth's core blew its top, blows up a super volcano each time. Before it hit Earth's top a volcano in Iceland only the result of high tide of lava pressure reaching Earth's top, before Earth's core ran into it's 85 degrees latitude, leading up to the Day of Doom Earth ruptures in Arctic Ocean off Norway north Atlantic Ocean 2023, to new fig tree leaves put fourth in Israel if Jesus Christ knew anything about it sayings, on when it will happen. Only observatories know the exact day and hour it happens U.S. Military core samples of time between polar reversals to when most life on Earth destroyed planet comes around racist majority Tribunal form of Democracy I get to safe ground Revolution!


Teotihuacán – Anomalous Technical Evidence of the construction of a space port:

Talking Magnetic Poles, dealing with the poles of forces, here described are mica layer insulated ports for landing gravity circuits. That's how I will make space ships.

Teotihuacán, in Mexico, is an immense, even overwhelming archaeological site, oriented along a twin axis. In the 1960s a team of archaeologists and surveyors mapped out the entire complex in great detail. The resultant map revealed an urban grid centered around two principal, almost perpendicular, alignments.

From the Pyramid of the Moon at the north end, the complex extends south along the Avenue of the Dead beyond the Ciudadela and Great Compound complexes for about 3.2 kilometers. To this north-south axis we must add an east-west alignment that led from a point near the Pyramid of the Sun to a spot of prime astronomical significance on the western horizon.

Anthony Aveni, an astronomer-anthropologist, discovered that on the day the Sun passes directly overhead in the spring of the Northern Hemisphere (May 18), the Pleiades star cluster makes its first annual predawn appearance. It was at this point on the western horizon that the Pleiades set, and the builders aimed the east-west axis.

Additionally, the Sun also sets at this point on the horizon on August 12 – the anniversary of the beginning of the current Mesoamerican calendar cycle (5th Sun) – determined by a consensus of academic and independent scholars to have begun on August 12, 3114 BCE.


Sahara Atlantic Ocean sand: Polar Reversal wiped out Atlantis.


By using the polar opposites of nature, while knowing the reactions of polar opposites in magnetic cause and effect, I prove the approaching disaster for human survival demand for advancement. Otherwise for reasons like a Atlantis after natural law warnings ignored civilizations are all washed away in Earth changes, unless they are advanced enough to get off the planet for advancing themselves elsewhere. Last Polar Reversal, dumped equatorial Atlantic Ocean beach sand a Sahara desert in Northern Africa the last time Earth flipped over in polar reversal. Look up "Atlantis Found" on to see path of tidal wave destruction of Atlantis, ocean wave when Earth flipped over in Polar Reversal in the direction of the sands, if you want can find Earth's poles from there. But since President Donald Trump could not know why this planet is getting hotter he is not the leader. Maybe has ulterior motives. USA in National Debt Default inflation. By Default vote of the majority I am the American people's only chance to overthrow the corruptions. Dump authority in shark tanks Tribunal dictatorship 2022 design, citizen polls.

But proficient in all the sciences the missing human link on the missing Fifth Planet temporarily returns, with Planet X, which colonized and left space port sites on Earth. One at Sodom and Gomorrah it nuked, that has military barracks on the back side of the Moon found by Apollo 11 Moon mission, photographed news. Thor is back, around for survivors they planned on before the next polar reversal. Earth flooded if it collapses smaller or new asteroid belt maybe good for mining. The missing human link colonized our 5th Planet, that star Sirius White Dwarf Star captured up close: They are back, with Planet X!



"NORTH MAGNETIC POLE MOVEMENT" bounced west, U.S. Geological Survey government web site "", up to December 31, 2005, last posted shown to be revolving faster and faster. Closer and closer to above predicted December 21, 2012 end of the world went into edge of the Milky way Galaxy asteroids. Two of which in a crisscrossing pattern hit Earth in February 2013. Core hit 85° latitude 9.2 Japan Haiti Chile and New Zealand 4 tsunami three 8.8 quakes in 2011. Maya science astrology "end of the world" the most accurate calendar. Catholics and all the other religions are a threat to truth, secrecies. The Media and science all keeping secret from the public vital facts, on movement of Earth's magnetic core, secrets in closed circles Earth going to blow it's top. Earthquakes all around the world a geologic sonogram figured Earth's core size, but not location. American Military racists destroy leftist authority replace leftist scholars. Tribunal orders soldier the positions.


My plan is described on most of these pages calling for a White U.S. Armed Forces takeover backed up in my State by State of Militia racist hate dictatorship. Politics to purge and expropriate, hiring only White Americans that side with my racist leadership in Power by Default Tribunals. I pass out to White Americans good weapons to represent their racism, previously not offered representation for their Default votes. My leadership eliminating Fiscal Cliff with my 3rd Government remedy, while nuclear meltdowns pour into Pacific Ocean killing off food I offer economic practices for the end of the world. Magnetic pole movement John the Baptist 2 thousand years ago noticed moved, only a minute ago in geological time, proclaimed the end of the world! My Revolution for these end times I put government in the people's hands eliminating enemy immigration re-establishing White social order and expose secrecy hidden from the public. Binary star rises up 21 million miles of Earth, polar reversal this time around in 2023 fig trees putting forth new leaves in Israel, since Noah closed his Ark until the world is "destroyed by fire" concluding Tribulation! Even if soaked in radiation I should make it to my place to break through to the other side my Final Faith, if not caught up in a "Rapture". I am not surprised remnants of Mayan civilization declining to extinction before end of their calendar's Age, world destroyed a 6th time, in 2023 polar reversal. Lucky nearly extinct Mayan civilization believed in the forewarnings of their ancient astronomers and mathematicians, passed away. Other peoples and religions with science have only signs on earth and in the sky to indicate reaching end of the world global warming, 8 billion more people compounded, plus Chinese viruses . Authorities hoarding supplies in bunkers, digging in verses the Majority. Default vote majority for my Power by Default Coup d' with Militia White U.S. Armed Forces 3rd Government take out gangland, in rockets and road blocks. Military rule for the people's say, I arm America under my orders on these pages, taking back America in racist Revolution, nationalizing wealth of all our enemies in American. Business centralize, White Rule fighting forces opportunity. Industry in my Citizen's Rule prisoners of war to spill the truth kept secret by the authorities. White America take underground cities, assets and industrial potential to survive eruption of Inner Earth pressure. Planet X, survive day of doom rapidly approaching. People in Inner Earth pray Earth stays together at end of another Age on Earth. Lucky at least a few vanish, Ascend! Rapture must have happened right before Noah's "Flood". This time the world destroyed by a methane gas fire. Edenites evacuated, colonized a space station mined Moon escaped the first Flood, all 5 Flood expansions of the Earth. Edenite's snuck up a city hid at Mercury until exposed collecting solar power, quietly awaiting a return to Easter Island after Tribulation. The Meek inherit the Earth. Unless we are bunkered in, defending our positions.



Warmth in Alaska unwanted

Social, ecological upheaval created


       By  Timothy Egan

         New York Times


     ANCHOR POINT, Alaska ---

To live in Alaska, where the average temperature has risen about 7 degrees over the past 30 years, means learning to cope with a landscape that can sink, catch fire or break apart in the turn of a season.

    In the village of Shishmaref, on the Chukchi Sea just south of the Arctic Circle, it means high water eating away so many houses and buildings that people will vote next month on moving inland.

    In Barrow, the northernmost city in North America, it means coping with mosquitoes in a place where they once were non-existent, and rescuing hunters trapped on breakaway ice at a time of year when such things once were unheard of.


Hydraulic jacks handy

    In Fairbanks, where wildfires have been burning off and on since mid-May, it means living with hydraulic jacks to keep houses from slouching and buckling on foundations that used to be frozen all year. Permafrost, they say, is no longer permanent.

    Here on the Kenai Peninsula, a recreation wonderland a few hours’ drive from Anchorage, it means living in a 4 million-acre spruce forest that has been killed by beetles, the largest loss of trees to insects ever recorded in North America, federal officials say. Government scientists tied the event to rising temperatures, which allow the beetles to reproduce at twice their normal rate.

    In Alaska, mean temperatures have risen by 5 degrees in summer and 10 degrees in winter since the 1970’s, federal officials say.

    The leading Republican in the state, Sen. Ted Stevens, says that no place is experiencing more startling changes from rising temperatures than Alaska.

    The social costs of higher temperatures have been mostly negative, people here say. The Bush administration report, which was drafted by the Environmental Protection Agency, also found few positives to Alaska’s thermal rise. But it said climate change would bring a longer growing season and open ice-frozen seas in the Arctic for shipping.

    “There can no longer be any doubt that major changes in the climate have occurred in recent decades in the region, with visible and measurable consequences,” the government concluded in the report to the United Nations last month.

    It does not take much to find those consequences in a state with 40 percent of the nation’s surface water and 63 percent of its wetlands.


‘Profound’ occurrence

    Here on the Kenai Peninsula, a forest nearly twice the size of Yellowstone National Park is in the last phases of a graphic death, Century-old spruce trees stand silvered and cinnamon-colored as they bleed sap.

    Climate models predict Alaskan temperatures will continue to rise over this century, by up to 18 degrees.

    “We have had so many strange events, things are so different than they used to be, that I think most Alaskans now believe something profound is going on,” said Dr. Glenn Juday, an authority on climate change at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks. “We’re experiencing indisputable climate warming. The positive changes from this take a long time, but the negative changes are happening real fast.”


" Earth Systems Polar Motion Monitor

Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006

last revised February 8, 2006

The Earth's Wobble Has Paused

What this portends, no one knows.


(ECB - February 8, 2006, MWM) For at least three and a half weeks there

has been almost no movement of the spin axis in the normal spiral track

of Chandler's Wobble. See an extensive analysis of the pause in the wobble

as of February 8, 2006 at the web site. It is also being sent to subscribers

via email directly after this Bulletin."


This has to do with the axis Earth's core spins on, the something made out of iron 27% the diameter of the Earth entirely up inside northern hemisphere, passing under Russia, going northwest spinning in the Earth's top for 12 years around it, since March 11, 2011, destined to blow-up out of a flap in Earth's top against north Atlantic crease west of northern Norway, spinning west to the longitude northeast of Iceland. Earth's bubble big as the Moon magnet inside. Could rip open from predicted asteroids about Planet X passing, until Wormwood misses Sun thaws out breaks-up and falls apart on the Moon and Earth. Earth's core may pop out of Earth like Mercury did, the magnetic core of a planet. Planet X coming-up close as Jupiter 21 million miles away set below horizon in 2006, its planets seen with naked eye 3 bright objects in a pyramid formation in front of Sirius planet, up to left end of its 10 moon Saturn on the horizon, behind 11th and 12th moon for 5 days. Sirius solar system magnetism stabilized Earth's revolving for 3.5 weeks of not wobbling. Earth falling over 1.5° increments east on it's axis, in every 8.8 earthquake or so. Earth's crust falling toward Europe, core of the Earth offset from Earth axis risen up northwest going to blow-up out a longitudinal side of the Earth below 85° latitude. Maybe Earth's magnetic core and ocean blown out into space while offset like a load in a washing machine wobbling. Magnetism from star Sirius 5 times Jupiter's push or pull core going northwest away from Earth axis, Earth's core blows-up in Earth's crust another Super Volcano and Polar Reversal, or turns Earth upside down lined up with it's axis begins another age of mankind under a new heaven and a new Earth until smashed out of inner solar system, cold and in the dark.


The iron-nickel core of the Earth, the size of the Moon, spinning further and further off center from Earth's axis every week it acts like an off-center load in a washing machine. Where Earth stops wobbling these every once in a whiles, until another magnet big as a star's magnet comes around close as Planet X, the magnetic core the Sun's Twin turned the Sun upside down on February 19, 2007, coming around Earth increasingly top heavy, with its core in its top going to turn Earth upside down. When two Earth worlds, one inside the other on two different axis, turning in opposite directions join next April. Global warming temperatures with steam pressure in Earth's core boiling expands for the "Big One" California earthquake. Star "asteroid" 5 times bigger than Jupiter shows up for U.S. Military 2020 end of the world reversal sample's math to 3 years off for 6th end of the world.


I still had time, to accomplished something in the 21st century, 2022 get to the nearest place available closest to escape 2018 inflation projected shutdown, 2023. Chance to get safely out of the world alive with what I can carry. Molten metal sphere about solid iron core of the Earth inside smacked it's hard magnetic core through lithosphere to top of the world, melting Arctic ice cap from bottom up, that scientists found out in June 2012 Arctic global warming is coming from the ground up. Even though Arctic winter is getting the same cold weather as usual scientists finally confirm global warming is a fact to explain empirically. If it is important Military Coup d' I kill leftists take everything ship them out or destroy, science statistics will kill them all. Maybe with some black slaves get out alive. Sea food die off.






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Wrongs against the American people repay overnight through armed dictatorship for tribunal by the people choose the right. Genocide to "change the system" for good! I have two guns that shoot buck-shot the dictator you just don't put up with your enemies. Militia just pull out your gun and shoot them and military does what I decide. Mass destruction at over 20,000 miles per hour producing. Celebrate 2022 Coup d' 'etat. In anarchy and chaos I secure white folks around the world survive the future what man can only accomplish without woman's rights in the way my dictatorship choices Tribunal say. Soldiers everywhere take all the profit kill the getting rich do other than pay tax and rent at business inflation costs my 3rd U.S. government better than Marx Tribunal Racism instinct U.S. military arm our forces!

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