Military Advisor                                                                                 


I am not telling whole truth insanity here, some soldier whole soul did profit, still above this spot.

This place is similar to where I ascended the first time. This place is full of gold and patrolled by armed guards. It is not where I am going to ascend again. I will do it over again where I did it the first time. Here is only an example of where I will ascend this Fall to a earlier century, know the trick. Where I make the same mistake again to make it happen. This place is under armed guard. Immortals we have choices not damned with baby. I cannot teach instinct, American Indians every religion fear God, curious prospector ascended here. Where I am not going back. A day hike all over again in distant hills where all these places are on mining claims on BLM land. Impossible to communicate the secret in religion terms sword wound on the Light of gravity circuit where seraphim's hang out in Apollo. Nothing but light of Earth's circuit of gravity there. Some people break through Image charge by accident, or do it on a mission. Hills and meadows places where to break through from image charge of gravity to mass charge. Physics source of power to break through. Past adventure writer Carlos Castaneda came down here looking to find a Indian seer for his UCLA anthropology class studies wound up at a bus station, not finding seers, ready to give up trying to find one accidentally caused some omen that caught the attention of a Mexican seer there who later took him to this place luck sign made him his apprentice of Don Juan a nagual with a tonal friend going back to Mexico really led him astray off the path, apprenticeship. Carlos Castaneda wrote several books about it, deliver my plans to the past from another of these places save America for Americans against our enemies. U.S. with all the sources to establish a real democracy over the bodies of society in the way. Day of Doom right around the corner takeover take out alien, illegal. Earth's magnet burst like bubbles do reaching its fault line it could pop out with help coming. North Korea nuclear suicide or Islamic plot dirty bomb Israel and the U.S. a third of humanity destroyed without a security clearance.

Here throughout this web site I have maps of Earth's north and south magnetic pole PDF file, predicting impact, on "Panic Button" and Default page. Get out of the world alive, or survive following my power by default by force uncover facts increase common knowledge for safety from death and hostility. Nationalist racist citizenship with my plan eliminate the bad and illegal, alien and their cousins thieves traitors in ethnic cleansing eliminate them. Some escape bombing and shooting, on a "white horse" Bible end times, star fly by, maybe too late to one of these places to drop into the past inspire space city with 21st century technology. Patriotic Americans as many as possible could reach as far as Neptune safe ground from wiped out along with Sun red dwarf star kill all the billions.

If there is a way to get things straight many more people than nature ordinarily saves their skins might escape from being destroyed by old age and disaster, to an end of the world methane gas fire ways of escape attempt to make here available no religion can explain. Whoever finds the thousand points of light other than me leaves Masonic people to rot in their graveyards, gone to Heaven or Hell. Here centers of gravity currents converge upon each their own spots relevance. Towards Universe end of expanding, all falls back together again points at the beginning of time. Universe circuit broken from expanding falls back to points twined in a sphere. Outer Darkness pressure discharging its current's images back to centre of hollow of central charge spinning mass continually pouring down expanding Universe out of charge it shorts out on! While owners of U.S. Debt inflation political/legal system hoarding their profits and investing it, until by military forces I take it from and kill them all. American Independence better to exterminate than integrate military reviving American rule back to old school ways.

Certain to be too late for any presidential election in the present I have the ancient old methods to ascend to accomplish something with all of this correct, explain clearer in the past. Change the future make early America without British problem and slave my lessons from American History and vaccines set up pharmacy in cures.

Here are some of my notes on these small or large gravity charge deposits where to ascend repeat take the leap if enough of it is left same as where I last ascended, on a first completion go around, touch them all until gravity current trapped jump off it, where I have to do this whole insane thing all over again to get a picture of it in 2023 rest of the world can be doing racism to be pure country everybody swastica waving

Image 1.

A positive charge of gravity is accumulated here. Will it take a 10 billion dollar atom smasher to find this rare element flooding the whole world with atomic mass, the fluid of life, expanding the Universe with the system it is in. Someone ascended here is above this spot, only detectable by camera film. Someone here is arched forward in his jump to about 60 feet above. Several other deposits further down here the stuff I will call JesusChrist, Allah Glue is good too. Must be on "Article 8" ascended at school I guess or would not still be there. Flashes on the Moon from such places seen by telescopes are not volcanoes, but large positive gravity charged deposits centered on all heavenly bodies as the gravity current resistors of a gravity electrical system, flooding everything with mass.

Image 2.

Here is the east side of the summit looking north over an Army base. Someone who ascended is above this summit spot a soldier? Ascended are always in a leaping position over any ascension spot in a position like I was ascended over another one of these, frightened jumped ground down. I found someone else with my camera another place down Mengus Mountain from pass with another camera, like on "Ascend!" Someone in the blue sky over some trees about a hundred yards down the road, from a small inroad. I was trying to take a picture of San Francisco Peaks in the distance a ascended person on the print tilted right, here tilted to the left, in motion in my leap a few yards I jumped out.

The above summits' north end viewed from the east. I got a feeling I don't want to ascend here, with someone else still overhead. I am on the north end of this summit, east side. This ascension spot in a previous Garden of Eden for some certain species of living thing or someone here from the seeds of life magnetic core center of gravity convergence pop up in Beginning Flood the first Memory Identity DNA codes anciently descend to earth to creation spot to pop themselves up. Most say avoid these places to their people. The lucky set off miracle of ascension jump, return, I will have to stay in to fulfill destination.

Image 4.

Above are two of three Creation Spots on a ledge below their peak, part of the way down the hill from the Ascension someone fortunate to go up to top is ascended over it. Everything was created on the face of earth and under water on Earth and inside the world manifested on gravity inversion peaks where all species of life created manifested complete, in positive gravity charge deposit, had to then seek out other creations to eat. A guided tour went through here down to the bottom hills past my second camp. The guide said fewer of these charged spots are in the fringe hills place for sale I take as dictator rather ascend from other hills 1988 hill, these good for mission I take Britain by surprise!

On other hills like these, I had to locate all of them, step on each one and take a picture, until I could not walk off of the last spot stuck to the ground, saturated with positive gravity charge. Carlos Castaneda in a book said I would "accumulate power" did not say what it was good for. I could not move on it when I was ready to go, I thought was easy to just jump off! Momentum carried me up in weightless space up up and up. I jumped down out of it with my camera to stop going up brought back pictures of all of the spots, but everything gets lost or stolen. Ninja made gravity useful where juiced up with charge.

Image 5.

This place is claimed by someone else, an old placer gold dust dump where I took this picture. Where I picked up a flat rock facing down hand-full of a rock, just inside the wall on its hill top ground I found that way. I reached into the ascension spot took the rock out and threw it on rocks to my right where it bounced around and flipped up, in the same position I picked it up, pointed in the same direction! Someone got out of current image from here is about sixty feet up over its center. Only camera film can detect him. Oregon Vortex said to be biggest one of these accumulating mass charge. U.S. Military will take them all over with me in power. U. S. Military could be better prepared for war choosing right moment to pop up or drop in. Places from where to get healed, with youth.

Image 6.

The far peak is where the Ascension spot is on the tip top. These are all "inner dialogue" silencing spots. I am at the east end of a hill of these Positive Gravity Charge spots, where some creation manifested. This is my favorite spot of them all I came to set to be at total peace within, in silence. I would have to own this property to come back here or take in Martial Law. At my other inner silence spots, to ascend from, to American history.

Later told by a Marine to stand on each one of them barefoot, on all of the power spots. That is what he would do, if he was not father damned. I did with my shoes on to the last one, stuck on I ascend from "to the other side", jump off with another backpack on again!

Image 7.

No telling what manifested on these creation spot's Positive Charge of Gravity impression on the ground here, for pairs of something to find way back into the elastic of it everything in the Universe joined together, capacitor. Twined about earth to Positive Charge of Gravity, moybus cord inversion intersections "whole" soul, accidentally or on a mission enter God+ to "eternal life" for base camp. Return a circuit of all knowing data base. Alive not dead transform particles in memory identity layers in gravity glue a gas not even super atom smashers can concentrate. The undead able to jump down or pop up in time re-manifest themselves back on earth in any age chosen, not having taken from their soul to make another. Means at least one pair of male and female humans created heard "A Voice" did not dare ruin their perfect souls by creating another one of themselves, in some Garden of Eden. Another human race might still even be ascended, found by way of the heavenly hosts, maybe taken elevator of time always foot down. Ascend dead find themselves field of particles like everyone else there. I bring back whatever I have on like my first time drop in restored I "Returned" my double left to cats.

Image 8.

This is where Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda he could jump off a cliff to the other side, without falling to his death. Every race and specie of everything came from a Garden of Eden, two trees, a male and a female, each from their own spot appeared, all the tribes. One tree a man and the other tree a woman reasoned ancients. Where the fruit that was on each of the two "trees" was one soul image, negative gravity current manifested. Inorganic unseen spheres descend on the womb born image manifested only, no soul around them, the insensitive's. Under my leadership everyone in America will walk under a street lamp under a full Moon, to prove a halo is over their Moon shadow of 2 shadows, if they are real human beings able to trust. Capture the Aliens without soul around them, to find out what they are up to, for a Tribunal to dispose of them, or to labor in the mines.

Cross eyed "see" inside their soul sphere seen as a bright substance in molecules, a shell around them. Where to see another's soul like I saw soul of a real human, holding a baby that was not a human, without a soul its mouth agape at me seeing it hanging out in front of the woman's bright soul, frightened I was seeing it without a soul in shock I caught sight of it Alien stopped it crying the shrill scream of a Alien baby I hate. Another cry a illegal alien's baby in a laundry once. But the damned tempted and led by parents and religion reproduce themselves making people's embryo's of baby vulnerable to inorganic beings falling upon them to be born in. Parents a hole in their soul either way a child is born. Since "the land of Nod" a black raped "Eve", so Moses' full of Egyptian tales re-wrote in a Torah. From Eve's perfect whole soul Cain born an "Original Sin" perpetuated thereafter by parents "lost sinners" unable to go back to whole soul unable to ascend. Scorn the natural instinct, "the devil", "free-will" continuing to populate the world. To be safe celibate not too late? From 1 to 8 billion people in my lifetime! Religion tradition of children growing up to commit "the unforgivable sin" perpetuates aging and death, saying "populate the earth" reached a billion in 1950, to over 8 billion people by 2020! Everyone's religion keeps up the lie saying sins are all "forgiven" if Jesus Christ "paid for our sins", the bad in with the good worshipping the world. Out of control except for laws.

Corruption the leading force in capitalism without a soul greed has destroyed Earth ecology. Earth changes a retribution! Nature the world reaps and sacks up, multitudes in the web of Earth's gravitational field, dreaming forever the World. Allah current sustaining all Images, the Universe Image consuming most identities young or old. Few reach Positive Gravity Charge "whole" and perfect soul ascend, fewer as they grow older.

If any un-whole soul tries to ascend in the substance and miracle of transformation from a ascension center their shell will be crushed, under weight of it holding the Earth together, ball of twine moybus strip binding, expanded 5 times in polar reversal Earth's iron core erupted running into terra firma each time Sirius comes around up close to Earth's magnetic core. This last year going northwest around Arctic Circle Earth's bubble finds crack in Earth's crust it made after Moon ran into Pacific Ocean dislodged Earth's iron-nickel magnetic bubble from center at first smaller under deeper molten lithosphere smaller Earth 5 expansions lava pushed out over ocean floors all around the world Inner Earth expanded when Planet X comes by, for one more time until the Sun is knocked out.

One place is easy access to cross over from image to weightless charge forest clearing far away found that short ritual, North Carolina to get in, I dreamed in Houston, that works there. Other places like shown here notice that their inner dialogue will come to a sudden stop, entering. Where to find perfect peace because of the Positive Charge of Gravity deposited there human senses detect. Old Jewish scripture and American Indians say don't go there, that adheres to any visiting soul until their sphere saturated with it to too much vanish move, not knowing what they are getting into. Sword of the lord tool all of a sudden rises up opportunity like Enoch took likely is gone through a sluice box by now.

Scattered around the world are many Stairways to Heaven good for Military disappear and return training grounds for fighting forces serious of certain disaster end of habitable world Earth crust slip off of North Star 9 degrees, from three 8.8 earthquakes and two 9.2 and 8.0 until a 12.0 earthquake Earth turns the rest of the way upside down suddenly, sphere inside spinning faster than Earth counter-clockwise ruptures out of crack in Arctic Ocean a Super Volcano need for stairways to Heaven parks, religion new for saving lives.

Only "a hundred and forty-four thousand people", Old Testament figure for Jews, and likewise all of the other kinds of people born after their "Adam and Eve", small number of people are in Positive Charge of Gravity all together. Most of the chosen already gone above and beyond, since last 5 polar reversals. Where congregated near the wound in the side of "the Light" of the afterlife are only several dozens of souls. I will take a closer look at the wound there with the "chosen ones" waiting for me? Maybe others will be chosen, but a great Tribulation to everyone left behind in the world die by their own choice perceive nothing else but the visible world and scripture lies about it, so their Memory Identity falls down to sleep in Hell drained of Positive Gravity Charge, dreaming eternally sacked up until 2029 U.S. Forces escape on historical and war duties?

Earth's core going to pop out of Earth beside northern Norway under Thor's glare, earthquake devastating the world wobbling and falling over in a day of vicious storms and poisonous gasses spreading across northern hemisphere. The Damned that "waite and see" all fall to bottom of Gravity Field. Mostly only children seeking "truth" are ever "translated", vanish ascend! Those left behind will not be found in JesusChrist. "Destroyed by fire" religion don't care about, damn it! That turn against the once saved always saved unless they are rich. Bloody cross story Jesus of Nazareth! Or is it really Jesus of Turin Italy. So in "Heaven" purest of white there is a wound on the Light of Apollo for the saved souls gathered there waiting for me to lead them to "God the Father"? My Panic Button pages will do just fine if they are unreadable, with the rest I don't have time to edit, taking courses with me to study chemistry vanish with another backpack on. Others and me with whole soul able to venture into the past on a American democracy mission a Band of Armored Super Heroes winter to take this page correct last.

Everyone has the Key to Eternal Life to ascend, through sword of the lord, that guides "few" to safety in a moment of need, long slender red sword with a dark line up center of it in front of the "saved" by "the sword of the lord", raised up pointing the safest way out in desperate moments. Lucky few ascend, translate in Gravity Circuit Light, can't take their double, jump in the other side natural Ninja find Key and Portal to ascend, reappear somewhere else in military actions? Secret taught in many tongs and traditions the people forgot, how to get to “the other side” wait to die. Jews with a thick heavy curtain in a Jewish Temple kept the Truth a secret, authorities. If open Portal overhead with your hands hatch, consumed by fire spontaneously. Or safely get in a shallow end like here, with everything you can return with. Warning of a gamma ray burst approaching? Waite for a new heaven and a new earth, if you can, to 2029. I will sure help the USA start out right in the past with data keep environment right I take my youth back the way I want it.

My objective, ascending to friends on a mission, U.S. military under my command military objectives to get USA right in the hands of right before Planet X comes back around eclipses sun up at sunrise.

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Videos on my way vanish return ritual course of it all with cures, duty serve in the past.


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