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Truth cannot save the damned.

This thing about secrets what brings everything to power trust it, to Sun bounce. Matter condense nuclei

in a Box 7 pinwheels to each one, counterclockwise. Have to concentrate nuclei, to get a bigger drain of

mass to it matter Universe motor thruster of spent uranium model at a earlier date redirect power source

back to 7th birthday or its 1769 publish the future spy money excuse Pentagon arm us Majority take out

alien. Racist rampage. American civilization delete dangers invading us. Coup d' violent change before I go. Military plan with Militia racists recruit, police verses integration. Separate. Pentagon racist purge, hang the courts. Default vote impossible except by suicide homemade? Delete the Left, plans. Eradicate prisoners, to make room for the witches' government. Eliminate public enemy costs and corrupt government thinking. Militia I arm, deploy in a house to house campaign destroy gangland latino public enemy mass murder, dump in meat grinder. Mexicans in salsa to cannibals overseas grills. Rid us of aliens and public enemy resent. My camera on vanish. Accumulate until can't move leap off, end of ritual, paving way to English Isle out of JesusChrist before polar reversal 2029 exterminate kingpins take out establishment repossess! Revolution out of gravity return after school flight to 1952 or else when, show past how future turned out. Hand pick immigration, discrimination I advise our homeland.

Time proportionate to your time span for certain, flight to the past, 7th birthday, future connected to the past. Maybe Yreka gold nuggets pack, entertain escort to the nearest river east to British adventures, quickest way to early western settlements to unite in 1760's America, verses Business. With map to mineral deposits build the future with guns and formulas, show Star Wars, raise money to publish these pages in a book, repeat 7 again. Democracy every worker's profit, representative of the people by their opinion majority's. Tribunal 17th century. Corporation of the people, 1309 homeland oath speedy Revolution armour. Jet power point missiles blow up headquarters, commando forces take out the rich for democracy choice Tribunals. Hang Court. Lawyerburger to pets and hogs, take establishment money and property for national prosperity, by and for the people, borders. Best way American people survive end of the world is with prosperity, environment doomed recycle everything space ship city math. Robotic mine refine moon titanium up cable ingots to space city factory automate. Jobs. Move to Moon housing compound. Robotics headquarters, American. Honeycomb Moon titanium a modular sphere assemble, platinum shielded from deadly gamma ray, to end of solar system Neptune. December 21, 2012 last 52 year calendar before destroyed. This year other side of gravity to publisher. End of stable money. Leftist ads flooding media and all smart devices.

No one believes anything unless they have seen it, will have to wait to see the Sun with a huge red star coming up to it. Out of one coil exploded Universe out of point centre. Inorganic Area 7 Image storage strings of particle crystals separated by gas, through each living Image layers focused in Black Box of images, bright light center of Eternity every seed! Mystery of all the ancestors, basic elemental "matter" expanding Universe Image. Area 7 solid Universe projector of earth's order. Gravity current mass deposits "O" a bubble, on current converging to ground. Countless spots wherever gravity clusters a resistor backs up mass from going faster than light bubble film over ground soaking in on wide black Allah Negative, currents focusing Positive Charge filling every image in Universe with mass, faster and faster, to the end. Wide black gravity currents Moslem's worship Negative Gravity Charge, projection of images stored in layers in the Black Box void center focus. Eternity Allah/Elohim made-up religion for terrorizing the world. Devil with the crown on. Gravity current only accumulating mass down to Grounds all around, at places. Currents 90 degrees redirects the spinning light of Gravity mass Charge into manifestations, that holds the World together in a gravity circuit. Where only God name that really matters is Apollo, with a Jesus wound on matter atmosphere condensing to nuclei. Apollo deposits only a transparent chocolate drop back-pressure inversion on earth at places, ascend fear un-transformed, host of memory identities. Deliberately accumulate mass, to jump out where you can't move. Two God Universe, their baby. Area 7 current projecting negative gravity projections images pop up condense mass to nuclei, pops up Universe all the galaxies from black hole plumbs Sun the stars pop out. Universe expanding everything from Matrix Atom. World pops-up out of balled up, infinite Circuit, tubular 2 Charge Universe! Gravity Field Image: Its' swear byre's all fall to their sack drained black of awareness create the World in a sack laid back in Earth's hollow dream in Earth Gravity Field Image web, rest in peace, or jump out here.

I should nationalize power spot gravity current resistor deposits of gravity charge, in the ritual to ascend unfathomable name, letters no one can pronounce adventure. Even if deed in hand no way out alive. National security do or take victory over wealth and properties for my Third U.S. Government Military racist Coup Power by Default since September 5, 1995 invented Power by Default my 1996 political solution. Others had worse problems than me in 1995 under kind of a "god" pulsing sky. Freedom in death a new member of "the gods", not yet transformed sphere, to gaze upon if only you could gaze, cross your eyes look for Jerry Garcia 13 August 1995 Memorial, head, August beach white spot of cloud, rainbow across it. Last seen Chinese New Year 2009 a 2 pieces of rainbow hanging down like 2 square eyes separated on the horizon beside each other, no doubt Jerry Garcia looking through to say "Hi" eyes! Martin beside me doubted that dropped dead in the downtown library.

Faith without religion the American people's leader by Default Vote, or Military disposition I take secret halls for all us racists, rooms to explain the secrets of the soul. Standing or setting at each of four opposite locations east west north and south holding their model of the 4 objects in the soul, aperture top center. East West and front one right back one left from center of the room. Egg soul shell shaped like Earth, what calculus suggests. From center point of the room south 14° to the right a small sphere covered with long thin crystal rays back one opens light counterclockwise, flame. The person right of center holds a one inch black sphere focus of Power. Behind center, 14° to left is held small aperture opens to flames, size of a quarter opens to counterclockwise, all needed from embryo. Assembly sphere all radiating with long thin crystals in front. While the person in the east in the pointed end of the oval, a bright flaming light only visible turned 90° to it. Soul shape bright white molecules on black background, including sunshine through the window. Void Hollow to mass spinning faster than light, hollow for Universe point centre projected Image under pressure of mass pouring down to focal point of everything it starts expanding on gravity current passing through Area 3 charge mass. Jesus double edged sword wound on the "Light", if you reach it. West end of egg shaped soul rounded end glazed black ball of power if you have a soul, positive gravity molecules in a shell shield for east to west and north to south hatch overhead aperture. Closes so only beam of bright light beams down fans out just below top centre counterclockwise white ring overhead over a human. Real alien has no enclosing shell. Able to take anyone to see their halo or not with full moon and street light, human halo aperture closes overhead fanes out counterclockwise just under top of soul forms a halo ring. Aperture open look up see it open mass flaming. Part portal aperture consumed if you do it, aperture shuddered and closed, don't do it!

To find real people, dome of a room need upon my street light location, under full moon end of a bridge I crossed under bright street light, beer run. We file everyone under it on a full Moon. Halo sure they are real people in the likeness of their Maker Layer, in the Box. God matter Gravity Charge holding image together by its weight falling to nuclei. Full Moon over street lamp 2 shadows off of you, Halo over moon shadow on the ground, because of egg shape soul with aperture. Aliens a image with no shell for aperture top of, turning blades of light to form a halo around it, clenched closed. Earth's Gravity Circuit invisible too bright to see through aperture, where anyone parts the hatch to spontaneous combustion! Look at, aperture closes to clenching fans out counterclockwise from centre beams a white circle of "halo" over left human shadow under a Full Moon. Two shadows of me cast on ground under old street lamp 2 shadows in a "V" formation from my feet, reveal a halo over Moon shadow. Closed whole egg surface shape curve of positive gravity molecules lights up halo just below their closing clenched aperture a short beam flips up and fans out counterclockwise, intersecting human egg shape of soul a halo overhead separate alien from real American, racist poll Tribunal to go by for national purpose to represent 4 winds.


Like most people I do not believe much of what I hear or read can't trust others even if not same line of nationality. So when the passage said "the pure in heart" I died rushing through heart a wind seeing "God" 1972. Area 3 spinning, time help me escape 21st century alive with some things, bunker political solution take back into the past for Revolution. Earth too messed up now for peace. No time left, get book published crime against citizens. Militia under military cover tear gas scholar authority equal rights over Americans with our enemies, so they get Social Security. Suspend Constitution, women votes against man. Organized crime politics puppet media to depression and rap destroy. Coup d' 'et at, so only White male citizens decide how science and everything goes. While racist militia combing streets in police purge. Opinion polls lead how research and progress is made for a God Motor dictatorship. Take out secrecy torture secrets out, kept secret from the citizens, to have a cost of living revolution take valuable patents stored away in secrecy to prevent utopia! Now or in the past turn out majority destroy establishment. College weed out illegal and not white American, to vote.

Over the course of the years of my life thieves have pilfered or stolen my belongings stole all my writings three times since in 1973. Nothing safe where someone each time would encounter me boasting, most often in groups, telling me they had stolen all of my things and would not return them, keep all the rights. But here again my old writing subjects and essential facts including origin of catacombs at Rome and Tripoli. Three Great Pyramids Celtic's built before Egyptians invaded Egypt, removed Great Pyramid great diamond in a setting on top, 5th polar reversal settlers. Earth's South Magnetic Pole in 1900 far off of South end of Earth's axis, end of last of 5 polar reversals expanded Earth, sprouted fountains of the deep, releasing its inner ocean internal steam pressure, super volcano's. Celtics climbed out of Fountains of the Deep at Rome and Tripoli, built a pyramid over them and one in Egypt, forming a triangle. Mounted a huge round diamond on three pyramids, so when Sun came up in the east it lit up 3 diamond spheres or stormy to reflect to any others weather forecasting. The Great Pyramid mixed fuel down shafts in them a large long chamber inside angled up to fuel wooden cranes that built them. Shaft to focus rooms behind 3 doors hides a cluster of positive to negative gravity. Earth circuit wormhole center moybus band of gravity binding Earth, twined together, a transparent element band about. Squirt "fountains of the deep" Inner Earth Celtic people immigrated all about the Mediterranean, Europe. U.S. Southwest natives washed out of bottomless pit steam pressure Mediterranean fountains of the deep. Celtics climb out left pyramid columns for Vatican City plug up staircases to the stars, Tripoli and Rome. Vatican City took Pyramid out of fountain of the deep, to argument bottom, in 1975 Earth magnetic core twisted off Rome Tripoli.

Information on movement of the magnetic poles was charted every five years since 1900 to 2005, until stopped being reported on January 1, 2006. Earth's core increasing its spin faster every five years ran out of Earth to rise in, spins west now around to its crack in the Arctic North Sea, to explode when Jesus said. Bounce Sun on Portugal. Since it was a natural miracle. Magnetic pole movement inside Earth under Arctic spinning west around 85° latitude to where core hit. Steam-filled Earth magnetic core blows-up Arctic Ocean hit by a red dwarf star. Super Volcano out of fault line impression core made, because Moon ran into Pacific Ocean. Military Coup we American citizens survive outcome kill illegal alien graffiti the bad, tattoo, laying low peaceful, waiting to pounce on Debt Default. I am the American people's machine gun for peace! God left to pick out Heaven from Hell bound. Heaven or Hell in the dream world, their eternity in a sack, or reciprocal alternative. Crowded this side, of gravity images.

These pages are better made to publish in the past, 28 year job finally right for the trip. Axis of Moon sized iron core of the Earth spinning northwest to blow-up in Earth's top, reached 85° latitude spinning away northwest from Antarctica up to Earth flat top, from Rome. Lucky equator did not sideswipe Earth at Yellowstone National Park in 2012, core missed it while going up and away, while slipping west going to blow-up out of crack in Arctic Circle east off Greenland. But 2 Nostradamus predicted asteroids blew up over Russia and Florida 2 months late for December 21, 2012 Europe destroyed, prediction. Winter ascend 35 years after 1988 April, mistake make. Leave dollar inflate so fast motel over $200 a night or more world might as well crumble out of super volcano. Earth Inner Ocean steam pressure core could come out Earth's top collapse Earth spinning in a opposite direction throw Earth upside down top-heavy fused together 2 spinning bodies. While the pure in heart get out alive vanish gravity charge in earth convergence sphere leave Earth flip over expand collapse. Flood in the recoil ending Earth polar reversal! Lucky left behind vanish, Earth positive gravity Ort sphere rapture. Even Pluto sky blue atmosphere looking back gravity charge expanding solar system objects with mass weightless without image I jumped back down to Earth do it again, dive in.


Kill Islamic mass shooting in Norway if we kill Arabs we have to kill them all to

ship pork in a can world peace. Depopulation of enemy scrap prison bars leftists.

Military could take my position on crime criminals survive future exterminate it!


Religion a serious comedy, leaving Sun bounced at Earth land on or bake planet.

Had to read the whole Bible took a year reading Bible scholar books on the Bible searching for what Jesus was calling the TRUTH. Until one day at lunch break at my drafting table something said "if there is any truth in the Bible you will find it in the Sermon on the Mount." After work rushed home opened to it, read as far as "the pure in heart". Sharp wind pain blowing through my heart, see God 1972. The pain went away. Curious I did not need to breath, looked around. First blocking the Light a crowd of static looking egg shaped beings, all about in front of me. Looked to the right end of them where one leaped out of the pack came up to me in such a way I knew it was my 15 year old girlfriend. While trying to look through her and crowd, they suddenly parted so I saw behind them in the distance what looked like 2 boobs sideways ( I laughed) was a two edged sword wound on extent Earth's light of "God" the second time I saw that, a medium. Various other occasions rapture again, a mountain then some hills, found it repeats. Citizenship leadership here since 1995, waiting do something no one else ever did ritual again payday to Rapture number 5. Bible beats around the bush in so many creative ways. Christians do not believe a word I say going to Hell in Earth's gravitational field in Earth's hollow, anyway. Business government distractions, led by false pretense. I found 2 other religions to see their God. Buddha Eternity two stroke engine Universe piston expanding in the hollow of charge bundle to fanged end. Mass expanding Universe to Itself, discharges back to point Centre. Coiled up pops-up same whole process expanding again, secret society and government insiders to grave flocks all to cemeteries or bunkers.

For me this big experiment to see if proverbial lightening strike twice, go about vanishing with my stuff on same kind of place elsewhere, using the same route. Unless I have to go back to hills where ritual takes all day long, to where you can't move, and have to jump off.


DICTATORSHIP for the majority, some with pills to kill non-reproducing cells so body takes over re-grow young enough in 2029 to have a ship escape end of the world US we just racist white majority call, organize local militia, Military take over business impossible to reason with enemy employ alien and colored, deport or round them up to destroy when we the majority have better weapons, profit from throwing off foreign and alien immigration, invasion, earn a living.

Swollen red dwarf dwarfing star hit Sun 2029 under its glare. A few places vanish, if it don't work next one the gun, watch Sun bounce. Pilgrimages of eligible to former Gardens of Eden, scuba dive to 2 of them, or blow up the whole planet because we hate each other, can't wait for Debt Default set off WWIII, to see if we can take out the rest of the world. To be occupied with.

Pentagon U.S. Armed Forces has my leadership plans, can find someone else to fulfill them. While my health is good time I get away too late to get published a book, predators will have this when hosting runs out. U.S. social workers excel, but government is rotten to the core America flooded with aliens. Military Coup support our white majority shoot run out take out immigration feed to hog tattoo.

The ROCK 'N' ROLL of my time was great. I will have to make a play list, for accomplishing something at a earlier date compatible crowds to save our race. While the whole planet is doomed, dumb wars like in Ukraine. Science cannot figure out universe like I describe from outside, have theories all proven false.

US Military if it can't be me in power better use its to take over the world now! I could enforce Tribunal, if white America needs leadership. I have a escape route. But I have to fight the weather, where everyone is an enemy. So when they come to your door for food and water open fire, we just have to cover for everyone our color that agrees destroying everyone else the white American majority takes all! Shopping Mall



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